Chapter II Process Area - Metrics and Analysis

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Metrics and analysis


The purpose of metrics and analysis (MA) is to develop and maintain metrics and to support management information.


Metrics and analysis process are:

l Specify the target of the metrics and keep consistent with the identified information needs

l Determine the required metrics, data collection, and storage mechanisms, analyze technology, reports, and feedback mechanisms.

l Collect, store, and analyze and report the data collected.

l Provides analysis results that can be used for decision making and take the required corrective actions

Metrics and analysis of project levels:

l Objectively formulate plans and estimates

l For project tracking according to the target of the determined plan

l Identify and resolve matters related to the process

l Provide the basis for the application of metrics in the process of other projects

People who need to perform a metric can be employed by those employed within an organization's scope, and metrics may be applied to separate items or other organization functions (for example, quality assurance).

Metrics are initially focused on the project level, but a metric can also prove that it is helpful for choosing organization and / or internal information.

The project may choose to save item specific data and results in a project-specific knowledge base. When data is more widely shared between the project, you need to put in the organization's metric.

The metrics and analysis of the product components provided by the supplier's original data supplier are the basic elements of project quality and cost effective management. It is likely that the details of the supplier contract provide insight into the supplier supply capacity analysis data.

Related process domain

For more information on estimating item properties and other planned information, please refer to the project planning process.

For more information on monitoring projects, please refer to the project supervision and control process.

For more information on managing metrics work products, see Configuring the Management Process Area.

For more information on bringing together customer needs and related information, see the demand development process domain.

For more information on maintaining demand traceability and related information, see the requirements management process domain.

For more information on the development of the organization's metrics, please refer to the Organization Process Definition Process Domain.

For more information on appropriate use of understanding changes and static analysis technology, please refer to the quantified project management process domain.

Practice - Target Relation

Continuous hierarchical SG1 Arrangement Measure and Analysis Activity SG1 Arrangement Measure and Analysis Activities SP1.1-1 Setting Metric Object SP1.1-1 Establishment Metrics SP1.2-1 Detailed Description Measure SP1.2-1 Detailed Description Sp1 SP1. 3-1 Detailed Description Data Collection and Storage Programs SP1.3-1 Detailed Description Data Collection and Storage Programs SP1.4-1 Detailed Description Analysis Process SG2 SG2 provides metric SG2 provides metric SP2. 1-1 Collection Metric SP2.1-1 Collection Metric SP2.2-1 Analysis Data SP2.2-1 Analysis Data SP2.3-1 Storage (Measure) Data and Results SP2.3-1 Storage (Measure ) Data and Results SP2.4-1 Communication (Measure) Result SP2.4-1 Communication (Measure) Results GG1 GG1 GG2 Institutionalization A Managed Process GG2 Institutionalization GP2.1 Establishing Organization GP2.1 Establishing Organization GP2.2 Program Procedure GP2.2 Program GP2.3 Provides Resource GP2.3 Provide Resource GP2.4 Assignment Responsibilities GP2.4 Assignment Responsibilities GP2.5 Training Person GP2 .5 Trainer GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.7 Identification and include related interpretation GP2.7 identification and include related trust gp2.8 supervision and control this process GP2.8 supervision and control this process GP2.9 Objective Evaluation Perseverance GP2.9 Objective Evaluation Perseverance GP2.10 Create a defined process GG3 to establish a defined process with a higher level management Review state GG3. The defined process GP3.1 creates a defined process C / ML3-5 GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GG4 Institutionalization A Quantifier Management GP4.1 Establishment The Quantitative Target GP4.2 The implementation of a stable sub-process GG5 Institutionalization A Optimization process GP5.1 guarantees a continuous process to improve the root of GP5.2 correcting the root of the root to achieve goals

SG1 schedule metrics and analysis activities

Schedule metrics and activities are arranged according to (metrics) and determined information.

Key practice hidden under special goals may be simultaneously or in any of the following sequences:

l When establishing a metrics, experts always consider the detailed description of the standards and analysis processes. They also consider the constraints generated by the data collection and stored procedures.

l The essence of the analysis of the analysis of the metrics, data collection, and pre-storage is often important.

SP1.1-1 establishment metrics

Establish and maintain (metric) objects (metrics) objects required for (metric) targets and determined information.

Measurement demonstrates what metrics and analyzes to do, and specifies the types of activities that may be based on data analysis results.

Sources of metrics may be required to manage, technology, projects, products, or processes.

