User: 404082727 (walking as the end of the day)
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= Message group: C () ============================================ ====== Message Type: Chat Record ======================================= ===========
-------------------------------------------------- Message object: (ricky) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ 2005-03-04 13:09:14 Walking up to the end of the way?
2005-03-04 13:11:11 ricky
2005-03-04 13:11:31 How do you get this file?
2005-03-04 13:12:24 Ricky What environment are you? BC? TC?
2005-03-04 13:12:04 Walking the End of the World TC
2005-03-04 13:13:00 Ricky must be, copy your file, together with this * .bgi together
2005-03-04 13:13:13 Take the time to change the experience today
2005-03-04 13:13:36 Walking up the end of the earth, I deleted the document!
2005-03-04 13:15:40 Ricky is best not to use TC to make graphics, backward technology.
2005-03-04 13:15:13 Don't you do anything else?
2005-03-04 13:15:26 Walking your way
2005-03-04 13:15:56 ricky is gone, you can take a closer look at the instructions for TC
2005-03-04 13:16:07 Ricky What kind of graph do you want to do?
2005-03-04 13:15:45 That is in English
2005-03-04 13:16:51 ricky huh, it is not too complex
2005-03-04 13:16:36 Walking up the end of the way, don't want to make a graphic, just want to see the C's library graphic implementation
2005-03-04 13:17:55 Ricky then you look only of the graphics library given by Borland, and C itself does not provide language-level graphics implementation.
2005-03-04 13:17:59 Rickyc is the same
2005-03-04 13:17:56 Walking the network of the end of the world?
2005-03-04 13:19:02 Ricky You use TC and with MS C or other C compiler, there may be your own graphics library, or there may be ... More people are not 16 era, so saying technology 2005-03-04 13:19:05 ricky
2005-03-04 13:18:37 Walking up the end of the way I will know the basic language
2005-03-04 13:19:50 Walking the graph of the ASM of the end of the earth
2005-03-04 13:21:16 Rickyjava, the graphics driver is provided by each company, no standard
2005-03-04 13:20:49 Walking up the end of the way is also 16
2005-03-04 13:21:59 Ricky's compilation environment of different manufacturers is different
2005-03-04 13:21:33 Walking up the end of the day, is there a graphic standard?
2005-03-04 13:22:43 Rickyjava offers several Gui libraries: AWT, SWING, etc.
2005-03-04 13:23:06 Walking up the end of the world,
2005-03-04 13:23:39 Ricky is also because different manufacturers provide VMs on their hardware platform, so in the language level, it seems like there is a standard graphics library.
2005-03-04 13:23:42 Ricky is also the same
2005-03-04 13:27:14 Which compilation environment is taken with the End of the Easy Road ASM?
2005-03-04 13:28:43 Ricky I have used MASM, this question Don't ask me, most of my time I have problems in other development environments, generate compilation
2005-03-04 13:36:25 Walking the C of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the World, and then the design technology is good (like the flip-shaped programming template ..) or directly enter the visual design environment practice frame program design.
2005-03-04 13:38:56 RickyGP and Template are also part of C
2005-03-04 13:40:03 Walking up the end of the way, watching sometimes tall, watching C Template
2005-03-04 13:41:07 Walking the end of the way can only write some console code
2005-03-04 13:41:16 Walking up the end of the way
2005-03-04 13:43:14 Walking up the end of the way, just started to see Delphi, I feel that I don't have a sense of accomplishment. .
2005-03-04 13:44:23 RickyDelphi is a RAD tool that needs to be able to quickly build quickly
2005-03-04 13:45:14 Walking up the end of the earth,
2005-03-04 13:47:17 Ricky, but C / C is a very comprehensive language, far from Delphi will
2005-03-04 13:49:46 Walking up the end of the way, I think this semester is written in the VC. I'm looking at the eyes C Template can be seen. Some people have confirmed
2005-03-04 13:50:51 Walking up to the end of the day, there is still a year to graduate, there is no way to write code experience
2005-03-04 13:51:40 ricky can try, but it is necessary to constantly learn
2005-03-04 13:52:52 Take the end of the world is to say that I try to write the frame code back to see the language part?
2005-03-04 13:53:47 Ricky continues to learn while
2005-03-04 13:54:08 Walking with the End of the End of the End of the End. .
2005-03-04 13:58:02 Walking the End of the World Thank you today [:)],
2005-03-04 13:59:08 RickyGood Luck
2005-03-04 13:59:58 Walking the End of the World [Coffee]