Supra Technical Support Bulletin Class 2 Fax Commands for Supra Faxmodems 6/19/92
Supra Corporation
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SUPRA's DISCLAIMER: The following information has been taken from Rockwell's RC144AC manual It has not been taken from the CCITT Class 2 documentation, which is copyrighted by the CCITT This information is provided for educational purposes only To fully understand this information requires a through... knowledge of the T.4 fax image and the T.30 fax session protocol standards. Due to the nature of this information, Supra's engineers and technical support can not and will not provide any help or support on this information. While a majority of this information is correct, neither Supra nor Rockwell implies or warranties that the SupraFaxModem will work exactly as documented here. This information is based on an early draft of Class 2, which has undergone further revisions and changes by the CCITT TR29.2 committee. We STRONGLY Urge Anyone Attempting to Develop Fax Software To Get The Required Documentation from Get The Required Documentation from Global Engineering or the TIA.
SHORT HISTORY OF CLASS 1 AND 2In 1988 the CCITT TR29.2 committee accepted the Class 1 standard for communication between fax software and fax modems. The committee also voted on, but did not accept for various technical reasons, the Class 2 standard. A year later, they had slightly revised the standard but again did not accept it. Software and hardware manufactures decided to unofficially adopt this standard until the TR29.2 committee could develop an acceptable standard. Since so many companies have used the unoffical standard, the TR29. 2 committee has designated that when the standard is offically adopted it will be known as Class 2.0. Over the last year or so, the TR29.2 committee has voted on several revisions to the Class 2 standard. Their last vote was early May '92 . A no vote for technical reasons was entered. The TR29.2 committee is now reviewing the technical issues that were raised. At this time, Supra has not heard of a projected date for the next ballot.WHAT IS THE dIFFEREN CE BETWEEN CLASS 1 AND 2Class 1 fax software handles all of the T.4 fax image and T.30 session protocol information and timming. Thus, the ability to communicate properly with various fax machines is more a function of the software than the fax modem . Class 2 fax software generates a T.4 fax page image and sends it to the fax modem a page at a time. The fax modem then handles the T.30 session protocol information and timming. This relieves the computer's cpu from some work. The ability to communicate properly with various fax machines is more a function of the fax modem than the software. However, to further complicate matters, class 2 fax software can issue class 1 commands and take over some of the duties of the class 2 fax modem .
When customers have a problem communicating correctly with a fax machine / modem, it can be very difficult to determine which is at fault, the software or the hardware. Supra has collected numerous Class 1 and 2 fax software for a variety of different computers. When WE Receive A Report of A Problem, We Use these Programs To Determine IT IS A Software or Hardware Problem. If IT IS A Hardware Problem, We Notify Rockwell, OtherWise We Notify The Software Company.
Bug Reportssupra Is Dedicated to Making The Best Product for The Best Price. If You Feel That You Have Found A bug, please fax or send a letter to the attertion of:
Supra v32 / bis fax bug
Please fully describe the 'bug' (specific steps to generate it, phone numbers to call, make and model of fax / modem, rev of our ROM (from I3 command)), why you believe that it is a bug, what specific section of Class 2 applies to this bug and how you would like the bug to be fixed. Please remember that there are issues that have not been addressed or settled by the TR29.2 committee in the Class 2 specifications. (ie how the DCD and DTR LINES Are Handled While In Fax Mode.)
Where to get Official Fax Documentation
Telecommunications Industry Association
1722 Eye St. NW
Suite 440
Washington, DC 20006
You ued to ask for:
Class 1 Documentation - EIA / TIA-578
Class 2 documentation - Electronic Industries Association and Telecommunications Industry Association TIA Project Number 2388, Asynchronous Facsimile DCE Control Standard, Service Class 2, TR-29.2 Committee Letter Ballot
Exportal Engineering Documents
2805 McGaw AVE
Irvin, CA 92713
714-261-7892 (FAX)
You ued to ask for:
EIA / TIA-578 - CLASS 1 Documentation
EIA / TIA-592 - Class 2 Documentationccitt V7.3 - T.1 - T.90 Standards, Includes T.4 & T.30
(The Cost for the Above Docs Will Run Close To $ 200. But Global Will Also Update You On Any Changes or Additional THOSE Standards You Purchase.)