Metrical targets may be limited by existing processes, available resources, or other metrics. It may be necessary to make the value of the results obtained by judging the value of the measurement and the resources used to invest into metrics.

For the correction of the identified information requirements and objectives, it can symbolize the results of a process and the results of metrics and analysis.

The source of information needs and the goal includes the following:

l project plan

l The supervision of project execution

l and managers and other people with information needed

l Establish management objectives

l Strategic plan

l business plan

l is the responsibility of demand and contract

l Management or technical issues for continuous or other troublesome

l Other projects or organizational entities

l External industrial benchmark

l Process Improvement Plan For more information on estimating project properties and other program information, please refer to the project planning process.

For more information on monitoring projects, please refer to the project supervision and control process.

For more information on bringing together customer needs and related information, see the demand development process domain.

For more information on maintaining demand traceability and related information, see the requirements management process domain.

Typical work product

Metric target

Child practice

1. Documentation information requirements and goals

Information requirements and targets are documentized to allow traceability of subsequent metrics and analysis activities.

2. Seize the information requirements and targets

The goal of all initial identification information needs as metrics and analysis is neither it is not worth it. Priority is also required to be based on available resource restrictions.

3. Develop, review and update metrics

It is very important to carefully consider interested use and purpose of metrics and analysis.

Metrics are managed and retrieved by manicing, review, and updated when necessary. This can be traceable for subsequent measters and analytics activities. And help ensure that the analysis will appropriately be appropriate for identified information requirements and objectives.

It is important to use users of metrics and analysis results to set metrics and decision activities. Those who provide metric data is also suitable for incorporated.

4. Provide feedback to refining and clarifying information requirements and goals when necessary

The identified information requirements and objectives may need to be refined and clarified as a metric. The initial description of information requirements may be unclear and unclear. Conflicts may happen between existing needs and goals. It may be unrealistic to form an accurate goal of forming an existing metrics.

5. Maintain the traceability of metrics for identified information requirements and targets

This will always have a good answer to "Why do we want to measure it."

Of course, metrics may also change to affect the development of information requirements and goals.

SP1.2-1 detailed description

The metric process is described in detail based on the metrics.

Metrical targets are defined to be accurate and can be measured.

Metrics may be both "basics" and "origin", basic metric data can be obtained by direct metrics. The data of the origin metric is derived from other data, especially from two or more basic metrics.

Usually the use of basic metrics contains the following: l evaluation and real metrics of the product scale (for example, pages) L evaluation, real metrics (for example, number of people) l quality metrics (for example, number of defects, severe defects) )

Usually the use of the origin of origin includes the following: l Profit evaluation L Performance Index Progress Table L Defect Density L Ux Review Coverage L Test or Verification Rate L Reliability Structure (for example, an error Average time) L quality metrics (for example, severe defect / Total number of defects)

The origin is typically expressed as a ratio, composite indicator, or other aggregated summary metrics. They often have more reliable quantity and more about problems than those used to generate their basic metrics.

Typical work product

1. Detailed description of basic metrics and origin metrics

Child practice

1. Measurement of the candidate based on the metric target identification candidate based on the document has been formed.

For specific metrics, metrics are accurate. The identified candidate metric is classified and explained based on the name and metric unit.

2. Identify the metrics of the existing marked metric target.

Detailed descriptions of metrics may already exist, perhaps in other places where other purposes are established as other purposes.

3. Detailed description of the operation definition of the measurement.

Operation definitions use accurate and clear terminology, they point out the following two important criteria:

l Information: What has been measured? How is it measured? Measurement unit? And what includes what, don't include?

l Repeatability: Can the metric can be repeated? Is it possible to get the same result? 4. Distinguish priority order, review, and update metrics.

Detailed description of the proposed metrics is reviewed by potential end users and other related techniques, priority is set or changed, and the detailed description of the metrics is updated.

SP1.3-1 Detailed Description Data Collection and Storage Programs

Detailed describe how to get and store metric data.

Clear detailed description of the collection method can help ensure that the correct data is properly collected. It may also be helpful in future clarified information requirements and metrics.

Appropriate attention to storage and recovery helps ensure that data validity and it is easy to use.

Typical work product

Data collection and storage programs

2. Data collection tool

Child practice

1. Identify the source of data from the current working product, process or transaction.

When describing this measure, the existing data source has been identified, whether or not the corresponding data data has been collected, the appropriate collection mechanism may exist.

2. Identify which data needs, but currently unavailable measures.

3. Detailed description How to collect and store data for each required metrics.

How to, where and when data is collected together to form a clear detailed description. The procedure for collecting valid data is detailed. The data is stored in a way to analyze accessible, which determines if the data is saved for the purpose of possible reproduction or documentation.

