RSS technology is worthy of attention

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

RSS starring Internet changes Shanda Sina only supporting

Wang Yu

The masters of grand and Sina have been nearly an end, and the media is covered with a cloud of the Internet. Who is going to grab the next play? Is there any Netease or Tencent even? Who else doesn't buy it? Who else is not acquired?

In many cases, capital does have the ability and energy of changing the industrial pattern. However, the most changing, the fastest development of the Internet industry is more than the creator of wealth rather than capital! The development of the Internet is the technology, not the stock price; driving the Internet, is innovation, not the acquisition.

Innovative network technology often creates new industrial patterns. In 2005, the Internet's industrial pattern was brewing a change, which is about to trigger this industrial change. It is not grand, not from Sina or other websites, but a technology called RSS. This "simple technology" is gradually changing the browsing habits of global netizens. In the next three to five years, the Internet is likely to face the biggest innovation since WWW creation.

Keso said in QQ to the author: "All the media must support RSS in the future, otherwise there is no reader!" If you want to stand on the internet stage, now you will pay attention to RSS is not too late, it is very easy. Techniques mastering.

Forgot the grand and Sina, they are just aid!

RSS "Kung Fu"

Wang Yu

As an implementation of "push" technology on the Internet, the earliest version of the RSS Technical Specification is created by Netscape. Today, the technology of "push" has gradually been forgotten, and the RSS after the evolution and alienation is large. Whether the concept of "push" is expected to take this still soul, RSS technology has changed people to visit the Internet, and may even break the existing pattern of the Internet industry. The latest news is that an international research institution will list the second part of the "Top Ten Development Trend of E-Commerce in 2005", which will become the universal tool for online news and content aggregation, and advertisers are even ready. Use RSS to place advertisements.

I. "Zhou Bo Tong" "See the world" The old Song is an old nevus with rich Web experience. At the end of 2004, he maintained a large number of web browsing habits for a new application technology. This change is RSS. Today's old Song has rarely open IE, replacing IE is a software called RSS reader. "I subscribe to more than 100 Feeds, including Xinhuanet's international news and domestic news, Microsoft's MSDN and TechNet, 9CBS, Biography, etc., these support RSS sites are enough to support my own information portal." The time in the IT industry is hung on the Internet every day to account for more than half of the work hours. The most important thing is to browse IT technical information sites. "I used to set IE's default homepage to MSDN, and now, I watched the news like a mail, with the news header received by 'Zhou Bo Tong' a daily news title, which is more effective than I have a more effective view ... "" Zhou Bo Tong "said by the old and China is him. A RSS reader is being used, and the so-called "watching news like a message" is the effect of these mainstream RSS readers generally adopted to the user. Users can get the news headline and content request from the website that supports the RSS subscription service, and then makes the choice of reading, the entire process is like collecting emails in Outlook Express. In addition to "Zhou Bo", many domestic netizens are still using another Chinese RSS reader - "see the world", these two Chinese RSS readers have begun to appear on the domestic internet users in 2004. Previously, most of the domestic-numbered RSS users were using foreign software such as FEEDDEMON or RSSReader. Most of these foreign software is required to pay for sharing software. Netizen kevin has been registered with a USD, but since I first launched the Chinese version of the RSS reader for the first time, Kevin gave up the software that spend money registered. "Mainly using habits, although I can understand English interface and menu, I feel that it is not as good as purely Chinese to use it comfortably. See the first version of the world really has a big gap with foreign software, but I have been Follow it down, it is now very easy to use. At the end of the year, I have a week of Zhou Botong. The choice of Chinese RSS readers is getting bigger and bigger, and these software are free, and they have exceeded the foreign toll software. " The emergence of Chinese RSS readers has promoted RSS technology to domestic applications in some extent, and in 2004, I have become the RSS Enlightenment Year of China. Although the domestic RSS service provider is still lacking some user-friendly design, users still have to face the "XML" button to click on the red "XML" button, but there is already more and more users know, encounter To these red small squares, you can use the right click to add it to the RSS subscription channel of Zhoubo Tong. In 2004, the United States has ushered in the rapid development period of RSS. By the end of 2004, the number of RSS users in the United States had nearly 10,000, and the website provided by RSS subscriptions exceeded 200,000, and RSS finally broke through the professional field, and began to move towards the popular Web services. The changes in the English website have also been influenced on the domestic site. The red "XML" tag representing RSS subscriptions has increasingly appearing on the Chinese site, and even traditional news portals such as Xinhuanet and also thrown away. The concerns of new technologies have put into the embrace of RSS. "Seeing the world" to Silicon Valley Financing and a number of VC and "Zhou Bo Tong" can be seen as a threatened ancestors in China's RSS market. Second, RSS martial arts is compared with other Internet applications, RSS is very young technology, but the dispute between the portals is quite complicated.

