Really Hidden Files (for xp only)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Microsoft's Really Hidden Files: Updated Specifically for XP: http: // has a nice little tut on Microsofts Really Hidden Files which shows you how to find cached information stored about you and what your doing on your win95 / 98 box . Unfortunately, they do not tell you about XP, where they have changed everything around a little This TUT is to show you where this information is stored on XP and how to get rid of it Before you begin:.! Please ensure that you have done the following: You are log 'd on as Administrator (or the first user created during setup) You have set the XP theme to Classic (might work otherwise, did not test) 1 double click my computer2 double click your primary.. Drive (IE C) 3. Click Tools on The Menu4. Select Folder Options5. Select View6. make SHOW Hidden Files and Folders IS SELECTED7. Uncheck the Box Next To

Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) 8. Click Apply9. Click OK10. Double click Documents and Settings11. Double click desired User (you can do this for each individual user, each has their own cache) 12. Double click Local Settings13. Double Click Temporary Internet Files14. Highlight the Address in the Address bar, copy it, put it in a TextPad (notepad) This next part is a little tricky. You will need to open a Command prompt, click Start, Run, type Command, Press OKYou need to get dos to the same folder you browsed to, but in order to do that, you must Truncate the address so that Dos can understand it For example, if my username were pothead, it would look like this:. C: / Docume ~ 1 / PotHead / LOCALS ~ 1 / Tempor ~ 1000 Look Like this: C: C: C: / Docume ~ 1 / WinBit ~ 1 / locals ~ 1 / Tempor ~ 1Anyhes Over 8 Chars Is Truncated with a ~ 1 (this of Course Means That Anything Over 8 Chars Will Have The First Six Chars Showing Followed by A '~ 1' Makeing Up 8 Chars, for Example Geo rgecarlin.txt would be truncated to george ~ 1.txt> Its called 8.3 filenameing system) you may have to play with it a few minutes as not all systems and usernames are the same, sorry 15. Type:. Edit desktop.ini16. Once Desktop.ini Opens, Push The Down Arrow Once, Putting Your Cursor On The Second Line. Put a minus sign at the beginning of this line. Also Add a minus signal =

17. Click File, Save18. Click back to your Windows Explorer19. Hit the Back button20. Double click Temporary Internet Files (yes i know you were just there) 21. A new folder should have appeared, Content.IE5. Double click it22. explore all the files, and see what Microsoft has been collecting about youSide Note: I feel this comes under Personal Security, not to metion a real waste of space I had 1.5 gigs in there and I only have a 6 gig drive This is!! not really fair from a consumer point of view, seems they want your drive to fill up so you must upgrade it .... If anyone feels this should not be posted, let me know and I will delete it, no neg points needed. ....__________________


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