Global Engineering will not have the Class 2 documentation until approx. A month after the TR29.2 committee accepts it. Most of those companies which have developed Class 2 fax software either sit on the TR29.2 committee or know someone who does. It may BE POSSIBLE TO Receive The Documentation from The Tia if You Present a Credible Proposal. Supra Has No Knowledge of What this Proposal SHOULD CONSIST OF OR WHO You Need To Talk To.
See Also Class 1 Fax Commands for Supra Faxmodems Which Is Available on Supra BBS.
7.1 Command Syntax and Guidelines
7.1.1 DTE COMMANDSThe ISO 646 character set (T.50 International Alphabet 5, American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is used for the issuance of commands and responses. Only the low-order 7 bits of each character are used for commands or parameters The high order bit is ignored. Upper Case Characters Are Equivalent to Lower Case Characters.
For Phase C Data Transmission Or Reception, All 8 Bits Are Needed.
DTE COMMAND LINESA command line is a string of characters sent from a DTE to the DCE while the DCE is in a command state. Command lines have a prefix, a body, and a terminator. The prefix consists of the ASCII characters 'AT' ( 065, 084) OR 'AT' (097, 116). The body is a string of commands restricted to printable ascii characters, (032-126). Space Characters (ASCII 032) And Control Characters Other Than Cr (013) And BS (010) in the command string are ignored. The default terminator is the ASCII
Missing Decimal Parameters are evatated as 0.
EXTENDED COMMAND SYNTAXThe facsimile commands use extended syntax They are preceded by the ' F' characters, and they are terminated by the semicolon. ';' Character (059) or by the
AT FAA = 0; FCR 1
This Command Instructs The DCE to ANSWER Automatically A Data or Fax Call and Also Enables received.
AT fclass = 0
At fclass = 1
In Class 2, the DCE makes and terminates calls, manages the communication session and negotiates (T.30 protocol) and transports the image date to DTE. The T.4 protocol management of image data, etc. is done by DTE.
The response to
AT fclass = 0
Okthe Service Class May Be Set by The DTE from the Choices Available Using The ' Fclass =
General Rules
Fnnn commands must be entered completely otherwise an ERROR response is sent All response messages are preceded and followed by
a. a class 1 Command IS Received While In Class 2.
b. a class 2 Command is Received While In Class 1.
c. a class 1 or class 2 action command is receivers While in data odem mode
d. a class 2 read-only parameter is given the "=" Form of A F Command (E.G., AT Faxerr = 5).
e. a class 2 action command is given the inappriate "=" or =? "(E.G., AT FDR =?).
7.1.2 Serial Port Speed And Flow ControlDuring Fax Mode, The DTE-DCE Port Speed IS 19200 BPS.
The DCE Provides A Speed Buffer Of 1024 BYtes and Provides DC1 / DC3 (XON / XOFF) OR RTS / CTS Method of Controlling The Data INTO The Buffer. This Flow Control Is Controlled by At & K3 OR AT & K4 Command.
This method of data flow control is available only for DTE to DCE direction of data. There is no provision for data flow control from DCE to DTE.DATA STREAM TERMINATIONThe DCE exchanges streams of data with the DTE while executing data transfer commands. These use data Stream Termination Described in Section 3.2 / ISO 2111.
Any Data ....
Any Data ....
Any Data ....
DTE to DCE STREAMSThe DCE filters the data stream from the DTE, and removes all character pairs beginning with
The DTE Must Filter Stream Data To The DCE, AND INSERT Extra
DCE TO DTE STREAMSThe DTE must filter the data stream from the DCE, and remove all character pairs beginning with
The DCE Filters Stream Data To The DTE, AND INSERTS Extra
7.1.3 Auto Answerthe DCE CAN ANSWER AS A DATA DCE OR AS A FAX DCE. IT CAN Answer The Call Adaptively, IE IT CAN DETERMINE WHENER CALL IS 'DATA' OR 'FAX'. THE FAA Parameter Controls this FAA = 1; Auto Answer As a Facsimile OR A
Data Modem Depending on Call
7.1.4 Identification Of T.30 OptionsGroup 3 Devices Negotiate Session Parameters in DIS, DCS AND DTC Frames. These parameters are defined in Table 8.2.
