I have made so many years, I wrote the article on the Internet for the first time! Laugh
Procedure: Work needs, query the company's registration information is too much, save trouble, add the query function on the website, actually said there is no computer, there should be a mobile phone without a computer. Use mobile phone inquiry so that you can do it anywhere, let's dry, do a WAP query, write all the notes.
The database structure is as follows:
Database name: data.mdb
Table name: info
Field: ID, corporate name, residence, statutory representative ... (this omitial number is the meaning of waiting)
First, the feedback page Hello.asp
The source code is as follows:
<% @ Language = vbscript%> <% response.contenttype = "text / vnd.wap.wml"%>
Please enter the query information
Raising Industrial and Commercial Information Network
Second, the information receiving page qycx.asp
The source code is as follows:
<% @ Language = vbscript%> <% response.contenttype = "text / vnd.wap.wml"%>
<% qycx = request.form ("qycx") CX = "Enterprise Name Like '%" & qycx & "%'"
Set conn = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") 'conn.open "DSN = qycxsjk; uid =; pwd =; database = data.mdb" conn.open "driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)} ; DBQ = "& Server.mappath (" qycx.mdb ") SQL =" Select * from info where "& cx" "set = server.createObject (" adoDb.recordset ") RS.Open SQL, Conn, 1,1do While NOT RS.EOF%> <% qymc = rs ("Enterprise Name") ID = RS ("ID")
<% rs.movenextLooprs.Close% >> Shangrao Industrial Information Network
<% Function UNI (Chinese) for i = 1 to Len (Chinese) A = MID (Chinese, I, 1) Uni = UNI & "& # x" & hex (ASCW (a)) & " "Nextend function%>
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =====================================================================================================================================================
The second comment: I saw this, I have some sweat. I just started submitting as a keyword "Enterprise Name", and later I thought that Id the keyword to avoid the issue of Chinese characters. This is a basic question, I actually pondered for half a day. Here, according to the "Enterprise Name" keyword submitted by hello.as, you have a full name (to avoid repeating) in all Enterprise Name fields, do a list, click to enter the third page, that is, the company data.
Third, qycx2.asp
The source code is as follows:
<% @ Language = vbscript%> <% response.contenttype = "text / vnd.wap.wml"%> <% set conn = server.createObject (" adodb.connection ") 'conn.open" DSN = qycxsjk; uid =; pwd =; database = data.mdb "conn.open" driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; dbq = "& server.mappath (" qycx.mdb ")%>
<% Name = Request.QueryString ("ID")
SQL = "SELECT * from info where id =" & name ""
SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 1DO While Not Rs.eof%> <% qymc = rs ("Enterprise Name")%> Enterprise Name: <% response. WRITE qymc%>
<% zs = rs ("Residence")%> Residence: <% response.write zs%>
<% fddb = rs ("legal representative")%> Legal representative: <% response.write fddb%>
<% ZCZB = RS ("Registered Capital")%> Registered Capital: <% IF LEFT (ZCZB, 1) = "." ThenResponse.write "0" elsend ifresponse.write zczb%> 10,000 yuan
<% qylx = rs ("Enterprise Type")%> Enterprise Type: <% response.write qylx%>
<% JYFW = RS ("Business Scope")%> Business Scope: <% Response.write Jyfw%>
<% ZCRQ = RS ("Established Date")%> Registration Date: <% Response.write ZCRQ%>
<% rs.movenextloop
%> Upper Rao Industrial Information Network -END Back
============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ===================================== OK, complete the query display company details!
Don't write it, don't marry me. Hey, friends who like WAP can communicate more with me, guide! QQ: 18185813