For: bug trace
WEE CAN CAN CAN 0, WE, WE, WE, WE, THE NEED Access Production ENV.
Copy The Following String Into Your Tnsname.ora Which is located in your Oracle Client Directory.
# For chemization array
Innoprodary = (deScription = # (address = (protocol = tcp) (host = #) #) (Connect_Data = (SID = PT0A11)))
# For production Cell
Innoprodcel = (deScription = (protocol = tcp) (host = (conne = 1521)) (connection_data = (service_name = pcel1))))))
# For chemotation cf
Innoprodcf = (deScription = (address = (protocol = tcp) (host = 1521)))))))))))))))
Login Production DB
Array Line: UserName / PWD: Aryuser / Aryuser
Cell Line: UserName / PWD: CELUSER / CELUSER
Cf line: UserName / PWD: CFTUSER / CFTUSER
.Execute SQL in Production DB
After login the db, you can execute sql to hunt the information you are interested.
Array Line: Add prefix, Ary0, Before The Table Name in your SQL.
Cell Line: Needn't Add Any Prefix Before The Table Name in You SQL. Might by a mistaken setting by dba :).
Cf line: add prefix, cft, before the table name in your sql.2. Access Production Servers
Array Line: Hostname: user / pwd: arymes / 123456cell line: hostname: user / pwd: celmes / 123456cf line: hostname: user / pwd: cftmes / 123456