7.1.5 Session Status ReportingThe DCE PROVIDES Reports to the DTE ON The Status of A Session. The DCE Provides Following Status Reports:
Connection and hang up status: fcon
FHNG: <0-255>
Requested Dissession Parameters FDIS:
Phase C Base Status Reports: Depending Upon Copy Quality and Related End-of Page Status: fPTS: <1-5>
7.1.6 Procedure Interrrupt Negotiationccitt Allows A Station To Request A Procedure Interruption At The End of a page. This Request Is Passed Between Station The PIP, PIN, AND pri-q Messages.
Table 7-1. Fax Class 2 Commands
-------------------------------------------------- ---------
| Command Function |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| Service class ID |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| FCLASS = Service Class || ------------------------------------------ --------------- |
Class 2 Action Commands |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| D Originate A Call |
| FDT = Data Transmission |
| Fet = n Transmit Page Puncture |
| FDR Begin or Continue Phase C Receive Data |
| Fk session termination |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| Class 2 DCE Responses |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| FDCS: Report Current Session |
| FDIS: Report Remote Identification |
| FCFR Indicate Confirmation To Receive |
| Ftsi: Report The Transmit Station ID |
| FCSI: Report The Called Station ID |
| FPTS: Page Transfer Status |
| FET: POST Page Message Response |
| FHng Call Termination with status |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| Class 2 Session Parameters |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
| FMFR? Identify Manufacturer |
| FMDL? Identify Model |
| FREV? Identify Revision || FDCC = DCE Capabilities Parameters |
| FDIS = Current sessions parameters |
| Fdcs = current session results |
| Flid = local id string |
| FCR Capability to Receive |
| FPTS = Page Transfer status |
| FAA Adaptive Answer |
| FBUF? Buffer Size |
| FAXERR FAX Error Value |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
7.2 Service Class 2 Identification and SelectionThe Fax Class 2 Commands Are Summarized in
Table 7-1.
Three commands report identification and selection information. Each of these three commands cause the DCE to send a message to the DTE. Each message is 20 bytes (ASCII encoded) followed by the terminating character (binary 0).
7.2.1 FMFR?, Request Manufacturer IdentificaitionThe FMFR? Command Caused The DCE TO Send a Message Identifying The DCE Product Manufacturer. The default message is:
7.2.2 FMDL ?, Identify Product ModelThe FMDL? Command Causes The DCE SEND A Message Identifying The Decupuct Model. The default message is:
7.2.3 Frev ?, Identify Product RevisionThe FREV? Command Causes The DCE SEND A Message Identifying The DCE Product Model Revision Number. The Typical Default message is:
V0.200 TR14-JXXX-001OK
7.3 SERVICE CLASS 2 ACTION COMMANDSThese commands transfer data, and punctuate sessions. They also release specific T.30 messages. All action commands must be the last command on a command line. This is indicated by the terminating
All action commands initiate processes. The modem will not accept other commands from the DTE until the modem issues a final result code (e.g. OK, CONNECT). The modem will abort the process if it receives any character before the final result code is issued.
7.3.1 ATD, Originate A Call
The DCE CAN Support A DTE Command to Orig Inn A Call Using The ATD Command (See Table 4-2).
IF this Command IS Unsuccessful, The DCE Reports An Appropriate Failure Or Error Type Result Code Such AS No Carrier, No Dialtone Or Busy (See Table 4-7).
IF this Call Is Successful, The Typical DCE Response IS:
Atdnn.nn (Go Off-Hook, Dial, Get CED)
THE DCE DIALS, Detects Call Progress and generate the cng tone. The IT Waits for a disame. On Detection of the first phase B Preamble (v.21 ch. 2 MODULATED BY 300 BIT / S HDLC Flags) IT Reports THE " Fcon "Message to the DTE. The Dce the Switches to 19.2k BPS.
THE DCE GENERATES A DCS Frame Based On The Received Dis frame and on The Previously set fdis parameter. A fdt command from The DTE Releases The Dce To Transmit That DCS Frame.
7.3.2 ATA, ANSWER A CALLTHE DCE CAN Support A DTE Command To Answer An Incoming Call Using The ATA Command (See Table 4-2) .The DTE May Issue An Answer Command in Response To An Incoming Ring.
If The answer command is unsuccessful, The DCE WILL Report An Appropriate Failure Or Error Type Result Code, Such As No Carrier (See 4-7)
[ Ftsi:
On receipt of an Answer command from the DTE, the DCE answer and generates the CED tone. The DCE then generates a DIS frame (derived from the FDIS parameter) and hunts for the first T.30 negotiation frames. On detection of the first Phase B Preamble (V.21 CH 2 MODULATED BY 300 BIT / S HDLC Flags), IT Reports The " Fcon" Message to the DTE.
