ClearQuest architecture analysis

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  23

ClearQuest architecture analysis

Author: pyp

Keyword ClearQuest, architecture analysis

This time, some people asked me a lot of questions about CQ. I think many of the problems are because of the unfamiliarity of CQ, so I wrote this article, I hope to know more deeply to everyone. Help. The CQ version I use is 2002.05.00, who knows where to download 2003, I always want to see what the difference between 2003 and 2002.

ClearQuest is designed in accordance with the standard three-layer structure, including data layers, functional layers (business layers), representations. The three layers of construction and mutual relationship will be described below.

1, data layer

ClearQuest is fundamentally in the database, all content is stored in the database. When using the CQ database, you must remember a little: you must first create a blank database and perform CQ operation. Because other types of databases involve database operation permissions, the role of the operational database must be established by unless you use the Access database.

The database layer of the CQ is divided into two, one is a database (SR database below) in the Maintenance Tool (hereinafter referred to as an SR database); another is the database used by Schema in Desiger (hereinafter referred to as s database).

1.1 SR database

The SR database stores Schema Repository information and the attached SCHEMA information. If there is no SR database originally in the Maintenance Tool, the Connection of the Schema Repository and SR database is created in the Maintenance Tool, and the Schema Repository content is stored in the SR database. If there is an SR database originally, the contact connection between SChema Repository and the original SR database is established in the Maintenance Tool. The original SR database content is unchanged. In the SR database, Schema Repository is not only stored, including Schema Repository SCHEMA information, and Group and User information in the User Adminitrator. When you delete schema repository, the SR database still exists, and you can always connect back through the New Connectio. When the Move SR database, the source SR database still exists, and you can always connect back through the New ConnectIO.

1.2. R database

The R database corresponds to the associated Schema information, including various information of the schema itself, and the user operates this schema's Groups and UserS information through the change information (Defect, Email_Rule, Project, etc.) through the client. When you delete schema, the R database still exists, and you can always connect back through the New ConnectIO. When the MOVE R database, the source R database still exists, and you can always connect back through the New Connectio.

2, functional layer

The functional layer is the most important in CQ, all settings are almost implemented in the functional layer. The functional layer includes two parts, Maintenance Tool, and Designer. There is also a web server that can be selected. The description will be described below.

2.1. Maintenance Tool

Maintenance Tool (CQDBSetup.exe in the installation directory) is configured before using CQ. In Maintenance Tool, at least one Schema Repository must be Create or New Connection. Whether it is Designer, the client is still a web server, it must be connected to the Schema Repository in Maintenance Tool. Schema repository is a "planning warehouse" according to the literal translation, that is, the Schema in all Designer is attached to a specific Schema Repository. If there are multiple Schema Repository, when using Designer, the client, the web server, you must select a specific Schema Repository, and the subsequent operation is in this schema repository. Schema Repository is actually a connection to the SR database and records the corresponding data into the SR database. 2.2. Desinger

Desinger (cqdesign.exe in the installation directory) is designed for SCHEMA. When entering Desinger, if there are multiple Schema Repository in the Maintenance Tool, you must select a Schema Repository to enter Desinger. At this point, all Schema repository is attached to this DESINGER, and all Schema information is stored in The corresponding SR database. Schema in Designer can be independent, not necessarily to connect S database, because SCHEMA information is stored in the SR database. However, if you want to use Schema and its related content on the client or web side, you must establish a S database corresponding to Schema.

New schema is a inheritance process, you must choose an original Schema, inherit the original Schema all Field, States and Actions, Forms, etc. So you can create a configuration standard schema (without connection database), all other schema can inherit from this standard schema, and you can use simple modifications.

The SCHEMA connection S database is divided into two: Production Database and Test Database. Test Database is used for Schema design. After designing the Test Database corresponding to Schema, you can select the File-> Test Work call client in the menu to view the results of Schema design, this process can be repeated, The process equivalent to debugging. Production Database is a database actually used. The corresponding schema can be seen during the actual use of the client access to the process Database. Menu Tools-> User Adminitrator Sets Group and User, this user is not only used in CQ, and the User, such as Robot, etc., also invokes the USER set in CQ.

2.3. Web server

If you want to use CQ in the web side, you must configure a web server, otherwise you can not install or configure Web Server Components. When setting up the web, if it is a file partition in the NTFS format, you must set the full control permission of the cache directory, I see many people's problems are here.

3, indicating the layer

CQ can use two ways access: web end Browser Access or client access.

3.1. WEB access

If you want a web-end access, you must configure a web server.

3.2. Client Access Client (ClearQuest.exe in the installation directory) is the CQ access program that is actually changing the process. At the client, you can build Query, Chart, Report, etc. The client can see the submitted record by establishing Query. The use of Report must have a corresponding crystal report. Email_rule is set on the client.

4, other tools

In CQ, there are other tools, which will be described below.

4.1. Export Tool, IMPORT TOOL

Both tool I feel that the use is to guide the export data in different schema. For example, after a Schema is used up, the next schema hopes to import the last scheduled not processed record into a new record, you can use these two tools. The tool uses the trouble, the key is to set the corresponding relationship between each Field, and have to make the two Schema's Field.

4.2. Create Rational ClearQuest Evaluation Databases

This tool is the Schema Repository of an Access database in a fixed directory, which feels nothing everywhere.

4.3. ISQL, Sybase CETRAL

This two tools seem to be used when it is used for Sybase. I have not used the Sybase database, so I don't know much about the use of these two tools.


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