Mave Project Management Practical Exercise
Author: Li Junjie
The Mave project is an open source company Apache, which is a tool for project management. It is developed for the shortcomings of Ant projects. In addition to the characteristics of Ant's build projects, there are also project senior management tools, project managers can Easily understand the various situations of the project.
The following combined with the understanding and practice of Maven, the summary is as follows:
u Maven download and installation
u Maven configuration and management
u Maven project inheritance
U Maven and VSS integration
u maven custom javadoc
u Commonly used command Goal
u Maven considerations
Maven download and installation
1) Download Maven, download the latest version of Maven in httart/download.html address (click on Windows.exe, my operating system is Windows), you download the address http://, I use HTTP Download (click Exe) Download to your location. (I saw a lot of users on the Internet to download Maven failed, so described in detail)
2) Install Maven, if you don't have J2SDK installed on your machine, install J2SDK, then set Java-Home (Windows: My Computer (Right-click) -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variable -> User Variable -> New (New) Such as: Java-Home C: /J2SDK1.4.2_01))), then you can run the maven-1.0.2.exe smooth installation.
3) Set Maven-Home, similar to setting Java-Home, setting such as Maven-Home D: /maven1.02 according to Maven installation path ($ {Maven-home})
4) Open $ {maven-home} /lib/maven.jar with decompression tools (such as WinRAR), find and drag org / apache / maven / messages /, if Message_zh_CN The code of the .properties file is not the US Information Interchange Standard Code (ASCII), using the Nativie2ASCII command in Java to convert Message_ZH_CN.Properties to US Information Interchange Standard Coding (ASCII). And the converted file name is also named, then dragged into the maven.jar ORG / APACHE / MAVEN / Messages / Maven / Messages to overwrite the original file. Conversion step: Open the DOS interface, enter D: / BEA / JDK141_03 / bin> native2ascii, then rename, rename
5) Start -> Run -> cmd-> Enter the DOS interface, then enter the Maven Enter, if the following case, the installation is successful. Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
(C) All rights reserved 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.
C: / documents and settings / lijj> maven
- __ __
- | // | __ _Apache_____
- | | | // | / _` / v / -_) '/ ~ Intelligent Projects ~
- | _ | | _ / __, _ | / _ // ___ | _ || _ | v. 1.0.2
- Build Successful
- Total Time: 1 seconds
- Finished At: THU Mar 03 16:55:06 CST 2005
Maven related configuration and management
Maven's main components include project object model (Repository), repository, and goals, and now illustrates each component based on actual examples. The project object model is generally managing projects with Project.xml, while Repositro is primarily providing the JAR files needed by the project, including different versions, Goals mainly includes Maven.xml and related plugins (Plugs).
Also include attribute files such as, .. The priority of the property file is $ {user.home} /, $ {basedir} /, $ {basedir} /, (where $ {user.home} represents the user directory, C: / Documents and settings / lijj, $ {basedir} Represents project, such as d: / maventest) priority the highest priority, the latter is the lowest. That is, the latter defines a property, the former also defines the attribute of the same name, the previous person is accurate. Since Maven has inherited concepts in project management, it is not suitable for files. So we generally don't need in project management, just use the file to define the properties required for the project.
Create a project
As we usually create a project, create a working directory (d: / maventest) and put the relevant project files (such as JSP, Java, Properties, IMG, JS, XML, etc.) COPY to this directory
Create the library required by the project (ie .jar file)
Because Maven advocacy is to implement project management through the network, we use CVS to control the version, now more is more using VSS (Source Safe) to control the version. Maven's repository reflects the idea of centralized management resources, and the network unified management based on the JAR resource files you want to use, and we now tend to use the local resource file.
1) First define in the project's properties file
## Local resource location
Maven.repo.local = d: / maven 1.0.2 / repository
## Whether to use remote repository
Maven.repo.remote.Enabled = false2) Secondly, create the project in a local repository to use lib, such as d: / maven 1.0.2 / repository / bjcy / jars, then use the JAR file Copy used to use to this Directory (D: / Maven 1.0.2 / repository / bjcy / jars) Under WebLogic.jar, AppModules.jar, OpenData.jar, etc., use decompression tools (such as WinRAR) to open these JAR files, find meta-inflicity The next file, if you do not find a version instructions, modify the file name (such as jarname.jar-> jarname-.jar, add a horizontal line after the file name), if you find the file, open Seeing Manifest-Version: 1.0, the version number of the JAR file is 1.0, modify the file name (such as jarname.jar-> jarname-1.0.jar)
3) Finally, the resource to depend on the project is written in the Project.xml file.
. . . . . . . . .
This document indicates that the version of the WebLogic.jar file is 1.0, and the appmodules.jar file has no version instructions, and all JARs to depend on are under BJCy / Jars.
Project.xml file description
Project.xml is the core file of Maven project management, mainly indicating the necessary content of the project.