AUTOMATIC ANSWERThe modem provides for automatic answering of incoming calls. If configured for automatic answer, the modem answers and incoming call in compliance with T.30 and reports the same messages as described for manual answer.
CONNECTIONS AS A DATA MODEMIf configured to do so by the FAA parameter, the DCE will adaptively answer as a facsimile DCE or as a data DCE. If the DCE answers as a facsimile DCE or as a data DCE. If the DCE answers as a Data DCE, IT Resets The Fclass Parameter To 0 and Issues The Appropriate Final Result Code (EG Connect Or No Carrier) To the DTE.
7.3.3 FDT, Data Transmission
Syntax: fdt
In Phase B, the FDT command releases the DCE to proceed with negotiation, and releases the DCS message to the remote station. In Phase C, the FDT command resumes transmission after the end of a prior transmit data stream.
Initiate Page Transmissionphase B DCE Polled Response:
[ Fcsi:
[ Fdis:
After Placing a call, or after finishing a document Exchange, The DTE mother T.30 Phase B TO Attempt to Negotiate a document transportman.
Continue a page
The DTE May Issue More One FDT Command for a Given Page, SO That Different Files May Be Concatenated Together. The Sample Files Must Have The Same Format.
PHASE C DATA FRAMINGPhase C data must be presented to the DCE in stream mode. The DCE expects Phase C data to follow until it detects
If there is data underrun before the next FDT or FET = command, the DCE will zero-fill pad as per T.4 until the Phase C timeout ( FPHCTO) is reached, or until more data is received. The DCE appends an RTC pattern to the transmit data after an FET = command is received from the DTE.PHASE C DATA FORMATThe Phase C data will be of the format specified by the negotiated T.30 DCS frame. The FDCS
The DCS Frame, and Insert Sufficient Fill Bits To Pad Each Line to The Minimum Scan Time. This is reported in the fdcs: st subparameter.
IF The DCE FINDS More Than One Conncutive EOL in Phase C Data (E.G. RTC), IT Will Send Only One EOL.
Note 1: Phase C Data Must Conform To T.4 Specifications
Note 2: The DTE Need Not Include a final RTC, Since the DCE WILL APPEND AN RTC in response to an an fet = commnd
Note 3: Some Facsimile Machines May Treat Two Eols as an rtc
Table 7-2 T.30 Session Subparameter Codes
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
| Label | Function | Value | Description |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| VR | VERTICAL | 0 | Normal, 98 LPI |
| | Resolution | 1 | FINE, 196 LPI |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- || Br | Bit Rate | 0 | 2400 Bit / S V.27 Ter |
| | | 1 | 4800 Bit / S v.27 Ter |
| | (See Note 1) | 2 | 7200 Bit / S v.29 or v.17 |
| | | 3 | 9600 Bit / S v.29 or v.17 |
| | | ** 4 | 12000 bit / s v.33 or v.17 |
| | | ** 5 | 14400 Bit / S v.33 or v.17 |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| WD | Page Width | 0 | 1728 Pixels in 215 mm |
| | | 1 | 2048 Pixels in 255 mm |
| | | | 2 | 2432 Pixels in 303 mm |
| | | | * 3 | 1216 Pixels in 151 mm |
| | | | * 4 | 864 Pixels in 107 mm |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| Ln | Page Length | 0 | A4, 297 mm |
| | | | * 1 | B4, 364 mm |
| | | | * 2 | Unlimited LENGTH |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| DF | DATA | 0 | 1-D Modified HUFFMAN |
| | COMPRESSION | 1 | 2-D Modified Read |
| | FORMAT | * 2 | 2-D Uncompressed Mode |
| | | | * 3 | 2-D Modified Read |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| EC | Error | 0 | DISABLE ECM |
| | (Annex | * 2 | ENABLE ECM, 256 BYTES / FRAME || | A / T.30) | | |
| | (See Note 2) | | | | |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| Bf | binary file | 0 | disable bft |
| | (See Note 3) | | | | |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| ST | Scan Time / | | VR = Normal VR = FINE |
| | LINE | 0 | 0 ms 0 ms |
| | | 1 | 5 ms 5 ms |
| | | 2 | 10 ms 5 ms |
