Timer member

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

.NET Framework class library

Timer member

Timer Overview

Public constructor

The Timer constructor is supported by the .NET Framework. Overloaded. Initialize a new example of the Timer class.

Public property

Container Gets icontainer, which contains Component. Enabled is supported by .NET Framework. Get or set whether the timer is running. INTERVAL is supported by .NET Framework. Gets or sets the time (in milliseconds) between the timer start timing. Site (inherited from Component) Gets or sets component ISITE.

Public approach

CreateObjref (inherited from MarshalByrefObject) Creates an object that contains all relevant information required to generate a proxy for communicating with the remote object. Dispose (from Component Inherited) is supported by .NET Framework. Overloaded. Release the resources occupied by Component. Equals (inherited from Object) is supported by .NET Framework. Overloaded. Determine if the two Object instances are equal. GetHashcode (inherited from Object) is supported by .NET Framework. Used as a specific type of hash function, suitable for use in a hash algorithm and data structure (such as a hash table). GetlifetimeService retrieves the current survival of the current survival server that controls the living period of this instance. Gettype (inherited from Object) is supported by .NET Framework. Get the current instance of TYPE. InitializelifetimeService Gets the living-up service object that controls the living period of this instance. START starts the timer. STOP stop timer. Tostring is supported by the .NET Framework. Override. See Object.toString.

Public event

DISPOSED (inherited from Component) Add event handler to listen to the Disposed event on the component. Tick ​​occurs when the specified timer interval has passed and the timer is in an enabled state.

Protected properties

DesignMode (inherited from Component) Gets a value to indicate whether the Component is currently in design mode. Events Inherited from Component Gets a list of event handlers attached to this Component.

Protected method

Dispose is supported by the .NET Framework. Overloaded. Override. See Component.dispose. Finalize (inherited from Component) is supported by .NET Framework. Override. Release the non-hosting resources and perform other cleanup operations before recycling by garbage collection. In C # and C , the terminator is used to represent the termination program. GetService returns an object that represents the services provided by Component or its Container. MEMBERWISECLONE (inherited from Object) is supported by .NET Framework. Create a shallow copy of the current Object. ONTICK triggers Tick event.


Timer class | system.windows.Forms namespace


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