Java is coming to grab the rice bowl, C ++ is not angry

zhaozj2021-02-11  232

Java is coming to grab the rice bowl, C is not angry

Java is good because it depicts the future of the Internet; Java is bad because it is a private property of Sun, it is a speech. I have seen "Thinking in Java" this authoritative teaching work, you will be surprised that there is so many questions, you will think that Java is just a federal bird with a wings. Yes, Java is OOP, but this does not indicate that it is like C , which can represent an era. Senior programmers will say "Write a good class is very difficult", but Java asked all the programs to write, all structures are written, just like JDK, which is simpler than C ; use C Slightly learn some basic things can be written, take Java to take a month to get its huge library - as we see, Java book is usually much thicker than C . Without a programmer, "Write a log library is difficult." With C , we usually use classes, there is a large number of design excellent function libraries and class libraries available, all in YOU Finger TIP; "a key to the key," Use class when using class, when not needed.

Java said it is simple, but const is a public static factory; Enum is simply not, to define a bunch of public static final int; message event either use Switch-Case, either write an internal class for each message function; No longer a comparison function, but to realize the object of the sortable interface; when using a collection object, I really miss the STL ...

Java said it is OO, all methods are Virtual, which can even become Final, how to o.

Java said it Every Platform is OK, you can only have V1.1 Machine on Windows, and you are willing to use Sun to give up 1.1 SDK. However, C is originally Platform Free.

Java said it is a platform, JNI, JDBC, JSP, JINI, JIEE, JAVA3D ..., can be implemented at the bottom CPP

Say C , say that you are advanced, but you can not even have a property, and setX () and setx ().

Saying Goto is not good, don't need good, I have "BREAK label;", it is better than goto.

It is said that the next generation is facing the object, but there is no component, and quickly learn C , define a set of components, and then the big promotion, I have javabean. Hey, because it is too complicated, there is not much now.

Say my Java variety is pure, you are not unauthorized, not my Java bloodline, you don't be deceived, and you can work with me later.

Say my Java confront M $ monopoly, you can fight side by side with me, lay down on Jiangshan, but you must return to me because I belong to the sun.

As INTEL said, Java is just a technology, not a revolution. There are countless excellent C programmers in the world, but there are few famous Java programmers. C is a crystallization of countless programmer wisdom, created most of today's software, is our pride. Even if I have no chance to use C in the future, I will always support C , support the improvement of C standards, support GURUs for C virtual machines. With the above reason, I resolutely oppose the university to replace C in Java lesson! ! ! My Java is coming to grab the rice bowl, you can don't be angry for electrical design, but you still have no intention of PC.

This is the same root, and the Xiang Yan is too urgent only your wrist. It is too strong enough to do it. Don't apply too much. God is not satisfied with you.

Instant compilation speed and you are only an integer cycle plus a class library, there is otherwise, don't mention it, it's not that I have a problem. I don't believe you to transplant my class library to compile, you can't breathe. gas

But I am more easy than you because I have garbage collection If I need to master the episode, I still have a way to have a way, although I am unbelievable.

I am an anti-platform monopoly army. I am a programmer's Evangelist although each virtual machine supports different, the essence is still cross-platform.

The style is thinking that PowerScript language is not thinking that Basic is the last century API bloated thinking olegui uncomfortable thinking MFC speed too slow thinking about windowxp You can solve some problems I will solve some problems Going far, but you can definitely can't let my pure blood produce variations or I want to review you in court because I only belongs to myself.


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