| | | 3 | 10 ms 10 ms |
| | | 4 | 20 ms 10 ms |
| | | 5 | 20 ms 20 ms |
| | | 6 | 40 ms 20 ms |
| | | 7 | 40 ms 40 ms |
| ----------------------- | -------------- ---------------- |
| Notes: 1: CCITT T.30 Does Not Provide for the answeing |
| station to specify all speseds exactly using the dis |
| frame. Implementation of some br Codes (E.g.code 2) |
| by an affweling dce is manufacturer specific. |
| | |
| | |
| * = Not supported |
| ** = rc144ac online || |
| ECM Transmit Works Correctly, And ECM Receive Works, |
| But does not tell the transmitting machine That The THE |
| FAX WAS Received Correctly. |
| | |
| Bft Transmit Works Correctly, And Bft Receive Works, |
| But does not tell the transmitting machine That The THE |
| File Was Received Correctly. |
| | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
7.3.4 fet =, Transmit Page Puncture
THIS Command Is Used to Punctuate Page and Document Transmission After One or More FDT Commands. This Command Genereates T.30 Post Page Messages Selected by the
TABLE 7-3)
The FET =
The DTE CAN Command The Dce To Generate Pri-q Messages with the Fet =
This command must be sent within the time out specified by FPHCTO after sending Phase C data, or else the DCE will end the page and document transmission. If the Phase C timeout is reached, the DCE sends an EOP post page message and terminates the SESSIONTHE Remote Facsimile Station. The DCE WILL Report this sale the fpts:
End a pagethe fet = command causes the dce to append an etc (6 etc) pattern as needed and enter phase d by sending the selected t.30 post page message.
THE FET = 1 (eom) Command Signals The Remote Station That The next Document Will Have A New DCS Negotiated; this causes the session to re- Enter Phase B.
7.3.5 FDR, Begin or Continue Phase C Receive Data
Default Value: 3 Seconds in Some Places
The DCE reports the negotiated T.30 parameters, with the remote ID information if available. When the DCE is ready to commence data transfer, it issues a CONNECT response code. If the DCE can not resume data transfer because there is no more data, it Responds ok. When the DTE IS Ready to Accept Data, IT ISSUES AN
When the Delivers That Last Byte of a page
After a Page Transfer Status Report, the DCE reports the post page message from the remote facsimile station via the FET:
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
| ppm | | | | |
| Code | MNEMONIC | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
| 1 | [PPS] -MPS | Another Page Next, Same Document |
| 2 | [PPS] -eom | another page next |
| 3 | [PPS] -eop | No more pages or documents |
| 4 | [PPS-] Pri-MPS | Another Page, Procedure Interrupt |
| 5 | [PPS-] Pri-eom | another doc, procedure interrupt |
| 6 | [PPS-] PRI-EOP | All Done, Procedure Interrupt |
| 7 | CTC | Continue to Correct |
| 8-15 | EOR- | End of Retransmission (8) |
| = 8 PPM | | Post Page Message (PPM Code) |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
Table 7-4. T.30 POST Page Response Message Codes
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
| PPR | | |
| Code | MNEMONIC | Description |
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
| 0 | PPR | Partial Page Errors |
| 1 | MCF | Page GOOD |
| 2 | RTN | Page Bad, Retrain Requested || 3 | RTP | Page Good, Retrain Requested |
| 4 | PIN | Page Bad, Interrupt Requested |
| 5 | PIP | Page Good, Interrupt Requested |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- |
The DCE holds the post page response message to the remote facsimile station (MCF, etc.), represented in the FPTS parameter until the next FDR command. The DTE may modify the FPTS parameter before issuing the FDR command which releases that Message. The DTE MUST ISSUE A FDR Command To Release Post Page Messages.
Initiate Document ReceptionThe FDR Command May Be Issued In Phase B After ANSWER COMMAND, OR IN PHASE BAFTER A Pervious Document.
