Xoops Web Standard (Themes Source + CSS Document) by Emerald Green College - Green Institute

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44


<{$ xops_pagetitle}> <{$ xops_subtitle}> <{$ xops_sitename}> </ title></p> <p><link href = "<{$ xops_url}> / favicon.ico" rel = "shortcut icon" /></p> <p><link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "all" href = "<{$ xops_URL}> / Xoops.css" /></p> <p><link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "all" href = "<{$ xops_themecss}>" /></p> <p><link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "all" href = "<{$ xops_URL}> / web.standard.css" /> <! - rmv: added module header -></p> <p><{$ XOOPS_MODULE_HEADER}></p> <p><script type = "text / javascript"></p> <p><! -</p> <p><{$ XOOOPS_JS}></p> <p>// -></p> <p></ script></p> <p><script language = "javaScript" type = "text / javascript"></p> <p><! -</p> <p>Function mm_preloadImages () {//v3.0</p> <p>VAR D = Document; if (d.Images) {if (! D.mm_p) D.mm_p = new array ();</p> <p>VAR I, J = D.mm_p.length, a = mm_preloadimages.Arguments; for (i = 0; i <a.length; i )</p> <p>IF (a [i] .indexof ("#")! = 0) {d.mm_p [j] = new image; d.mm_p [j ]. SRC = a [i];}}</p> <p>}</p> <p>// -></p> <p></ script></p> <p></ hEAD></p> <p><body topmargin = "0" leftmargin = "0"></p> <p><div id = "bannerws"></p> <p><{$ XOOPS_BANNER}></p> <p></ div></p> <p><! - start header -> <div id = "headerws"> <div class = "logows"> <a href="/" target="_self"> <img src = "/ images / logo.gif" οnlοad = "MM_PRELOADIMAGES" width = "300" Height = "92" Border = "0" alt = "<{$ xops_pagetitle}> <{$ xops_subtitle}> <{$ XOOOPS_SITENAME} > "> </A> </ div> <div id =" navigationcnws "> <div class =" navigationcntopws "> <a href="/modules/t-techtools/index.htm"> CodeConvert </> < A href = "/ modules / gi-tools / gi-tools_pagerant.htm"> PageRank </a> <a href="/modules/gi-tools/gi-tools_hzzpy.htm"> hzzpy </a> <a href = "/ MODULES / GI-Tools / Gi-Tools_asciiartist.htm"> ASCII </a> <a href="/modules/gi-tools/gi-tools_calendar.htm"> Calendar </a> <a href = " /Modules/gi-tools/gi-tools_weather.htm">Weather </a> <a href="http:88/t/google/cheat_google.php"> Googlecheat </A> <a href="http://en.2288.org:66/index.htm"> zh </a> <a href="http://seo.2288.org:99/index.htm"> SE -Gi </a> <br /> <a href="/modules/google_cheat/index_5.htm"> p5 </a> <a href="/modules/google_cheat/index_6.htm"> p6 </A> <a href="/modules/google_cheat/index_7.htm"> p7 </a> <a href="/modules/google_cheat/index_8.htm"> p8 </a> <a href = "/ modules / Google_Cheat / Index_9.htm "> p9 </a> <a href ="</p> <p>/Modules/google_cheat/index_10.htm> P10 </A> </ div> <div class = "catchwordws"> I wish you a happy New Year! Good luck! In the new year, good health! High holiday! </ Div> <div class = "navigationcnmenuws"> <a href="/" target="_self"> Home </A> <a href = "/ modules / news / index.htm" target = "_Self"> News </a <a href="/modules/wfdownloads/index.htm" target="_self"> download <a href = "/ modules / mydownloads / index.htm" target = "_Self"> Source </A> <a href="/modules/myalbum/index.htm" target="_self"> picture </a> <a href = "/ modules / ams / index.htm" target = "_Self"> Article </a> <a href="/modules/booklists/index.htm" target="_self"> book </a> <a href = "/ modules / xphpbi / index.htm" target = "_self"> Communication </a <a href="/modules/newbb/index.htm" target="_self"> technology </a> <a href = "/ modules / digest / index.htm" target = "_Self"> 0day </a> <a href="/modules/wordbook/index.htm" target="_self"> Dictionary </a> <a href = "/ modules / dictionary / index.htm" target = "_Self"> Search </a> <a href="/modules/xmline/index.htm" target="_self"> network pick </a <a href = "/ modules / gi-tools / index. HTM "Target =" _ Self "> Tool </A> <a href =" / modules / Sitem ap / index.htm "target =" _ self "> map </a> <a href="/modules/xoopsodp/" target="_self"></p> <p>ODP </a> <a href="/modules/lykos_syndication/index.htm" target="_self"> RSS </A> </ div> </ div> </ div> <! - end header - > <! - start english menu -> <div id = "englishmennuws> <a href="/" target="_self"> Home </a> <a href =" / modules / news / index.htm "Target =" _ self "> news </a> <a href="/modules/wfdownloads/index.htm" target="_self"> Downloads </a <a href =" / modules / mydownloads / index.htm "target =" _ self "> XOOPS </a> <a href="/modules/myalbum/index.htm" target="_self"> photo </a> <a href =" / modules / AMS / INDEX.HTM "Target =" _ self "> article </a> <a href="/modules/booklists/index.htm" target="_self"> Books </a <a href =" / modules / xphpbbi / index.htm "Target =" _ self "> bbs </a> <a href="/modules/newbb/index.htm" target="_self"> forum </a> <a href =" / modules / digest / index.htm "Target =" _ self "> 0day </a> <a href="/modules/Wordbook/index.htm" target="_self"> glossary </a> <a href =" / modules / Dictionary / index.htm "Target =" _ self "> ghdb </a> <a href="/modules/xmline/index.htm" target="_self"> Digest </a> <a href =" / modules / GI-TOO Ls / index.htm "target =" _ self "> Tools </a> <a href="/modules/xoopsodp/" target="_self"> ODP </a> <a href ="</p> <p>/Modules/sitemap/index.htm "Target =" _ self "> SiteMap </a> <a href="/modules/lykos_syndication/index.htm" target="_self"> RSS </a> </ div> < ! - End English Menu -> <! - Start Search, Member, RSS -> <div id = "searchmemberrssws"> <div class = "searchformws> <form action =" <{$ xops_URL}> / Search.htm "Method =" post "target =" _ self "> <input class =" "type =" name = "query =" Search "size =" 12 "id =" 1 "/ > <input type = "hidden" name = "action" value = "result" /> <input name = "submit" type = "submit" value = "search" /> </ form> </ div> <div class = "MEMBERWS"> <{if $ xops_isuser}>! <{$ Xops_uname}> <a href="<} }_url} / iphp "target =" _ self "> Member information </a>, < a href = "<{$ xops_url}> / user.php? op = logout" target = "_ self"> Exit Login </a. <a href="/modules/xcgal/" target="_self"> Album </a> <a href="/modules/pical/" target="_self"> schedule </a> <a href="/modules/bopcomments/" target="_self"> comprehensive </A> <a Href = "/ modules / dms /" target = "_ self"> Document </a> <a href="/modules/istats/" target="_self"> statistics </a> <{else}> <a HREF = "<{$ xops_url} > /register.php "target =" _ self "> User registration! </a></p> <p>Green Academy - Green Institute! <{{}_Isuser}> <{else}> <a href="<} }_url} /user.php "Target =" _ self "> member login! < / a> <{/ if}> </ div> <div class = "linkscontactandotherws"> <a href="/modules/mylinks/index.htm" target="_self"> link </a> <a href = "/modules/liaise/index.htm" Target = "_ self"> Contact </a> </ div> </ div> <! - End search, Member, RSS -> <! - start all blocks - -> <div id = "mainblocksws"> <div id = "leftblcoksws"> <! - start left block loop -> <{foreach item = block from = $ xoops_lblocks}> <label> <{$ block.title }> </ label> <div> <{block.content}> </ div> <{/ foreach}> <! - end left block loop -> </ div> <div id = "customrightblcoksws"> <! - Display Center Blocks if any -> <{if $ xops_showcblock == 1}> <div id = "centerleftblocksws> <! - start center-left block loop -> <{foreach item = block from = $ XOOOPS_CLBLOCKS}> <label> <{$ block.title}> </ label> <div> <{$ block.content}> </ div> <{/ foreach}> <! - end center-left blocks LOOP -> </ div> <div id = "centerrightblocksws"> <! - start center-right block S loop -> <{foreach item = block from = $ xops_crblocks}> <label> <{$ block.title}> </ label> <div> <{$ block.content}> </ div> <{/ / Foreach}> <! - End center-right block loop -> </ div> <{/ if}> <</p> <p>! - End Display Center Blocks -> <div id = "rightblocksws"> <! - start right block loop -> <{foreach item = block from = $ xoops_rblocks}> <label> <{$ block.title }> </ label> <div> <{$ block.content}> </ div> <{/ foreach}> <! - end right block loop -> </ div> <div id = "centerCenterBlocksws"> <! - Start Center-Center Blocks Loop -> <{Foreach Item = Block from = $ XOOOPS_CCBLOCKS}> <label> <{$ block.title}> </ label> <div> <{$ block.content} > </ div> <{/ foreach}> <! <{i c i = "content"> <{$ xops_contents}> </ div> </ div> </ div> - End All Blocks -> <div id = "footerws"> <{$ xops_footer}> </ div> <! - xoops web standard design by Emerlad Green College - Green Institute http: / /GI.2288.org:88/ -> <! - the XOOOPS Web Standard Design by Emerlad Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/ -> <! - Do not remove this information Respect the author's labor. Please don't remove this's message! -> </ body> </ html> CSS Documents:</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *************** /</p> <p>* <meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charSet = GB2312"></p> <p>* CSS Document Design By Emerald</p> <p>* Green College - Green Institute</p> <p>* http://gi.2288.org:88/</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *************** /</p> <p>* * PX * PX * PX * PX</p> <p>* ------------------------------------------------- ----------------</p> <p>* On the upper right left</p> <p>* ------------------------------------------------- ----------------</p> <p>* Top Right Down LEFT</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *************** // ****************************************** *********************************************************** *********************************************** /</p> <p>*</p> <p>* XOOOPS general label by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/</p> <p>*</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * General label * /</p> <p>Body {</p> <p>Background-color: #fffff;</p> <p>Color: # 000000;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 12PX;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>Font-Family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif</p> <p>Font-weight: Normal;</p> <p>Text-Transform: Capitalize;</p> <p>Text-decoration: none;</p> <p>Padding: 0px;</p> <p>Margin: 0px;</p> <p>Overflow-x: hidden;</p> <p>Scrollbar-arrow-color: #fffff;</p> <p>Scrollbar-TRACK-Color: # f38587;</p> <p>ScrollBar-Base-Color: # f06567;</p> <p>}</p> <p>A, A: LINK, A: HOVER, A: ACTIVE, A: Visited {</p> <p>Text-decoration: none;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 12PX;</p> <p>Color: # 000000;</p> <p>}</p> <p>A: Hover {</p> <p>Color: # 000000;</p> <p>Background-color: # f3f4f5;</p> <p>}</p> <p>FORM, INPUT, IMG {</p> <p>Margin: 0px;</p> <p>Padding: 0px;</p> <p>Overflow: hidden;</p> <p>Vertical-align: middle;</p> <p>}</p> <p>INPUT {text-align: center;} DIV, UL, LI, DL, DT, DD, TABLE, TR, TD, P, FONT {Font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; text-align: left; margin: 0px Padding: 0px;} li {list-style-type: Square;} label {font-weight: bold; color: #ffff; background-color: # f38383; width: 100%; Display: block; padding: 2px 0px 2px 16px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 1px; Vertical-Align: Middle; Background-Repeat: no-repeat; background-position: Left;} Table {Width: 100%;} Table Td {Padding: 0; Border-Width: 0; vertical-align: top;} / ************************************************ *********************************************************** **************************************** * Green Institute Navigation Menu by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http: //gi .2288.org: 88 / * / ********************************************************** *********************************************************** ************************************************* / * XOOOPS BANNER * / DIV # bannerws {margin: auto; width: 765px; Text -ALIGN: CENTER;} / *********************************************************** *********************** *********************************************************** **** / / * Header * / div # Headerws {margin: auto; width: 760px; height: 92px;} Div # Headerws Div.Logows {Position: absolute; float: left; width: 290px;} Div # Headerws div # navigationCnWS {position: relative; padding: 0px;} div # headerWS div # navigationCnWS div.navigationCnTopWS {font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; padding: 0px; text-align: right;} div # headerWS div # navigationCnWS div.catchwordWS {color: # F3BB97; text-align: center; padding: 16px 0px 0px 300px;} div # headerWS div # navigationCnWS div.navigationCnMenuWS {padding: 16px 0px 0px 0px; text-align: right; font-family: Tahoma, Sans-Serif;</p> <p>} / ******************************************************* *********************************************************** ******************************** / / * ENGLISH NAVIGATION MENU * / DIV # EnglishMenuws {Width: 760px; Margin: Auto; Color: #ffffff; Background Color: # f06567; padding-left: 3px;} Div # englishmennuws a {color: #fffffff; Background-Color: # f06567; padding: 5px 3px; Display: block; float: left;} div # EnglishMenuws a: hover { Color: #fffff; background-color: # f3bb97; display: block;} / ***************************************** *********************************************************** ************************************************************ / / * Search & Member & Contact * / Div #searchMemberRssWS {width: 760px; margin: auto; height: 22px;} div # searchMemberRssWS div.searchFormWS {position: absolute;} div # searchMemberRssWS div.MemberWS {position: absolute; padding: 4px 0px 0px 165px;} div # searchMemberRssWS Div.linkscontactandotherws {text-align: Right; Padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;} / ***************************************** ************************************************ *********************************************************** / * XOOOOPS Main Blocks by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/ ****************************************** *********************************************************** *************************************************************************** / / * Main blocks * / div # mainblocksws {width: 760px; margin: auto;} / ******************************************** *********************************************************** ********************************************************** / / * LEFT Blocks, Main block block * / div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS {position: relative; width: 160px; float: left;} div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS label {background-image: url (images / arrow-l.gif); background-color: # f06567; } Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div {Width: 100%; Padding: 3px 0px;</p> <p>background-color: #fdfdfd; white-space: nowrap;} div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS div div {line-height: 120%;} div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS div a {display: block; background-image: url ( Images / arrow-8.gif); Padding: 2px 2px 2px 14px; Background-Repeat: no-repeat; Background-Position: Left;} Div # Mainblocksws Div # LIST-STYLCOKSWS DIV Li {List-style-type: none;} Div #mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS div a: hover {font-weight: bold;} div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS div a.menuTop {background-color: transparent; padding-left: 15px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # leftBlcoksWS div am- M {background-color: #ffffff; padding-left: 15px;} Div # mainblocksws div # Leftblcoksws div A.menusub {padding-left: 25px; color: # 9f0000;} / *********** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********** / * Custom Right Blocks, Main Blocks * / Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlCOKSWS {Position: Relative; Width: 600px; float: right;} / ******* ************ *********************************************************** *********************************************************** * / / * Center Left Blocks, Main Blocks * / div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerLeftBlocksWS {width: 220px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerLeftBlocksWS label {background-image: url (images / arrow-l. gif); position: absolute; height: 16px; margin: 0px 1px 0px 1px; width: 219px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerLeftBlocksWS div {padding: 18px 0px 5px 5px; white-space: nowrap;} / * div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerLeftBlocksWS dt {background-image: url (images / arrow-l.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF ;</p> <p>Background-color: # f38383; width: 100%; Display: block; padding: 2px 0px 2px 16px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px; vertical-align: middle;} * // ********** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *********** / / * Center Right Blocks, Main Blocks * / div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerRightBlocksWS {position: absolute; width: 220px; left: 220px; top: 0px;} div #mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerRightBlocksWS label {background-image: url (images / arrow-l.gif); position: absolute; height: 16px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 1px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerRightBlocksWS Div {Padding: 18px 0px 5px 5px; White-Space: Nowrap;}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ****************************** / / * Right Blocks, Main Blocks * / Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws {Width: 160px; Position: Absolute; left: 440px; top: 0px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS label {background-image: url (images / arrow-l.gif);} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div {padding: 2px 0px 5px 5px; White-Space: nowrap;</p> <p>/ * Div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div {width: 100%; text-align: left; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; background-color: #ffffff;} #rightBlocksDivWS {padding: 0px }</p> <p>div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div a {display: block; background-image: url (images / arrow-8.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding: 2px 2px 2px 14px;</p> <p>div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div a: hover {font-weight: bold;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div li {list-style-type: none;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # RightBlocksws Div UL Li {List-Style-Type: None;} * / / ********************************************* *********************************************************** ********************************************************** / * Center Center Blocks, Main Blocks * / Div #mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerCenterBlocksWS {width: 600px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # centerCenterBlocksWS label {background-image: url (images / arrow-l.gif); padding: 3px 0px 3px 16px;} div # MAINBLOCKSWS DIV # CustomrightBlcoksws Div {Padding: 2px 0px 5px 2px; font-family: Tahoma, Sans-Serif; White-Space: nowrap;} / *************** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***** / / * Site Footer * / #footerws, #footerws a, #foot Erws a: hover, #googlecrawler {color: #fffff; text-align: center;} Div # footerws {width: 100%; Background-Color: # f06567; padding: 4px 0px;} div # footerws A: Hover {Background -color: # 7ede7c;} Div # GooglecRAWLER {Background-Color: CC6600; Padding: 0px;} / ******************************************** *********************************************************** ************************************************************** / * * XOOPS & SYSTEM By Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/ ***************************************** *********************************************************** ************************************************************************* / DIV # mainblockswsws Div # Leftblcoksws Div Div # xoopsonline {padding: 5px 0px 5px 12px;</p> <p>} Div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div div # xoopsOnline {padding: 5px 0px 5px 12px;} tr.even td, tr.even-01 td {background-color: # F3F4F5; padding: 5px;} tr.odd td, tr.odd-01 td {background-color: # f9f9f9; padding: 5px;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div div # webmastersWS {text-align: center; font-weight: bold;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div div.SiteInfoWS1 {background-color: # F38383;} div # mainBlocksWS div # customRightBlcoksWS div # rightBlocksWS div div.SiteInfoWS2 {background-color: # F06567;} #siteInfoUserWS {width: 100px; position : Absolute; Left: 0px; Padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px;} #siteinfomessagews {float: right; width: 60px; text-align: Right;} / ************************ *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***** / * * XOOPS Blocks & Modules by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/ ******************************** *********************** *********************************************************** ********************************************* NEWBB MODULES * / #NewbbbBbbBbbbBbbBbbbBbbBbbBbbBbstitleViewswsws, #NewbbBbbbBlockstitleLastPostWs {Position : absolute; text-align: center; top: auto; font-weight: bold; color: # 000000;} div # newbbBlocksTitleTopicWS {width: 380px; left: 0px;} div # newbbBlocksTitleRepliesWS {width: 50px; left: 380px; } div # newbbBlocksTitleViewsWS {width: 50px; left: 430px;} div # newbbBlocksTitleLastPostWS {width: 120px; left: 490px;} div # newbbBlocksTopicWS {width: 380px; left: 0px; float: left; white-space: nowrap;} #NewbbbbBBBBBLOCKSREPLIESWS {Position: absolute; top: auto;} div # newbbblocksforumnamews {width: 380px;</p> <p>left: 0px; right: 0px; text-align: right; margin-top: 15px;} div # newbbBlocksRepliesWS {width: 50px; left: 400px;} div # newbbBlocksViewsWS {width: 50px; left: 50px; position: relative; top: auto; text-align: center;} div # newbbBlocksLastPostWS {width: 120px; position: relative; left: 490px; top: -21px;} label # newbbBlocks {background-color: #fdfdfd; float: right; text- Align: Right; Letter-spacing: 3px; Padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px;} / ******************************* *********************************************************** ************************************************************************************** / / * Xphpbbi Modules * / #xphpbbiBlocksTitleTopicWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTitleRepliesWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTitleViewsWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTitleLastpostWS {position: absolute; text-align: center; top: auto; font-weight: bold; color: # 000000;} div # xphpbbiBlocksTitleTopicWS {width: 380px; Left: 0px;} div # xphpbbiblockstitleRepliesws {width: 50px; Left: 380px;} Div # xphpbibiblockstitiViewsws {Width: 50px; Left: 430px;} Div # xphpbbibloc ksTitleLastpostWS {width: 120px; left: 490px;} #xphpbbiBlocksImgWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTopicForumWS, #xphpbbiBlocksRepliesWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTopicViewsWS, #xphpbbiBlocksTopicTimePosterWS {position: absolute;} div # xphpbbiBlocksImgWS {width: 50px; text-align: center; left: 0px; top : auto; background; background-position: center center;} Div # xphpbbiblockstopictitlews {width: 330px; Left: 50px; Top: 0px; Position: relative;</p> <p>div # xphpbbiBlocksTopicForumWS {width: 330px; left: 0px; top: auto; text-align: right; margin-top: -10px;} div # xphpbbiBlocksRepliesWS {width: 50px; left: 390px; top: auto; margin-top: -21px;} div # xphpbbiBlocksTopicViewsWS {width: 50px; left: 440px; margin-top: -20px;} div # xphpbbiBlocksTopicTimePosterWS {width: 110px; left: 490px; margin-top: -20px;} div # label-l { Width: 300px; float: Left; background-color: #fdfdfd; letter-spacing: 3px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 10px 0px 0px 2px;} / * div # label-l {width: 300px; float: Right; Text-Align: Right; Background-Color: #fdfdfd;} * / div # label-r {text-align: right; letter-spacing: 3px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; margin: 10px 2px 0px 0px; BACKGROUND-color: #fdfdfd;} / ************************************************************* *********************************************************** ************************************************************** * My Album Modules * / Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div # MyAlBumrandompHoto {text-align: center; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;} / ***** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** **************** / / * GI-Tools Modules * / form # PageRank {Padding: 2px 0px 0px 5px;} / ************ *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ********* / / * AMS MODULES * / # AMS-T-12-BC, # AMS-T-12-BC A, # AMS-T-12-BC A: Hover, # AMS- TD-EF, # AMS-TD-EF-L, # AMS-T-14, # AMS-T-14 A: Hover {font-size: 14px;} # AMS-T-12-BC A: Hover, # AMS-T-14 A: Hover {Border-Width: 0; Background-Color: # 7ede7c; Color: #fffff; font-weight: bold;} # AMS-TD-FD {Background-Color: #fdfdfd; Padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px;} # AMS-TD-EF, # AMS-TD-EF-L {Padding: 3px; Background-Color: # f9f9f9;} # AMS-TD-EF {Text-align: Right;</p> <p>} # AMS-TD-FF {Background-Color: # f1f2f3;} # AMS-T-14, # AMS-T-14 A {Color: # 9f0000; font-weight: Normal;} / ****** *********************************************************** *********************************************************** *************** / * MYLINK MODULES * / # mslf, #mslfl, #mslf A: Hover, #mslfl A: Hover {Border-Width: 0; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;} # mslf A: hover, #mslfl A: Hover {Background-color: # 7ede7c; color: #ffff;} # mslfl, #mslfl td {background-color: # f3f4f5;} / *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* / / * MyDownload Modules * / #mfcr {color: # ff0000;} / ************* *********************************************************** *********************************************************** ********* /</p> <p>Themes:</p> <p><HEAD></p> <p><meta http-equiv = "Content-type" content = "text / html; 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mainblocksws {</p> <p>Width: 760px;</p> <p>MARGIN: AUTO;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Left Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # mainblocksws div # leftblcoksws {</p> <p>Position: relative;</p> <p>Width: 160px;</p> <p>FLOAT: LEFT;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # mainblocksws div # Leftblcoksws label {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>Background-color: # f06567;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # mainblocksws div # Leftblcoksws div {</p> <p>Width: 100%;</p> <p>Padding: 3px 0px;</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div Div {</p> <p>Line-height: 120%;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div A {</p> <p>Display: block;</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-8.gif);</p> <p>Padding: 2px 2px 2px 14px;</p> <p>Background-repeat: no-repeat;</p> <p>Background-position: Left;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div Li {</p> <p>List-style-type: none;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div A: Hover {</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # mainblocksws div # Leftblcoksws div A.Menutop {</p> <p>Background-color: Transparent;</p> <p>Padding-left: 15px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div A.M-m {</p> <p>Background-color: #fffff;</p> <p>Padding-left: 15px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # leftblcoksws div A.menusub {</p> <p>Padding-left: 25px;</p> <p>Color: # 9f0000;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ****************************** / / * Custom Right Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws {</p> <p>Position: relative;</p> <p>Width: 600px;</p> <p>Float: Right;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Center Left Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerleftblocksws {</p> <p>Width: 220px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerleftblocksws label {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>Height: 16px;</p> <p>Margin: 0px 1px 0px 1px;</p> <p>Width: 219px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerleftblocksws div {CETERLEFTBLOCKSWS DIV {</p> <p>Padding: 18px 0px 5px 5px;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ *</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerleftblocksws dt {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>Background-repeat: no-repeat;</p> <p>Background-position: Left;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>Color: #fffff;</p> <p>Background-color: # f38383;</p> <p>Width: 100%;</p> <p>Display: block;</p> <p>Padding: 2px 0px 2px 16px;</p> <p>Margin: 0px 0px 0px 2px;</p> <p>Vertical-align: middle;</p> <p>}</p> <p>* /</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Center Right Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerrightblocksws {</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>Width: 220px;</p> <p>LEFT: 220px;</p> <p>TOP: 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # CenterrightBlocksws label {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>Height: 16px;</p> <p>Margin: 0px 0px 0px 1px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # CenterrightBlocksws Div {</p> <p>Padding: 18px 0px 5px 5px; White-Space: NOWRAP;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Right Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws {</p> <p>Width: 160px;</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>Left: 440px;</p> <p>TOP: 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws label {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div {</p> <p>Padding: 2px 0px 5px 5px;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ *</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div {</p> <p>Width: 100%;</p> <p>Text-align: Left;</p> <p>Padding-top: 3px;</p> <p>Padding-bottom: 3px;</p> <p>Background-color: #fffff;</p> <p>}</p> <p>#rightblocksdivws {</p> <p>Padding: 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div A {</p> <p>Display: block;</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-8.gif);</p> <p>Background-repeat: no-repeat;</p> <p>Background-position: Left;</p> <p>Padding: 2px 2px 2px 14px;</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div A: Hover {</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div Li {</p> <p>List-style-type: none;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div UL Li {</p> <p>List-style-type: none;</p> <p>}</p> <p>* /</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Center Center Blocks, Main Blocks * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # centerCenterBlocksws {</p> <p>Width: 600px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # CenterCenterBlocksws Label {</p> <p>Background-Image: URL (images / arrow-l.gif);</p> <p>Padding: 3px 0px 3px 16px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # CenterCenterBlocksws Div {Padding: 2px 0px 5px 2px;</p> <p>Font-Family: Tahoma, Sans-Serif;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Site Footer * /</p> <p>#footerws, #footerws a, #footerws a: hover, #googlectl {</p> <p>Color: #fffff;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # footerws {</p> <p>Width: 100%;</p> <p>Background-color: # f06567;</p> <p>Padding: 4px 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Footerws A: Hover {</p> <p>Background-color: # 7ede7c;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # GooglecRAWLER {</p> <p>Background-color: CC6600;</p> <p>Padding: 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>*</p> <p>* XOOPS & SYSTEM by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/</p> <p>*</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # Leftblcoksws Div Div # xoopsonline {</p> <p>Padding: 5px 0px 5px 12px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div Div # Xoopsonline {</p> <p>Padding: 5px 0px 5px 12px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Tr. Even TD, Tr.Even-01 Td {</p> <p>Background-color: # f3f4f5;</p> <p>Padding: 5px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Tr.odd TD, Tr.ODD-01 TD {</p> <p>Background-color: # f9f9f9;</p> <p>Padding: 5px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div Div # WebmasterSws {</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div Div.siteInfows1 {</p> <p>Background-color: # f38383;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div Div.siteInfows2 {</p> <p>Background-color: # f06567;</p> <p>}</p> <p>#siteInfouserws {</p> <p>Width: 100px;</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>Padding: 0px 0px 0px 5px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>#siteinfomessagews {</p> <p>Float: Right;</p> <p>Width: 60px;</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>*</p> <p>* XOOOPS Blocks & Modules by Emerald Green College - Green Institute http://gi.2288.org:88/</p> <p>*</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Newbb Modules * /</p> <p>#newbbbbbbbbbBlockstitleViewsws, #NewbbbBlockstitleLastPostWs {</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>Color: # 000000;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockstitletopicws {</p> <p>Width: 380px;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockstitleRepliesws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>Left: 380px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockstiticeviewsws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>LEFT: 430PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockstitlelastpostws {</p> <p>Width: 120px;</p> <p>Left: 490px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockstopicws {</p> <p>Width: 380px;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>FLOAT: LEFT;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>}</p> <p>#newbbbbbbbbbbblocksrepliesws {</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblocksforumnamews {</p> <p>Width: 380px;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>Right: 0px;</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>Margin-top: 15px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblocksrepliesws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>LEFT: 400PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblocksviewsws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>LEFT: 50px;</p> <p>Position: relative;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # newbbblockslastpostws {</p> <p>Width: 120px;</p> <p>Position: relative;</p> <p>Left: 490px;</p> <p>TOP: -21PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Label # newbbblocks {</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>Float: Right;</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>Leetter-spacing: 3px;</p> <p>Padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px;</p> <p>Margin: 0px 2px 0px 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * Xphpbbi modules * /</p> <p>#xphpbbibbibstitletopicws, #xphpbbiblockstitleRepliesws, #xphpbbibiblockstitleviewsws, #xphpbbibbibbibbibbibstitlelastpostws {Position: Absolute;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>Color: # 000000;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstitletopicws {</p> <p>Width: 380px;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstitleRepliesws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>Left: 380px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstiticeviewsws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>LEFT: 430PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstitlelastpostws {</p> <p>Width: 120px;</p> <p>Left: 490px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>#xphpbbiblocksimgws, #xphpbbibbibstopicforumws, #xphpbbiblocksrepliesws, #xphpbbibbibstopicviewsws, #xphpbbibiblockstopictimeposterws {</p> <p>Position: absolute;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblocksimgws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>Background-repeat: no-repeat;</p> <p>Background-position: center center;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstopictitlews {</p> <p>Width: 330px;</p> <p>LEFT: 50px;</p> <p>TOP: 0px;</p> <p>Position: relative;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstopicforumws {</p> <p>Width: 330px;</p> <p>LEFT: 0PX;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>Margin-top: -10px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblocksrepliesws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>Left: 390px;</p> <p>Top: Auto;</p> <p>Margin-top: -21px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstopicViewsws {</p> <p>Width: 50px;</p> <p>Left: 440px;</p> <p>Margin-top: -20px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # xphpbbiblockstopictimeposterws {</p> <p>Width: 110px;</p> <p>Left: 490px;</p> <p>Margin-top: -20px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Div # label-l {</p> <p>Width: 300px;</p> <p>FLOAT: LEFT;</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>Leetter-spacing: 3px;</p> <p>Padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px;</p> <p>Margin: 10px 0px 0px 2px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ *</p> <p>Div # label-l {</p> <p>Width: 300px;</p> <p>Float: Right;</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>}</p> <p>* /</p> <p>Div # label-r {</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>Leetter-spacing: 3px;</p> <p>Padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px;</p> <p>Margin: 10px 2px 0px 0px;</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* / / * My Album Modules * /</p> <p>Div # Mainblocksws Div # CustomrightBlcoksws Div # RightBlocksws Div # myalbumrandomphoto {</p> <p>TEXT-ALIGN: CENTER;</p> <p>Padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * GI-Tools Modules * /</p> <p>FORM # pagerank {</p> <p>Padding: 2px 0px 0px 5px;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * AMS MODULES * /</p> <p># AMS-T-12-BC, # AMS-T-12-BC A, # AMS-TD-12-BC A: Hover, # AMS-TD-EF, # AMS-TD-EF-L, # AMS- T-14, # AMS-T-14 A: Hover {</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 14PX;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-T-12-B-C A: Hover, # AMS-T-14 A: Hover {</p> <p>BORDER-WIDTH: 0;</p> <p>Background-color: # 7ede7c;</p> <p>Color: #fffff;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-TD-FD {</p> <p>Background-color: #fdfdfd;</p> <p>Padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-TD-EF, # AMS-TD-EF-L {</p> <p>Padding: 3px;</p> <p>Background-color: # f9f9f9;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-TD-EF {</p> <p>Text-align: Right;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-TD-FF {</p> <p>Background-color: # f1f2f3;</p> <p>}</p> <p># AMS-T-14, # AMS-T-14 A {</p> <p>Color: # 9f0000;</p> <p>Font-weight: Normal;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * MyLink Modules * /</p> <p># m-s-l-f, # m-s-l-f-L, # m-s-l-f A: Hover, # m-s-l-f-L A: Hover {</p> <p>BORDER-WIDTH: 0;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 14PX;</p> <p>Font-weight: bold;</p> <p>}</p> <p># m-s-l-f A: Hover, # m-s-l-f-L A: Hover {</p> <p>Background-color: # 7ede7c;</p> <p>Color: #fffff;</p> <p>}</p> <p># m-s-l-f-L, # m-s-l-f-L Td {</p> <p>Background-color: # f3f4f5;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ * MyDownload Modules * /</p> <p># M-f-c-r {color: # ff0000;</p> <p>}</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *********************************************************** ********************* /</p> <p>/ ************************************************** *************** /</p> <p>*</p> <p>* Author: Emerald <btbtd@yahoo.com.cn></p> <p>*</p> <p>* HomePage: http://gi.2288.org:88/</p> <p>*</p> <p>* SEO-GI: http://seo.2288.org:99</p> <p>*</p> <p>* Sitename: Green College - Green Institute</p> <p>*</p> <p>* Date: 2005-3-3 1:28:56</p> <p>*</p> 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