Create a Chinese environment for Pocket PC 2002 Emulator

zhaozj2021-02-11  209

After Microsoft released Pocket PC 2002, the development environment used by everyone is EVC or EVB, plus Pocket PC 2002 SDK. The SDK comes with an English version of the simulator, if we need Chinese simulator, you need to download a installation package called Pocket PC 2002 Emulator Images. The download address is as follows: URL = / DownloadS / Sample.asp? URL = / MSDN-Files / 027/001/908 / MSDNCompositeoc.xml

We can choose the Simplified Chinese download.

Below I will write down the Pocket PC 2002 Chinese Simulator. After downloading files, the folder after downloading the folder is put into a suitable location, such as x: / windows celection / wce300 / pocket pc 2002 / emulation here is where the English version of the bin file is stored. Then we need to modify the registry, the readme file is to create a REG file, I tried no success, and the sorry opened our regedit. Press [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows CE Tools / Platform Manager / {F384D888-F9AA-11D1-BB9E-00A0C9C9CCEE} / {DE9660AC-85D3-4C63-A6AF-46A3B3B83737} / {F384D894-F9AA-11D1-BB9E-00A0C9C9CCEE} / {67C8D913-F0CF-486A-8CF0-CE7D116225E8}] The path finds the path to the key, then change it to "D: / Windows celys / wce300 / pocket pc 2002 / emulation / chsimp-no radio / chsnoril.bin" OK is OK. In fact, you directly copy Chinese's bin file to the English directory, then change it to the name of English bin.

Then run the EVC, turn on the simulator, why is it wrong? Ah, you know this, well, I don't want you. It is because there is no / windows / start menu in the Chinese version. In the Project-Setting dialog box in the EVC, the download directory in Debug is changed to the / windows / "Start" menu, the quotation marks must be full, it is true. Cow is dead. As for other languages, how do you say it in Readme?

Can you? Why still show people in Chinese, change the language in your resources into Simplified Chinese, this OK? If you can't do it, you will do it yourself. Anyway, I have no problem here.

Thanks for the colleagues Tiger Li and I debug together.




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