The Dce Response In Stream Mode is:
[ Ftsi:
(DTE MUSSUE FDR Command to Release Post Page Response)
CONTINUE DOCUMENT RECEPTIONThe DTE may issue a FDR command in Phase D, which releases the post page message, and indicates readiness to receive another page after receipt of a Multipage ( FET: 0) or PPS-NULL ( FET: 3) message DCE Response Will BE:
(DTE MUSSUE FDR Command To Release Post Page Response.if Done Receiving:
Continue Page Reception
PHASE C DATA FRAMINGPhase C data may be presented to the DTE in stream mode. The DCE will transfer a stream of data to the DTE, followed by the
Phase C Data Formatthe Received Data Format Is Negotiated Under T.30 Reported by The FDCS: VR, Br, WD, LN, DF, EC, BF, STRESPONSE.
THE DCE WILL DELETE The Terminating RTC (6 EOLS) Patterns. The DCE MAY STRIP ZERO Fill Bits from The Data, To Minimize Storage Needs.
Upon receipt of the
7.3.6 fk, session termination
The FK command causes the DCE to terminate the session in an orderly manner. In particular, the DCE will send a DCN message at the next opportunity and hang up. At the end of the termination process, the DCE will report the FHNG response With results code (a href = "# Table7-5> Table 7-5).
This Operation Can Be Invoked by Using The Cancel
The DCE will wait until the current page completes, unless the reception is of unlimited length; in that case, the DCE may halt reception and terminate the session at any time.7.4 SERVICE CLASS 2 DCE RESPONSESThe DCE sends information responses to the DTE as a .
The DCE provides the on-line status of several session parameters when they available during T.30 handshaking are. These include the remote ID string and the DIS / DCS parameters. These responses report the T.30 session parameter frames. The subparameters are described IN Table 7-2.
7.4.1 FCON, FACSIMILE CONNECTION RESPONSE FCON indicates connection with a fax machine. It is released by detection of HDLC flags in the first received frame FCON is generated in response to an Originate or Answer command.
7.4.2 FDCS :, Report Current Session Capabilities
TABLE 7-2.)
7.4.3 FDIS :, Report Remote Station Capabilities
TABLE 7-2.)
This message is generated in Execution of Originate, Answer, FDT, OR FDR Commands.7.4.4 FCFR, Indicate Confirmation To Receive
The DCE sends a FCFR response to the DTE upon reception of an acceptable TCF training burst and a valid DCS signal from the remote machine. This indicates that the DCE will receive Phase C data after the remote station receives the local DCE's CFR message. The FCFR Message IS generated in Execution of A FDR Command.
7.4.5 ftsi :, report the transmit station ID
This Response Reports The Received Transmit Station ID String, IF Any. This Message IS Generated In Execution ORIGINATE, ANSWER, FDT, OR FDR Commands.
7.4.6 FCSI:, Report The Called Station ID
This Response Reports The Received Called Station ID String, IF Any. This Message IS generated in Execution of Originate, Answer, FDT, OR FDA Commands.
7.4.7 FPTS :, Receive Page Transfer status
IT Depends on the DCE Capabilities at T.4 Error Checking. See Table 7-4 for
The Receiving DCE Will Count The Lines and May Optionally Generate Bad Line Count. These Values Are:
A receiving DTE may inspect
Syntax: fet:
The FET:
Table 7-3.)
7.4.9 FPTS :, Transmit Page Transmus
Syntax: fPTS:
THE FPTS: Response Reports A
TABLE 7-4.