Examples of the problem that need to be considered are as follows:

l Are the frequency collected and whether the point of metrics is determined?

l Whether the metrics are required to move from the collection point to the knowledge base, other databases, or the end user's timeline is established?

l Who is responsible for obtaining data?

l Who is responsible for data storage, regaining, and security?

l Has the necessary support tools have been developed or obtained?

4. Create a data collection mechanism and process guidance.

Data collection and storage mechanisms are as complete as other usual work processes. Data collection mechanisms may include handmade or automated forms and templates, which are useful for people who are responsible for this work for the correct procedures. In order to complete the collection, correct data and minimization of the burden of personnel that must provide and record data, provide training and clarification process.

5. Support data automatic collection when appropriate and feasible.

Automated support can help collect more complete, correct data.

These automation support include the following example: L activity logs Time L history Static and Dynamic Analysis

However, some data is not artificial interference is unable to collect (eg, customer satisfaction or judgment of other human beings), and the necessary base tissue structure is expensive for other automated operations.

6. Distinguish priority order, review, and update data collection, storage programs.

In order to be proposed, the appropriateness and availability of the procedures are reviewed with those who have the responsibility to collect and store data. These people may have useful knowledge about how to improve existing procedures. Or can suggest other useful measures and analysis.

7. Update metrics and metrics when necessary.

In the following cases, priority may need to be reset:

l Measure value

l The number of efforts to obtain data needs

What you need to consider includes whether you need new forms, tools or training to get data.

SP1.4-1 Detailed Description Analysis Process

Detailed description How to analyze and report metric data.

Analyze the analysis program in advance to ensure that appropriate analysis will be guided and reported to reach a written metrics (and information requirements and objectives based on these goals). This step also provides an approval for whether the required data is truly collected.

Typical work product

1. Detailed analysis and procedures

2. Data Analysis Tool

Child practice

1. Detailed and distinguish between analytical analysis and the order of reports to be prepared. It should be given as early as possible for the analysis of the analysis and the results of the report to be reported. These may encounter the following criteria:

l Analysis clearly shows the location of the documentated metrics

l The description of the results is understood by those listeners, and the results will act as those listeners.

Priority may have to be reset within the available resources.

2. Select the appropriate data analysis method and tool.

For more information on statistical analysis techniques, more information needed for changes and related information, please refer to Select Metrics and Analytical Technology and Apply Statistical Methods.

The problems that need to be considered include the following:

l Visualized display and other expressions (for example, pie chart, bar illustration, column), radar chart, graph, scattering, or table)

l Appropriate description statistics (for example, arithmetic average, median, or style)

l When it is impossible or does not need to investigate each of the data elements, the decision on statistical sampling standards

l How to analyze the decision when there is a state of data elements missing

l Selection of suitable analysis tools

A typical example example of the description statistics used in data analysis:

l Survey the distribution of specified metrics (for example, concentrated trends, variation range, data points show unusual changes)

l Survey the interrelationship between the specified metrics (for example, compared to the defects of the product life cycle, or compared to the defect of product components)

l Over time change changes

3. Specify the management program for analytical data and communication results

The problems that need to be considered include the following:

l Determine the person in charge and group for analytical data and submission results.

l Determine the timeline of the analysis data and submission results.

l Determine the meeting place for communication results (for example, progress report, transmission memo, writing report, all staff meetings)

4. Review and update the content and format of the designated analysis and report

All proposed contents and formats can be reviewed and revised, including methods and tools, management procedures, and priority. The considers of relevant officers should include intentional end users, organizers, data analysts, and data providers.

5. Update metrics and metrics when necessary

As the demand drive data analysis, the clarification of the analysis standard can affect metrics. Some details of metrics may be refined above the details of the data analyzer. The remaining metrics may be proven to be unnecessary, or if a requirement for additional metrics may be verified.

Detailed description How to analyze and report drills may also ask for demand for refining metrics.

6. Specify the designation standard for the utility designation of the evaluation results, specified for the utility designation

Assessment of analytical utility may involve the following range of applications:

l Provides a timely principle, understandable, and results for decision development

l The cost of this work is not more costs that it is proven to be provided.