In 1999, Netscape defines a language that describes the news channel for its web browser Netscape Navigator, which is used to push the content of the site to the web accessor. This web language is largely W3C-based RDF (Resource Description Framework, Resource Description Framework), Netscape names it RSS (RDF Site Summary, RDF Site Summary), and its version number is 0.9. Compared with RSS0.9, Microsoft has also launched a similar standard, which is to support IE4.0's CDF (Channel Definition Format, Channel Definition Format), IE4.0 integrates "News Channel similar to Netscape Navigator" "The function, that is, the mainstream browser has all its own" push "technical standards. However, it is difficult to expect that "push" technology did not find a suitable business model from beginning to end, subject to the lack of network content, network speed restrictions, and the driving of commercial interests, the final "news channel" this quite promising application is still browsing Go out of the door. With the "push" technology, it is the position of Netscape to lose the browser overlord. RSS0.9 has become Netscape's out-of-print technology. Today, the scenery RSS is actually a grafted variety of faked others. Today, there are at least 7 versions of RSS technology. After 0.9, there are several different versions of 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0, which are not related to Netscape. The earliest of the RSS relay stick from Netscape is a company called Userland Software, which is also the first company that introduces RSS technology into commercial Blog services. Userland's job is to simplify the complex RDF specification RSS0.9 to adapt to emerging Internet applications like Blog. The first version of the free version of the first version of Userland quickly appeared soon and was very popular in a very popular RSS version for a long time. Subsequently, Userland has also launched RSS 0.92, 0.93 and 0.94, in order to indicate that the achievement of its simplified work, Userland defines these 0.9X version of RSS as Really Simple Syndication. The dramatic scene in the history of RSS happened to be mainstream at 0.9X, while Blog has also begun to gradually pop. Another RSS Development Working Group that is not affiliated to any commercial organization redefines RSS based on RDF, and releases RSS1.0, and re-explains the RSS as "RDF Site Summary". The Working Group claims that its purpose is to make RSS a technical standard that is not dominated by any commercial organization. Userland believes that the RSS Development Working Group does not have effectively communicated, and there is no inheritance relationship between RSS1.0 and 0.9x version, so Userland does not recognize the effectiveness of RSS1.0. More interesting is that Userlands will upgrade the RSS version from the 0.9X version of the Planning I think, in September 2002, and the definitions use a new mode, and there is no inheritance relationship with RSS1.0. Userland's result is the result of dental dentistry until today, RSS0.9X / 2.0 and RSS1.0 are still two mutually exclusive technical camps. The former has a broader market and user support, which gets more recognition of Web experts and technical standardization organizations.

