Require other windows to destroy by sending a message to the father's window

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

By sending messages to the father window, you need to destroy them: First, you need to define a message for notification, then map the WM_DESTROY message in the dialog box, and call the message send function in the message processing function to notify other windows. Use the ON_MESSAGE mapping to process the function in the window to remove the dialog object in the message processing function. The relevant code is as follows: / * Change the relevant files of the dialog * /

Ctestdlg2 :: Ctestdlg2 (CWND * PParent / * = null * /)

: Cdialog (ctestdlg2 :: IDd, pparent)

{/ * m_pparent is a member variable for saving the pointer to the notification window.

So the pointer cannot be a temporary pointer * /

Assert (pparent);

m_pparent = pParent;

// {{AFX_DATA_INIT (ctestdlg2)

// Note: The classwizard will add member initialization here



Void ctestdlg2 :: onok ()


CDIALOG :: Onok ();



Void ctestdlg2 :: oncancel ()


CDIALOG :: oncancel ();



Void ctestdlg2 :: ONDESTROY ()



/ * Send a message to other windows, send your own pointer as a parameter * /

m_pparent-> Postmessage (WM_DELETE_DLG, (WPARAM) THIS);


/ * Add a message mapping in the message receiving window * /

/ * Add a function definition in the header file * /


/ * Add message mapping code * /



/ * Implement message processing function * /

Long CMY53_S1View :: Ondeldlgmsg (WPARAM WP, LPARAM LP)


Delete (ctestdlg2 *) wp;

Return 0;


/ * Create a dialog * /

Void CMY53_S1View :: ontest2 ()


CTESTDLG2 * DLG = New ctestdlg2 (this);


DLG-> ShowWindow (sw_show);


In this method, we use a message to notify, and use messages in the Window system to notify and deliver data.

Another role of the same non-Mode dialog can also be used to reflect other windows in time when the user changes in the dialog box. The following code demonstrates the input of a paragraph in the dialog, and then updates it to the display area of ​​the view, the same also utilizes messages to notify and data delivery.

/ * Remove the data in the dialog, send messages and data to other windows, send the data pointer as a parameter * /

Void ctestdlg2 :: oncommbtn ()


Char Szout [30];

Getdlgitemtext (IDC_OUT, SZOUT, 30);

m_pparent-> sendMessage (WM_DLG_NOTIFY, (WPARAM) SZOUT;


/ * In the message receiving window * /

/ * Mapping message processing function * /


/ * Draw a string m_szout * /

Void CMY53_S1View :: Ondraw (CDC * PDC)


CMY53_S1DOC * PDOC = getDocument (); assert_valid (pdoc);

// Todo: Add Draw Code for Native Data HERE

PDC-> TextOut (0,0, "display string");

PDC-> Textout (0, 20, m_szout);


/ * Process the notification message, save the information and update the display * /

Long CMY53_S1View :: OndlGnotifyMSG (WPARAM WP, LPARAM LP)


m_szout = (char *) WP;

Invalidate ();

Return 0;



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