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "GB2312"?>
1.1, 1.2, 2.0-snapshot ->
The Connection Element Has The Form:
provject> file description
## Local resource location
Maven.repo.local = d: / maven 1.0.2 / repository
## Whether to use remote repository
Maven.repo.remote.enabled = false
## The XML declaration head that should be included in the document = XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "GB2312"?>
## 代 代 代 代 代 代 编 号 i -8859-1 = GB2312 = left
## Maven.xdoc.version = $ {pom.currentversion}
# maventest.dir = d: / maventest
## HTML Format Report Output Directory $ {baseDir} is the directory where the Maven.xml file is located = $ {basedir} / docs
## xdocs documentation Output Directory after HTML = $ {basedir} / DOCS / XMLDOCS = $ {basedir} / wevelop / prjbjcyeap / classes
Maven.plugin.dir = $ {maven.home} / plugins
## Test Environment IP =
## Test Environment Foreign Network Deployment Directory
Test.ww.deploy.dir = e $ / maventest / wevelop / prjbjcyeap / wwdomain / applications / bjcyww
## Test environment intranet deployment directory
Test.nw.deploy.dir = e $ / maventest / wevelop / prjbjcyeap / nwdomain / applications / bjcynw
## 本 外 网 环境 环境 部 部 目
Local.ww.deploy.dir = $ {basedir} / wevelop / prjbjcyeap / wwdomain / applications / bjcyww
## 本 外 网 环境 环境 部 部 目
Local.nw.Deploy.dir = $ {basedir} / wevelop / prjbjcyeap / nwdomain / applications / bjcynw
Deploy.attr = LOCAL
Maven.xml file description
XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "GB2312"?>
XMLns: maven = "jelly: maven" XMLns: j = "jelly: core" xmlns: util = "jelly: util"> goal>
Remote deployment -> goal>
Local deployment -> goal> copy> copy> copy> copy> j: if> j: choose> goal> goal> goal> goal>
Combine preparation deployment for compiled projects -> goal> goal>
This machine deploys the intranet -> copy> goal>
This unit deployed external network -> goal>
Todir at the time of remote deployment should first start with "//", do not write to Project.Properties, then reference, it will be wrong. And first log in to the remote machine before remote deployment. ->
Remote deployment -> copy> goal>
Remote deployment intranet -> copy> goal> provject> Maven project inheritance Maven project inheritance is similar to the mechanism of object inheritance to perform project management, where the Project.xml file, the maven.xml file, and the file can inherit, the command goal, attribute, etc. in the above file in the parent project. You can override in the child, if you do not overwrite, call the relevant command or properties of the parent project. 1) Project.xml in the subproject It is indicated that the project is inherited from the D: / Maventest project, which can be a relative directory, a directory where the sub-project's Project.xml file is located. 2) Maven.xml in subproject There are two ways to inherit the GOAL in the parent project, one is to cover the Goal in the parent project, and the other is to expand the GOAL of the parent, such as
Pregoal said goal to be executed in front of Goal in the parent project Postgoal said goal to be executed behind the same name Goal in the parent project -> pregoal> postgoal> goal> goal> Maven and VSS integration The main idea of Maven Project Management is network centralized management, so Maven is mainly controlled by CVS, and we now use VSS (Source Safe) to make version management. In order to be able to control the version in project management, provide an integrated approach, add the following Goal to Maven.xml:
The meaning of the main parameters: LocalPath: Get down code storage location Recursive = "true": Get all files in a directory (including files below all subdirectory) Login: SourceSafe username, password VSSPATH: Directory to get files on SourceSafe SSDIR: Running Directory in SourceSafe's installation directory (Right-click SourceSafe start icon -> Properties -> Shortcut -> Target) ServerPath: SourceSafe Writable = false: GET files are read-only AutoResponse = "N": If you have a writable file, you have a rename on the SourceSafe, it is not overwritten. -> LocalPath = "E: / TEST / SRC" Recursive = "true" login = "lijunjie, lijj" vsspath = "/ xx approval / App / src" SSDIR = "E: / Software / VSS / WIN32 /" ServerPath = "//" Writable = "false" AutoResponse = "n" Quiet = "True" /> Recursive = "true" login = "lijunjie, lijj" vsspath = "/ × × Approval / App / NWDOMAIN" SSDIR = "E: / Software / VSS / WIN32 /" ServerPath = "//" Writable = "false" AutoResponse = "n" Quiet = "True" /> Recursive = "true" login = "lijunjie, lijj" vsspath = "/ × × approval / App / wwdomain" SSDIR = "E: / Software / VSS / WIN32 /" ServerPath = "//" Writable = "false" AutoResponse = "n" Quiet = "True" /> goal> Maven Custom Javadoc Maven itself has Javadoc Goal, but its source files, the directory generated by the Javadoc file must be the default, to flexibly customize Javadoc, especially in maven.xml, Goal: Produced Javadoc ->
Main parameters description: PackageNames: To produce Javadoc's package name SourcePath: The location of the source file is relative to the relative directory of the Project.xml file Destdir: Generate a directory of the Javadoc file, absolute directory -> Private = "YES" defaultexcludes = "YES" destdir = "$ {basedir} / javadoc"> javadoc> goal> Commonly used commands Goal Java: Compile: Compiles all Java source code. JAR: Create a JAR file that has been compiled source code Site: generate: Generate the corresponding site file MAVEN considerations This document only describes the Maven project management based on a certain item now, and readers will change the corresponding parameters based on different items. 1) In the deployment goal (Maven Project: Deploy) in the parent project, first get the value of the deploy.attr property from the Project.Properties file, determine the remote deployment or local deployment according to the attribute value. Thereby performing the corresponding Goal 2) When you are remotely deployed, you should first log in to the destination machine to be deployed, otherwise an error has an error username and password error. 3) Pay attention to Project.xml, Maven.xml, under the same directory. 4) Maven operation Now uses the command line, enter the directory where the project is located, the directory where the Project.xml file is located, such as: D: / SONMAVENTEST>, then enter Maven, then enter the goal to execute, such as: D: / SONMAVENTEST> Maven Project: Deploy Contact the author: Email: