Tablet PC Platform SDK FAQ

zhaozj2021-02-11  235

Tablet PC Platform SDK. FAQ

Q: Do I need a tablet PC to develop Tablet PC applications?

A: No, Tablet PC Platform SDK includes the extensions and features needed to develop Tablet PC procedures on a desktop or laptop. You can use the mouse or external tablet to complete the pen or handwritten input.

Tablet PC Platform SDK can be installed on Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, but some features will not be used in your application. On these platforms, your program can use the InkCollector and InkoverLay objects to Collect Ink and can be tested and deactivated. However, identification cannot be used. Similarly, the INKEDIT and INKPicture control can only be collected in the operating system installed on the Tablet PC Platform SDK; when the program is released to the machine where the SDK is installed, they cannot collect INK.

Q: What is the difference between Windows XP PROFESSIONAL and Windows XP Tablet PC?

A: Tablet PCS Run Windows XP Tablet PC version operating system, there is Windows XP Professional on the Tablet PC all features and partial additional features. These Tablet-Specific features are users to run Windows and Windows programs with pen, comment files, using Digital INK to create a handwritten document. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition adds the following features on the basis of Windows XP Professional: Tablet PC Platform and Ink Control, Handwritten Identification Technology, Tablet PC Enter Panel, Windows Journal, Microsoft Sticky Notes, and Microsoft Inkball. Because the early versions of the Windows operating system do not support ink, you can use the Tablet PC ink control to view the ink pen.

Q: How do I modify the application to run on the Tablet PC?

A: You can run on the Tablet PC without modifying Windows programs running on a Windows XP desktop or laptop.

Q: I think I don't need any modifications to my program, but use pen and speech to control it is difficult. How do I optimize my programs for Tablet PC?

A: You can use the platform API and ink controls for the Tablet PC Platform SDK to create a user interface that is more suitable for the pen and handwritten input. You can use API and control to operate ink and handwritten identification data. You can use Microsoft Speech SDK to enhance voice user interface.

Q: Which languages ​​are supported by Tablet PC Platform SDK?

A: Tablet PC Platform SDK supports Automation Automation (Microsoft Visual C and Microsoft Visual Basic 6) and Managed Libraries (Visual Studio .NET Language Suite).

Q: Can I get sample code to verify the performance of the Tablet PC platform?

A: Yes, the sample code and selection of COM are included in the Tablet PC Platform SDK. Click the Start button, point to "Programs", point to "Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK", then click Samples and Source Code. Q: What is the basic level of the Tablet PC hardware I need to develop?

A: In general, you should design a system of Windows XP-Compliant, Legacy-Free, more about Tablet PC hardware, see Windows XP Tablet PC Edition System Requirements.

Q: What is the user interface guideline of the Tablet PC application?

A: The drop-down melon side is described in the Planning Your Tablet PC Application section of the Tablet PC Platform SDK document.

Q: Does the system-level handwriting GESTURES for common buttons? Can I create custom Gestures when a program runs or gets a focus?

A: Yes, we include a set of GESTURES sets for mouse events. In addition, you can create Gestures for your program. For more information about Gestures, please see Making Windows Work With a Pen.

Q: How do I determine the program running on the Tablet PC?

A: Use the Windows GetSystemMetrics API and deliver the SM_TABLETPC as the value of the index. SM_TABLETPC is defined in the Winuser.h file. The value of the SM_TABLETPC is 86. If the Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition operating system is running, this method will return true or non-zero value, otherwise false or zero will be returned.

Non-zero value

Applications should not depend on a TRUE or non-zero, which means that all Tablet PC components are installed and operated. The following problem will explain how to measure whether the Tablet PC component is installed.

Q: How do I determine if the Tablet API component is available?

Some parts of the Tablet PC Platform API may be installed on a non-Tablet version of Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 operating systems.

Determine if an API component is installed correctly is to try an instance of an object or control and check it before trying to use it.

For example, test if the InkCollector object is available, try using CocreateInstance to create it.

IinkCollector * PiinkCollector = NULL;




(void **) & piinkcollector;

En (ac))


/ * Inkcollector is usable. * /



/ * Inkcollector unavailable. * /



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