RSS is everywhere! Today, you can find thousands of RSS feeds. WebLog users, news publishers, government agents, and many individuals and commercial Web sites support this format. Java technology, Perl, PHP, Python and other major programming languages provide developers with tools for processing RSS. Many readers and aggregates are working in web, desktop or even e-mail clients. RSS has become a chain content and metadata facts on the Internet.
What is RSS? RSS is a format of chain content and metadata on the Internet. Usually used to share the title and the link to the news article. For news articles, the real article is not necessarily shared, but metadata about the article is usually shared; this metadata can contain headings, URLs or summary. For publishers, RSS is an important tool because of the provision of the chain and integrate the third party's content into your site.
RSS is an XML dialect. All RSS files must meet the XML 1.0 specification published on the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C) Web site.
Here is a typical example, explaining how to use RSS:
A publisher has some desirable content. They created an RSS channel for these contents. Some items on this channel containing web pages wishing promotion. This channel can be read and converted into title and links by a remote application. These links can be added to a new web page or for specialized readers. People see this link from different sites, click on the connection to the initial publisher's website.
Although the title chain is the most common RSS usage, it can also be used for other purposes. RSS is a very popular format in the WebLog community. It is also used for photo books, classified ads, recipes, comments, and tracking software packages.
RSS is used as a way to deliver information in e-commerce. For example, Amazon provides news to customers based on its Web service platform. This allows you to learn about the best-selling books in your news reader, or include information about the related books sold by Amazon in your Web site.
In the past few years, RSS has an amazing growth in popularity. maintains an RSS channel index, and its balance is less than 1400% in two years. Yahoo News, BBC, SlashDot, Lockergnome, Amazon, CNN, Wired, Rolling Stone, and Apple Computer are located in many of the most popular RSS feeds.
News readers have a new software type with the increase of news, and there is a new software type: news reader. News Readers are personal aggregat - help you discover and organize a list of channels. Once you have selected the channel, you can use the interface that is consistent with the connector. News Readers Check the update of the channel you are interested in and transform into HTML that can be viewed.
A popular news reader is blogExpress:
Figure 1. View alphaworks in BlogExpress
BlogExpress is the so-called "Pizza Software" - means that if you like this software, you can send some money to buy a pizza.
Custom channels add a channel in BlogExpress. For example, you are interested in tracking activities at the IBM AlphaWorks site. The first thing you have to do is take a summary of the increase:
Figure 2. News findings found in AlphaWorks
Add a summary, orange "XML" logo is often used to link public RSS feeds. In most web browsers, you can right-click the "XML" flag to copy link and paste into your news reader.
Other common news readers include Blogstreet, FeedReader, Amphetadesk, and Newsgator (see Resources). Discover RSS, you can use the search engine to find the contents of the RSS format. For example, when using Google, you can add "FileType: RSS" to search for the lookup item in the .rss file.
Special search engines make content search easier. Feedster monitors WebLog and allows you to look up through a log item index, view it according to Correlation, Date, Logrank. When you are searching, Feedster creates an RSS feed asking for your request. This feed can be added to your news reader so you can see all the latest activities related to search requests, and you don't even need to leave the news reader.
Daypop Search News, BLOG and RSS. It allows you to track popular news in WebLog world. It provides the current most popular 40 WebLog links. This is the link between the world's most popular articles. It creates a list of the most popular vocabulary used in WebLog. It also provides a weblog list that is the most popular WEBLOGGER. You can also customize your search. Rating lists and custom searchs have RSS's own form, you can import your news reader.
The new feature of RSS 2.0 RSS 2.0 is based on the RSS 0.91 specification. It is backward compatible, so any tool for processing RSS 2.0 should also handle 0.91 summary. The upgraded specification adds a small amount of elements, such as and .
It also removed some restrictions. In the past, and elements can only be HTTP or FTP, and any valid URI can now be used. In RSS 0.91, each channel can only contain 15 items, and the length of the element is also limited, and now these restrictions are canceled. But you should still be careful to use a large value because they may have problems with old applications.
However, a greater change is to expand this format using the namespace. RSS 2.0 supports namespaces, a standard method for increasing elements that are not in specifications. As long as defined in a namespace, the brow can contain new elements.
RSS 2.0 Overview RSS is an XML dialect for chain web content and metadata. RSS 0.91 is the most commonly used version of available versions. For new RSS feeds, a better way is to use version 2.0 because it is a current specification, and as mentioned earlier, it is compatible with 0.91.
Dave Winer wrote a version 2.0 version. The modification of the specification may become difficult to use, or damage the existing application, and he consciously avoids this situation. Winer summarized his thoughts: "It is simple. This is the value of RSS. Anyone who is slightly HTML can understand the RSS. This is extremely important!"
This specification is issued under the Creative Commons license (see Resources). This means you can copy and distribute this specification for free and derived, and freely for business work. An advisory committee is responsible for updating norms, promoting specifications and writing documents.