The criteria for assessing metrics and analytics may involve the following applications:

l The number of missing data or the number of contradictions that is not checked, exceeding the specified limit

l In the case of the choice of example (for example, only the satisfactory end user satisfaction survey, or only the unsuccessful item is used to calculate the productivity)

l Metric data is repeatable (eg, reliable, statistically

l The statistics assume that it is satisfactory (e.g., allocation or regarding the data or about the appropriate metric numerical range) SG2 provides metrics

The metrics required to be derived from the (metric) target and the determined information have been provided.

The main reason for doing measurement and analysis is to mark identified information requirements and objectives. Based on objective credentials, metrics can help oversee implementation, complete contractual obligations, information management and technical decisions, and to correct the previous activities.

SP2.1-1 Collect metric

Get detailed metrics.

The data necessary to analyze is obtained and selected because it is completely and complete.

Typical work product

1. Foundation and origin metrics settings

2. Data integrity test results

Child practice

1. Get data for basic metrics

For the previous use of data collected, it is the same as for a new specified basis metric. Existing data comes from anywhere in the project record or organization.

Note that the previously collected data may no longer be effective in existing database, paper record, or usual knowledge base.

2. Generate data for the origin metrics

Newly calculated value for all origin measures

3. When the data source is closed, the data integrity check is performed as much as possible.

All metrics will generate errors when detail or record data, it is best to identify such errors as soon as possible and identify deletion data as early as possible and identify deletion data.

The check includes scanning of missing data, out of range data, incompetent mode, and inter-metric interrelated, is especially important as follows:

l Test and modification of classification contradictions caused by people (for example, how often people make different categories of different categories based on the same information, just as everyone knows "inter-coder reliability")

l Taking experience based on the relationship between the metrics used to calculate the metric of the origin. Doing so can ensure that important differences will not be ignored, and those origins can communicate the meaning they want (just as everyone knows "standard valid criterion validity")

SP2.2-1 analysis metric data

Analysis and instruction metric data.

According to the plan, the metric data is analyzed, and additional analysis is guided as necessary. Review the result with the related hazard and indicate the necessary revisions made in the future analysis.

Typical work product

Analysis results and reporting draft

Child practice

1. Guide the initial analysis, interpret the results and extract preliminary conclusions

The results of the analysis are rarely self-visible, interpretation results, and the standards for extracting the conclusion should be periodically clear.

2. Guide additional metrics and analysis when necessary and prepare for the introduction

The results of the plan may be attracted (or need) additional, no analysis. In addition, they may identify need to refine existing metrics, in order to calculate additional origins, or even collect data for additional raw metrics to completely complete the plan analysis. Similarly, in order to introduce the preparation of the initial results, it is possible to identify the needs of analyzes that have not been expected.

3. Review the initial results with related officers

Prior to a broader spread and convey these results, it is possible to review the results and the initial explanation of the methods proposed by these results.

Review these initial results before the release result prevents unnecessary misunderstandings and improves data analysis and presentation.

The relevant officers who participated in the review can be the end user that has been determined or the sponsors, including both data analysts and data providers.

4. For future analysis refining standards

Valuable courses capable of improving future achievements often learn from boot data analysis and preparation results. Similarly, methods for improving metrics and data collection programs may become apparent, as possible with possible possible comments on refining identified information requirements and objectives.

SP2.3-1 Storage (Measure) Data and Results

Manage and store metrics, metrics, and analysis results.

Information related to storage metrics can make the future use of historical data and results in time and cost effective. This information also requires a sufficient context for the interpretation, metrics and analysis results of the data. The stored information is typical, including the following:

l Measurement plan

l Detailed description of metrics

l Various types of data collected

l Analysis reports and presentations

Information stored includes or related to information that requires a need to understand and describe metrics and assessing rationality and applicability (for example, metrics for different items when the project is compared)

Data for origin metrics is typically recalculated and is not required to be stored. However, you may store a summary based on the origin (for example, chart, result form, or report)

If the temporary analysis result can be effectively rebuilt, they do not require separate storage.

Projects may choose to store special data and results for project special data and results items in the project special knowledge base. The data should be placed in the organization's metric library when data is shared between the project.

For more information on establishing an organization metrics, please refer to the Establishment of Organization Declining Process Domain for Establishing Organization Metrics Knowledge Bases.

For more information on managing metrics work products, see Configuring the Management Process Area.

Typical work product

1. Detailed directory stored

Child practice

1. Review the data to ensure their integrity, completeness, correctness, and circulation.

2. Make the stored directory only available to the appropriate group and personnel.

3. Prevent storage from being used inappropriately.

The method of preventing data and related information, including controlling access to data and the proper use of the trainer.

