The Project Management Body Of Knowledge
Chapter 1 Introduction
Practitioner practitioner
AS WITHER PORFESSIONS Such As Low, Medchine, And Accounting, The Body of Knowledge Resting, The Body of Knowledge Resting
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Project Customers and Other Project Stakeholders. Gamble
Consultans and Other Specialists in Project Management and Related Fileds. Consultant
1.2 What is a project
Projects Are Off An Organization's Strategic Plan. Strategy Strategy Policy
A Project Is A Temporary Endeavor Undertaken To Create a Unique Product Or Service.
Every Project Has A Definite Beginning and a Definite End.
1.2.1 Temporary
Temporary Does Not Necessarily Mean Short In Duration.
Projects May Offense, Economic and Environment Impacts That Far Outlast The Projects Themselves. The project is likely to have more influence on society, economy or environment than their own duration.
The project team, as a team, seldom outlives the project, most project are performed by a team that are created for the sole purpose of performing the project, and the team is disbanded when the project is complete. Disbanded
1.2.2 Unique Product, Service Or Result
The presence of repetitive elements does not change the fundamental uniqueness of the project work For example:.. A project to bring a new drug to market may require thousands of doses of the drug to support clinical trials Clinical Trials
1.2.3 Progressive Elaboration
Progressively means "proceeding in steps; continuing in steadily increments."