Microsoft Windows XP Embedded FAQ

zhaozj2021-02-11  257

Microsoft Windows XP Embedded Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Corporation

August 2001

Summary: This article answered questions that were often encountered in Microsoft Windows XP Embedded.

What new content in Microsoft® Windows® XP Embedded is not available in Windows NT® Embedded 4.0?

Windows XP Embedded contains all progress happened on the Windows platform, from Windows NT Embedded 4.0. This includes all Windows 2000 technology and the latest Windows XP technology.

What are the tools in Windows XP Embedded in Windows NT Embedded 4.0?

Windows XP Embedded Development Tools, through Target Designer Tool Access, has been completely redesigned on the basis of consumer feedback, availability testing, and technology progress, providing a complete set of end-to-end development solutions. For Windows XP Embedded, the database engine has changed from Jet to Microsoft® SQL ServerTM. Some additional tools are also available in Windows XP Embedded. Component Database Manager provides additional and improved functional functions for database management. Object Analyzer (Target Analyzer) Simplifies the process of defining hardware on your target device.

Overall introduction to Windows XP Embedded Tools, see MSDN Windows Embedded.

What types of processors are supported by Windows XP Embedded?

Windows XP Embedded supports all X86-based Intel processors, including Intel X86 and Pentium, AMD K5 / K6, Cyrix 5x86, and 6x86 CPUS.

Can I convert a Windows NT EMBEDDED 4.0 Configurations to Windows XP Embedded Configurations?

No, you can't convert a full Windows NT Embedded 4.0 Configuration to Windows XP Configuration.

Can I be created in Windows NT Embedded 4.0? KDF files into the .SLD file in Windows XP Embedded?

Yes, it's OK.

Is it easier to create a component in Windows XP Embedded?

Yes, Windows XP Embedded supports the Econvert tool, which can convert files and registry keys from .KDF format to .SLD format.

How do I port a Windows NT Embedded 4.0 written to Windows XP Embedded?

Port A application level may require a simple copy of the executable (.exe) file and its description file. In a more complex level, you may need to rewrite some source code using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® tool, providing different core operating system versions, such as the registry key value, and settings. You will need to use Windows Embedded Component Designer to define applications in .sld files, you can enter it into the component database (Component Database).

Does Windows XP Embedded and Windows XP have maintained a full compatibility? Yes, Windows XP Embedded contains the same binaries as Windows XP. (Translator: Microsoft's commitment is not reliable)

WINDOWS XP Embedded and Windows XP have the same features?

Yes, Windows XP Embedded is a fully constituted version of Windows XP Professional. Windows XP Embedded allows you to use the Windows XP feature you choose, through your Reduced-Footprint embedded design. In addition, Windows XP Embedded supports embedded features that make full expansion of execution devices.

Whether Windows XP Embedded is a real-time operating system?

Windows XP Embedded can meet the vast majority of functional requirements. However, you need your Windows XP Embedded OS to have more powerful real-time support, you can use a third-party real-time extension.

Will Windows NT Embedded 4.0 continue to be supported?

Yes, Windows NT Embedded 4.0 will continue to be supported.

Can I use Windows XP Embedded to build a server device or application?

Windows XP Embedded is specified as only the client device can be built. Microsoft will publish server versions in 2002, which will be able to build embedded server applications and devices.

Will Windows XP Embedded licensing and price?

See Microsoft Web Site for licensing and price.

How do I develop applications or drivers based on a Windows XP Embedded platform?

You can use and develop the same application development environment in the desktop application. You can develop your app on Windows NT 4.0 system, don't have to develop applications in your embedded system. Microsoft Visual Studio provides a comprehensive development environment for developing Windows XP Embedded applications and drivers. Accessing MSDN will get the documentation that develops applications and drivers based on Windows NT 4.0 platforms.

How do I add a component to my target operating system?

With Microsoft Component Designer, you can define a component of a component that can be understood by other Windows XP development tools. Component information is called by a component object definition, the extension is .SLD.

Components define their own features and their own creation scripts. In a component object definition, component functions are expressed as resources, attributes, and definition components how to create scripts using resources. You define the dependence and conflict of each component. You can also manage component groups, assign components into a group, and manage this group.

With Component Designer, you save the component object definition in a carrier file, it is a .SLD extension XML file. You can enter the component object definition into the component database.

Why is the definition of component objects?

Component object definitions allow you to add any applications, drivers, or service to the component database on your platform. With Windows Embedded Development Tools, you can add applications, drivers, or services to your runtime mirror.

Component object definitions also ensure that the resources and dependence of one component are appropriately selected. For example, suppose you define two custom applications and enter them to the component database. You create a standard structure that is not included in both. Then, you add an application to the structure, not only the function of adding the application, and the development tool also pays attention to the creation of the dependency and the application of the application. This ensures that your configuration is successfully created by all components.


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