Examples of improper use are as follows: l Tensual information revealed by incomplete, deleted context or other misunderstandings, the imperfect explanation L metrics are used for incorrect evaluators or give Project level L hits the integrity of special individuals

SP2.4-1 Communication (Measure) Results

Report the results of metrics and analysis activities to all relevant parties.

Communicate with the related officers and time and feasible ways to communicate metrics and analysis processes, which can support decision making and provide assistance to the implementation of corrective activities.

Related officers include the already determined users, organizers, data analysts, and data providers.

Typical work product

1. Delivered reports and related analysis results

2. Information or guidance for helping to explain the front and rear relationships of the analysis results

Child practice

1. Maintain the notification of the relevant manner in a timely manner.

Timely communication metrics have been helpful to these results have been determined. If you spend a lot of effort on the report, then these reports may not be used by those who need to know the results.

In all as possible and as part of them, users who do business usually, users maintain their own plans to participate in setting targets and decision metrics and analytics. Users will regularly obtain the progress of notification and intermediate temporary results.

For more information on the use of metrics, see the project supervision and control process.

2. Help related people understand the results.

Reporting the results in a clear and concise manner suitable for the related organism. The result of this report is understood, easy to explain, and attempts to identify information requirements and objectives.

For those who are not metric experts, data is often unaware, and the choice of metrics should be clearly determined:

l How to do and why the basic metric origin is specified

l How to get

l How to interpret results based on data analysis methods used

l What does the result reflects information requirements?

Activity examples that help understand the results are as follows: l The results of the related hand-in-the-arter are provided with a transfer memo to provide background and descriptions of the results of the user on-time providing results.

General practice of goals

GG1 Completes a specific target by converting identifiable input work products to identifiable output work products, process support and enables specific target implementations of the process domain. GP1.1 performs basic practice of basic practice to perform basic practices for analysis and decision-making processes to develop work products and provide services that meet special goals of process areas. Just apply to continuous GG2 institutionalization a managed process

The process is subjected to a managed process.


GP2.1 establishes an organization's policy

Establish and maintain a tissue policy for plans and execute metrics and analysis processes.

Detailed detail

This policy establishes expectations for the utilization of identified information requirements and target correction metrics and activities and providing metrics.

Ability to perform

GP2.2 planning process

Establish and maintain a plan for performing metrics and analysis.

Detailed detail

Plans with representative, executing metrics and analysis processes are part of the project plan described in the project plan process.

GP2.3 provides resources

Provide sufficient resource for performing metrics and analysis processes, developing work products, and services for providing processes.

Detailed detail

Metrics may be part-time or full-time. A metric group may or is not possible to support metrics between multiple projects.

The resources provided include the following tools: l Statnted package L Via the network support data collection package

GP2.4 allocation responsibilities

Assign the execution process, develop work products, and provide the responsibility for metrics and analysis process services.

GP2.5 Trainer

Must train people who perform and support metrics and analysis processes.

Detailed detail

The training topic example is as follows: l Statistical Method L Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting Procedure L-related Target Measurement

Guide (process)

GP2.6 management configuration

Place the work product specified during the appropriate management level under the appropriate configuration management level.

Detailed detail

Working products stored under configuration management, as follows: l Basic metrics and originate specifications L Data Collection and Storage Program L Basic Metrics and Original Metrics L Analysis Results and Reports D Data Analysis Tools

GP2.7 identifies and contains related dry people

Control plan, identify and include related trustages related to the analysis process.

Detailed detail

The active example of a manner is as follows: l Establishment Metrical Objectives and Program L Evaluation Metric Data L Evaluation Change The impact of the configuration item L executes auditing L. Provide meaningful people to provide analytical and results Feedback

GP2.8 supervision and control process

The process and appropriate corrective activities are performed based on the program supervision and control configuration management process.

Detailed detail

The metric method for monitoring and control is, for example,: l The percentage of the project percentage of the process and work indicators. Percentage

Verification (process)

GP2.9 objective evaluation persistence

The description, rules, procedures, objective assessment metrics and analytical processes of the control process, and deal with relevant matters that are not implemented.

Detailed detail

Review examples are as follows: l Corrective metrics and analysis activity L provides metrics

Work product review examples, such as: l Basic metrics and originate specifications L data collection and storage program l analysis results and draft draft

GP2.10 with higher level management review status

Use higher level management to review the activities, status, and results during the analysis process, and solve the problem.

Editor Press: GG3 and its practices are not applied to the maturity level 2 stage, but applied to the 3 and more stages. Just suitable for hierarchical


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