Integrate Tomcat5.5 in JBuilderx (XZ original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

After more exploration, I finally achieved Tomcat5.5 in JBuilderx, although the effect is not so good, but it is also enough. The original project has always used JBX Tomcat4.1 JDK1.4.2, where JBX integrates Tomcat4.1.27 le, which is not very good. But after I configure Tomcat5.5, I can't help but want to use in JBX. The JB2005 has built-in support Tomcat5, but JB2005 itself is too much, not darent. JBX itself does not support Tomcat5, let alone Tomcat5.5, can only make multiple modifications. Specific steps: 1, in JBX Tools - Configure Servers, copy Tomcat 4.1, renamed version 5.5. Then select the HOME Directory installed. Remember to make it enable. 2. It turned out that in Run - Configurations - New, after selecting Type for Server, it has not been able to select Server, which is not here. If your project has Tomcat4.1, you don't have to use new, otherwise you will first here. 3. In Project - Project Properties, don't look at Run, but choose Server, you can choose Tomcat 5.5 from the drop-down menu here. 4, point OK, you will prompt you to need Update's Module Nodes to confirm. 5, very good, press F9 to run the project, prompting the error in the Messages window, it is still necessary to use JDK5 to boot. In Project - Project Properties, choose Paths, modify JDK, click on the button "...", open a look, no JDK1.5, you need to create. 6. Click New to select the JDK1.5 path already installed, such as C: / Program Files / Java / JDK1.5.0_01, point OK, JBX identifies. You can put it under User Home. Point OK, then point OK, then point OK. 7, try again to run.


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