At the time of the RSS camp, the other has also joined the RSS similar to the ranks of "push" technology. In early February 2004, Google announced that the service was given up the RSS format, and the RSS began to face the challenge from the outside. Atom is a project similar to RSS, which is proposed by IBM engineer Samruby. Its main purpose is to develop a new summary format to solve the problem of RSS (the confusing version number, open space, syntax chaotic confusion, definition, etc.). In addition to defining new summary formats, Atom also wants to define a standard file format and a standard programmable interface (Atom API), because of the need to provide support for streaming media data, Atom's syntax is much more complicated than RSS. . At present, the most widely used "push" technical standards on the Internet are still the RSS0.9x / 2.0 standard hosted by Userland. RSS1.0 is more complicated than the syntax of RSS2.0, which is relatively less. As for Atom, it has the highest complexity, the most difficult, and users are also least. In fact, the principles of RSS and Atom are consistent, and the purpose is to create XML text for the existing web content so that other sites do instant references. The good news is that IETF is working hard to coordinate the relationship between three technical camps, hoping to eventually combine the three to one, and make a real international standard. Of course, this is a premise, that is, Microsoft or other industrial giants no longer plug in the branches. But there is also a rumor that that once wanted to put all the "push" Gates now see the red "XML" tag on the web page will be excited, he seems to have left the left leg. RSS family spectrum three, RSS's hoping for general users, using RSS subscription news can be as simple as emails with Outlook Express; for web applications, RSS work processes are not so complicated, at least Both most other common web technologies are more prone to understand and achieve. Using a popular language, the basic application of an RSS can be described in this: the user obtains basic information such as the latest article title, content, and full-text links from the website, and makes it dependent on it. Speed ​​Reading. The purpose of RSS is to provide a mechanism for providing a content exchange between different endpoints on the Web. The RSS technical standard itself is a set of specifications defined for this content exchange. Here, the content to exchange the web endpoint first must meet the output format of the XML standard, that is, RSS should first be seen as an application instance under an XML framework. During an RSS Summary (Feeds) distribution process, the content publisher first outputs the proposed to the RSS definition to a standard XML file, which is identified by a unique address on the Web. After the user is learned, it is introduced into the RSS reader such as "Zhou Bo Tong" or "see the world" as the monitoring address. Then, the RSS reader will scan the monitored RSS addresses in accordance with the pre-set frequency, every time time (typically for a few minutes to an hour, it is inequality) to see if the target XML file changes. Once the file is found, this XML file is automatically downloaded to the local. The SML file (RSS address) saves the standard RSS format, which is marked with different labels.

Feeds contains the main information with channel names (identified with ), title (), link address (<limited ", content summary (<design>), language (<logage>), release time ( <pubdate>), author (<author>), classification (<category>), etc. More than 10 predefined tags. After the user receives Feeds, you can see all the topics of all the latest articles under this channel in the RSS reader and the content summary of each article and the web page address that can be connected to the full text. If the user generates further reading of the article title and content summary (generally only dozens to hundreds of words), you can find a detailed reading of the article through the links provided in Feeds. The picture above is the interface displayed when using Zhou Bo Tong's feeds, Zhou Bo Tong's window is one of the article's feeds, and the source RSS documentation is as follows: <RSS Version = "2.0" > <channel> ... <item> <title> Pocket Access with .NET Compact framework </ title> <link> < / Link> <Description> Larry ROOF in-depth discussion of data storage for the Pocket Access database in the mobile application, and explains the advantages of this storage type and how to implement it in your own application. </ description> <author> </ author> <category> </ category> <pubdate> Mon, 24 Jan 2005 3:00:00 GMT </ pubdate> </ item> ... </ channel> </ r s> In order to ensure the instantity of the RSS subscription, the Feeds provider also needs to establish a content synchronization mechanism, whenever its web site content is updated, to the original Feeds file according to the latest content (XML file Add new Feeds information. The MSDN Chinese site raised in the above figure is an example. If the site has added a new article entitled "Pocket Access" Pocket Access and .Net Compact Framework ", the MSDN Chinese Station needs to be listed in the previous paragraph.</p> <p>The content between the "" "tag is added to the original feeds file. In this way, when the RSS reader starts the detection of the target Feeds file in advance, the file is already Due to change, and then download this file to the local client. This is in the user's RSS reader interface is that the site has new Feeds to be charged. Users see a new article's content. Four, who The RSS trick? Some people think that the original intention of RSS seems to be in order to subscribe to the email list, if you look at the RSS application, this is almost inevitable. But from the actual effect, RSS is most popular The application is not a centralized subscription of commercial information, but an individual through web implementation, a typical example is the first RSS application crowd. In fact, RSS0.9x / 2.0 Standard founders, Dave Winner, Dave Winner, is a very famous Blogger, which is the first to implement RSS applications on his own blog and make it part of the blog culture. Many People believe that the reason why RSS can have today's scale development, Dave Wenner's "subscribe my blog" mode of "subscribe to my blog" in blog. In the past two years, with the rapid development of BLOG in the global Internet, The RSS application also follows the blog service to the first batch of blogger - IT from the industry and the high-education personnel. And this population is much higher than the general netizens, so people can see them from many bloggers now. I wrote a deep understanding of RSS technology and applications on Blog. Below is a teacher who is written in his blog in his blog. The feeling of RSS applications: introducing blog as a process record of learning and teaching, each The person registered a blog, although each classmate used blog and did not say, as a for me, the feelings of RSS were particularly profound, so I called "Magic RSS". A total of 51 students in the class, as a study requirement, The students have entered the BLOG address of their application in Wiki in class. The first two times after the course started to watch the blog of the students by opening a site, and did not use the RSS reader at the time. Every time I want to spend at least. I read the blog of my classmates for a whole half. Sometimes I have a hurry. After two weeks of school, I started using RSS to read the blog update information of the students, I will always look at the students at almost every day. Information, the feeling is particularly good, it seems to be very close to them. Such a process last continued for a month, my RSS reader has a little fault, because It is particularly busy, so I didn't repair my RSS reader in time, so that I didn't read the BLOG update information of the students every day, but used the way to open reading. Concentrated reading, very spent time, and many updated information is actually the feeling that I just released at the time, giving the students less. In the days without using the RSS reader, I have a feeling that is not smoothly isolated. I suddenly thought of the butterfly effect, but the butterfly effect tells the truth of a slight change. The time accumulation will have a huge change effect. I feel like this effect, and I can read it in a certain day, but if I persist The type of reading of the butterfly is produced. Under the silent magic of moisturites, this teacher's tricks were in this teacher. In the "day without RSS reader", even "has a feeling of not smoothly isolated."</p> <p>This magic of RSS is called "aggregation", which is also a trick that RSS is distinguished from other Web information. The so-called "polymerization" means that RSS focuses on the same point in the way the information on the Internet is set in the way. For example, the old concierge in this article is to use Zhou Bo Tong's RSS reader to aggregate more than 100 websites, and create his own personal information portal on the desktop. The benefits of "aggregation" are obvious, like the high-profile teachers, the old and the old and the old people don't need to browse hundreds of websites every day, and spend a little time on every website to find yourself really interested Things, they only need to go to the aggregate portal to subscribe to it, even when this aggregate portal is integrated into the desktop software (RSS reader), the individual user and information provider as information acquisitioners The distance is shortened to zero. The great improvement of web browsing efficiency from China RSS subscriptions is now affordable to benefit end users, but also brings unexpected benefits for information providers. Due to the use of aggregated reading modes, the entry of the RSS user begins will change from the portal site that provides information services in the past to BLOGLINES or TOPIM to provide online RSS subscription services, or simply "Zhou Bo Tong" or " See the world "such a desktop RSS reader as the entrance to its Internet. In this way, the traffic of the portal navigation page will decrease, and the advertising income of the portal is reflected in the uppermost navigation page with the highest traffic, this is the main reason for many websites on RSS. . Is RSS really the enemy of the portal? We can easily see from the US Internet market, and large sites offer RSS subscription services have become a trend. By the end of 2004, the site that does not support RSS has begun to become "heterogeneous", and the "XML" button on the page is almost It has become a standard configuration of the US mainstream website. The two diagrams below are the US Support RSS's website and the growth trend map of the number of RSS users. It is not difficult to see that the US RSS market is always accelerated in 2001 to 2004. The US RSS source growth trend graph The growth trend of the US RSS users from the American Internet industry's attitude toward RSS, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service model of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS.</p> <p>As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search. Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment:</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below. First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>The US RSS user growth trend shows the attitude of RSS from the US Internet industry. RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, but even the indispensable service model of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>The US RSS user growth trend shows the attitude of RSS from the US Internet industry. RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, but even the indispensable service model of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p> <p>From the American Internet industry to RSS attitude, RSS is not only the enemy of the portal, or even the indispensable service models of these big websites. Domestic IT world-famous Blogger Hongbo believes that websites that do not support RSS will fall in the future, and even whether RSS will be able to be a standard for elimination of integrated information portal sites. Carefully analyze the user's web browsing behavior, it is not difficult to find that RSS contribution to website traffic is actually huge. Take the old Song, he subscribes to the Feeds of more than 100 sites. The total number of news titles received every day is about 500, because these Feeds have targeted subscriptions in the old Song, basically he is interested Content. Even if the old Song is only opened for detailed reading, there are more than 50 articles that are browsing every day. "If the previous web browsing habits, I am afraid I will not see it all the week." The old Song will soon discover the implied problems. "In fact, the benefits of using RSS subscriptions are on the website. Find the time of the target article inadvertently saved, and use the traditional browsing method of the past, find information about the time than the effective reading time. "In fact, the information search time saved in a large amount will ultimately transform into effective The browsing time, therefore provides the RSS service website not only does not reduce traffic, but will find that the integrated traffic of its website is greatly improved by RSS. As a domestic famous IT portal site, the Biography Network is from January 4, 2005 (, just launched RSS subscription services after the Budget Network The integrated traffic from the RSS subscription has been climbed to the top of the various types of access traffic, and once occupied 40% of the total traffic flow of the Medical Network. "Seeing the world" The person in charge of the RSS reader believes that with the IT type vertical gantry, the integrated news portal will follow up sooner or later, and many channels like Sina have begun to support RSS, other portals are not Will not be a little bit. In addition to end users and web content providers, RSS application developers have begun to get returns, and even Risk investors in Silicon Valley have begun to find RSS investment opportunities. A entrepreneurial investor in a Silicon Valley even describes the most promising RSS applications in their own blog ,RSS reading software, online RSS aggregate website, RSS search engine, RSS-based personal information management services, and RSS aggregation media Wait. In 2004, RSS was just bright in China. To teach its true kung fu, the web content provider has to practice well. For domestic websites, RSS is increasingly spread to bring two changes, first of all, the editor of the website needs to learn to write a wonderful internal abstract, followed by considering whether the online advertisement is tilted from the navigation page to the content page. Attachment: Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Build your personal information portal with RSS</p> <p>Just conceptually, it is difficult to grasp the RSS in the end, it is more difficult to understand what RSS can do. In fact, RSS is a very easy-to-master technology, even those who have no understanding of XML, you can also use RSS to build your own personal information portal with RSS according to the steps introduced below.