[Transfer] Performance Test Tools LuoAdrunner

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

With professional performance test tools, the information and data needed to test can be obtained. Find the software performance bottleneck by analysis. Loadrunner is a predictive system behavior and performance industry standard load test tool, which is the most widely used performance test tool in the majority of testers. Let's introduce LoadRunner here so you can make more understanding of him. Installation system requirements below: Mercury LoadRunner Requirements LoadRunner Controller With On-Line Monitors LoadRunner Virtual User Generator (VuGen) LoadRunner Virtual Users (Load Generator Machine) LoadRunner Analysis Module Computer / Processor Pentium 350 MHZ or higher Pentium 350 MHZ or higher Pentium 1 GHz or higher Pentium 350 MHZ or higher Operating System Windows NT service pack 6a Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows NT service pack 6a Windows 2000 Windows Xp Windows NT service pack 6a Windows 2000 Windows XP HP UX 11.x or higher, Solaris 2.6 or higher, AIX 4.3.3 or higher, Linux Red Hat 6.0 or higher Windows NT service pack 6a Windows 2000 Windows XP Memory 128 MB or more 128 MB or more At least 1 MB RAM for non-multithreaded Vuser or at least 512 KB multithreaded Vuser 128 MB or More Swap Space Timory Times The Total Physical Memory Times The Total Physical Memory Times The Total Physical Memory Hard Disk Space Installation: 300 Mb Installation: 300 MB Install ATION: 130 MB Installation: 100 MB Free: 200 MB Free: 200 MB Free: Minimum 500 MB Free: Minimum 500 MB Browser Internet Explorer 5.x or Higher Netscape Navigator 4.x, 6.x Internet Explorer 5.x or higher Netscape Navigator 4.x, 6.x N / A Internet Explorer 5.x or Higher Netscape Navigator 4.x, 6 System default installation path is - "C: / Program Files / Mercury Interactive / LoadRunner", the path can be customizable. After the installation is successful, you can start the corresponding program at the beginning -> program -> loadrunner. Note: Please refer to other information in detail.

On the forum, it is often mentioned to install LoadRunner in succession, and it is recommended to find a machine that does not have LoadRunner installed. Machine installation registry contrast tool. Record to install LoadRunner (Full pressing the Ultraunction of the loadrunner unsuccessful machine originally successfully installed) The front and rear registry performs comparison, then deletes the corresponding key value on the registry on the installation of the unsuccessful machine. Please do a good job in backing up the registry (the consequences are at your own risk). Use LoadRunner to complete tests to four steps: 1. Virtual User Generator Creating Script * Creating a Script, Select Protocol * Recording Script * Edit Script * Check if the modification script is incorrect 2. Central Controller to Scheduling Virtual User * Create Scenario, Select Script * Settings Machine Running Virtual User * Setting Schedule * If you simulate a multi-machine test, set IP Spoofer 3. Run script * Analyze Scenario 4. Analysis Test Results Agreement Selection Because some software test engineers are incorrect to the development and system architecture, the case is incorrect in the process of recording script, causing the script recording failure. How to effectively select the agreement, successfully record the script, individuals believe that in addition to improving the technical level of personal technology (more understanding of the protocol principle used in software development), it is necessary to communicate with developers, and further understand the system communication protocol is fundamental.

Let me provide a list to everyone, hoping to help you: Classification protocol header file Note Custom C, VB, Java, JavaScript and VBScript lrun.h e-business http / html as_web.h ftp mic_ftp.h Listing Directory Service (LDAP) Mic_mldap.h PALM, SOAP, Web / Winsocket Dual Protocol Client / server (database server) MSSqlServer, ODBC, Oracle (2-tier), DB2 CLI, SyBase Ctib, Sybase Dblib Donmain Name Resolution (DNS) mic_socket.h Window Sockets lrs .h Distrbuted Components COM / DOCM, Corba-java, Rmi-java protocols user.h Enterprise Java Beans EJB Testing import lrapi.lr Rmi-Java import lrapi.lr ERP / CRP Oracle NCA SAP, SAP Portal, SAP CCMS, SPAAGUI, PeopleSoft (Tuxedo) As_sqpgui.h Siebel Web, Siebel-DB2 CLI, Siebel-mssql, Siebel-oracle Lrdsiebel.h Legcy Teminal Emulation (RTE) Lrrte.h Mail Service Internet Messaging (IMAP) Mic_imap.h MS Exchanger (MAPI) Mic_mapo .h Post Office Protocol (pop3) Mic_pop3.h Simple Mail Protocol (SMTP) Mic_smtp.h Middleware Jacada, Tuxedo 6, Tuxedo 7 Wireless i-Mode, VoiceXML, Wap Protocols Application Deployment Solution Citrix_ICA ctrxfuncs.h Streaming Media Player (mms) MIC_MEDIA.H Real Lreal.h Remarks: The above table is based on 7.8, such as having an entry with other versions, please correct your own. The development script is basically a basic understanding of the entire software system after the first three steps is completed according to the method I write (refer to 4). At this time, the development script was started. 1. Plan the script to be developed, enumerate the manual test operation to be transformed, the script name definition, file save path, etc. 2. Recording script (in order to improve the script recording, the first recording is trying to select a variety of protocols) 3. Optimization Script * Add Note * Add Verification Point * Parameters, modify the replaceable data in the hardcode (automatically generated by test tool) * To debug additional access, such as: lr_message) * Extended script (call DLL) 4. Run debugging Note: Some scripts are recorded for support, such as recording DOTNET written, you need to copy the LR78 installation disk / patches / trap_for_.net_patch folder to the LoadRunner / bin path to work properly . Vugen Vugen is an abbreviation of Virtual User Generator, which is a tool for the LoadRunner development script. VuGen monitors and records the call between the client and the server, and then generates the corresponding script.


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