</p> <p>First go to to download the latest version of the free RSS reader "Zhou Bo Tong", then download the corresponding MSXML plugin and install it on that page. Then start Zhou Botong's installer, which is completed in a few "next step".</p> <p>Open Zhou Bo, you can see hundreds of RSS channels built into the RSS reader in the tree list on the left, including, Xinhua Net, Medical Network, MSDN, TechNet, 9CBS, DONEWS, etc., these Feeds It has been able to meet the needs of general IT people. As shown in Figure 1. Right-click on one channel, click "Update Selected Channel" in the pop-up menu, you can charge the latest article title list and content in this channel online. Zhou Bo 1</p> <p>In addition to the FEEDs that can be charged by Zhou Botong preset channels, users can also manually add the RSS channel you want to subscribe. Any web address that supports the RSS or Atom subscription service can be imported into the Channel list of Zhou Bo. If the user already knows the target's RSS subscription address, simply click on the "New Channel" in the upper left corner of Zhou Bo Tong, turn the target RSS Address Copy to the RSS channel address bar of the pop-up window, click "Next", enter "Channel Name" and confirm it.</p> <p>Users installed Zhou Bo Tong If you find the "XML" button flag on some site pages when browsing the web, you can also right-click on this "XML" button directly to pop up the right-click menu as shown in Figure 2. , Click on "Zhou Bo Tong: Capture RSS link", you can directly enter the interface of the RSS channel.</p> <p>Zhou Bo Tong 2</p> <p>In addition to the basic similar functions of other RSS readers, Zhou Boch has a killer application, which is an RSS instant search that integrates Baidu News. Only this feature, if you get good use, you can create a sophisticated information portal.</p> <p>As shown in Figure 3. Click the "Search" tab on the Zhou Bo Tong interface, enter the keywords of interested in the text box before "Bo Tong Baidu", such as "RSS Zhou Bo Tong", enter the right feeding in the right after entering the bus. See the latest news that appears in Baidu News Search with "RSS Zhou Bo Tong". At the same time, in the "BSS Channel" channel, "RSS Zhou Bo" channel will automatically appear, and each updated this feeds can get the latest news from Baidu News search.</p> <p>Zhou Bo 3</p> <p>Unlike Google News, this Baidu news search with RSS subscriptions is instantaneous, and Zhou Botong does not limit the number of channels. That is, if the user transforms all the keywords that you pay attention to in this way, you can make a real-time personal information portal that is customized by your hand.</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="51497" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col">CopyRight © 2020 All Rights Reserved </div><div class="col text-right">Processed: <b>0.047</b>, SQL: <b>9</b></div></div></div></footer><script src="./lang/en-us/lang.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/jquery.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/popper.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/xiuno.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap-plugin.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/async.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/form.js?2.2.0"></script><script> var debug = DEBUG = 0; var url_rewrite_on = 1; var url_path = './'; var forumarr = {"1":"Tech"}; var fid = 1; var uid = 0; var gid = 0; xn.options.water_image_url = 'view/img/water-small.png'; </script><script src="view/js/wellcms.js?2.2.0"></script><a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-angle-up"></i></a><a class="scroll-to-bottom rounded" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline;"><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a></body></html><script> var forum_url = 'list-1.html'; var safe_token = 'r4qhunTdD5JwwtS1EIWeYTTeTyEwwb2i8hAo9hO5zjipEdujAp5g69Aw0edYHiOW4FhaycY52RmezKapv4BRXQ_3D_3D'; var body = $('body'); body.on('submit', '#form', function() { var jthis = $(this); var jsubmit = jthis.find('#submit'); jthis.reset(); jsubmit.button('loading'); var postdata = jthis.serializeObject(); $.xpost(jthis.attr('action'), postdata, function(code, message) { if(code == 0) { location.reload(); } else { $.alert(message); jsubmit.button('reset'); } }); return false; }); function resize_image() { var jmessagelist = $('div.message'); var first_width = jmessagelist.width(); jmessagelist.each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); var maxwidth = jdiv.attr('isfirst') ? first_width : jdiv.width(); var jmessage_width = Math.min(jdiv.width(), maxwidth); jdiv.find('img, embed, iframe, video').each(function() { var jimg = $(this); var img_width = this.org_width; var img_height = this.org_height; if(!img_width) { var img_width = jimg.attr('width'); var img_height = jimg.attr('height'); this.org_width = img_width; this.org_height = img_height; } if(img_width > jmessage_width) { if(this.tagName == 'IMG') { jimg.width(jmessage_width); jimg.css('height', 'auto'); jimg.css('cursor', 'pointer'); jimg.on('click', function() { }); } else { jimg.width(jmessage_width); var height = (img_height / img_width) * jimg.width(); jimg.height(height); } } }); }); } function resize_table() { $('div.message').each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); jdiv.find('table').addClass('table').wrap('<div class="table-responsive"></div>'); }); } $(function() { resize_image(); resize_table(); $(window).on('resize', resize_image); }); var jmessage = $('#message'); jmessage.on('focus', function() {if(jmessage.t) { clearTimeout(jmessage.t); jmessage.t = null; } jmessage.css('height', '6rem'); }); jmessage.on('blur', function() {jmessage.t = setTimeout(function() { jmessage.css('height', '2.5rem');}, 1000); }); $('#nav li[data-active="fid-1"]').addClass('active'); </script>