The fpts:
7.4.10 FHNG:, Call Termination with status
SYNTAX: FHNG: FHNG INDICATES That The Call Has Been Terminated. The Hangup Causeerr Parameter for Later Inspection. The TABLE 7-5. FHng: Upon Termination of A Call, The DCE DETERMINES The Cause of Termination and Reports It As Part of the Fhng: The hangup values are organized according to the phases of the facsimile transaction as defined by T.30 A COMREC error or RSPREC error indicates that one of two events occurred:. A DCN (disconnect) signal was received, or an FCS error was detected and The Incoming Signal Was STILL Present After 3 Seconds. The Table Values Are In Decimal Notation. Leading Zero Characters Are Optional. Table 7-5 Hangup Status Codes | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | CAUSE DESCRIPTION | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 0-9 | Call Placement and Termination | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 0 | Normal and Proper End of Connection | | 1 | Ring Detect WithuCcessful Handshake | | 2 | Call Aborted, from fk or an | | 3 | NO loop current | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 10-19 | Transmit Phase A & Miscellaneous Errors | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 10 | Unspecified Phase A Error | | 11 | NO ANSWER (T.30 T1 TIMEOUT) | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 20-39 | Transmit Phase B Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 20 | Unspecified Transmit Phase B Error | | 21 | Remote Cannot Receive or Send | | 22 | Comrec Error In Transmit Phase B | | 23 | Comreg INVALID Command Received || 24 | RSPEC Error | | 25 | DCS SENT Three Times without Response | | 26 | DIS / DTC RECEIVED 3 TIMES; DCS NOT Recognized | | 27 | Failure to Train AT 2400 BPS OR FMINSP VALUE | | 28 | RSPREC Invalid Response Received | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 40-49 | Transmit Phase C Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 40 | Unspecified Transmit Phase C Error | | 43 | DTE to DCE DATA Underflow | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 50-69 | Transmit Phase D Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 50 | Unspecified Transmit Phase D Error | | 51 | RSPREC Error | | 52 | No response to MPS REPEATED 3 TIMES | | 53 | Invalid Response to MPS | | 54 | No response to eop repeate 3 Times | | 55 | Invalid Response to eom | | 56 | No response to eom repeate 3 Times | | 57 | Invalid Response to eom | | 58 | Unable to Continue After PIN OR PIP | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 70-89 | Receive Phase B Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 70 | Unspecified Receive Phase B Error | | 71 | RSPREC Error || 72 | Comrec Error | | 73 | T.30 T2 TIMEOUT, EXPECTED Page Not Received | | 74 | T.30 T1 TIMEOUT AFTER EOM RECEIVED | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 90-99 | Receive Phase C Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 90 | Unspecified Receive Phase C Error | | 91 | MISSING EOL after 5 Seconds | | 92 | Unused Code | | 93 | DCE to DTE Buffer Overflow | | 94 | Bad CRC or Frame (ECM OR BFT MODES) | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 100-119 | Receive Phase D Hangup Codes | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 100 | Unspecified Receive Phase D Errors | | 101 | RSPREC Invalid Response Received | | 102 | Comreg INVALID Response Received | | 103 | Unable to Continue After PIN OR PIP | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | | 120-255 | RESERVED CODES | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- | 7.5 Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersll Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 Parametersall Service Class 2 ParametersAn, and THE. The General Syntax Is Described in Section 7.1. Group 3 FAX devices negotiate session parameters in DIS, DCS, and DTC frames. The following parameters are provided to condition the facsimile DCE for the capabilities it will offer and to report the session settings negotiated.The three primary T.30 session parameters are FDCC, FDIS AND FDCS. They Are Compound Parameters, Using Values Listed In Table 7-2. Figure 70-1 Illustrates Their Relationships. 7.5.1 FDCC, DCE Capabilities Parameters Write Syntax: FDCC: VR, Br, WD, LN, DF, EC, BF, ST Valid Values See Table 7-2 Default Values 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0 (rc96ac) 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 (RC144AC) FDCC allows the DTE to sense and constrain the capabilities of the facsimile DCE from the choices defined in CCITT t.30 Table 2. When FDCC is modified by the DTE, the DCE copies FDCC into FDIS. 7.5.2 FDIS, Current Sessions Capabiliies Parameters Write Syntax: FDIS: VR, Br, WD, LN, DF, EC, BF, ST Valid Values See Table 7-2 Default Values 0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0 (rc96ac) 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 (RC144AC) The FDIS parameter allows the DTE to sense and constrain the capabilities used for the current session. The DCE uses FDIS to generate DIS or DTC messages directly, and uses FDIS and received DIS messages to generate DCS messages. The DCE Initializes The Fdis Parameter from The FDCC Parameter On Initialization, When FDCC is Written, And at the end of a session. 7.5.4 flid =, local id string Write Syntax flid = " Valid Values: 20 Character ASCII String Default value: EMPTY IF flid is not a null string, it generates a TSI OR CSI Frame. Table 3 / T.30 Includes Digits 0-9, " " and space. IF The DCE Supports Use of Table 3 / T.30 Only, The Response TO A FLID =? Command IS "(20) (32, 43, 48-57)". If The Dce Supports Printable ASCII, The Response IS (20) (32-127) "THE FIRST" (20) "REPRESENTS STRING LENGTH: THE Second (Character Values) Field Reports Supported String Values.notes: The string is saved in ram. Non-Numeric Characters Are Not Filtered Out. 7.5.5 FCR, Capability To Receive Write Syntax: Fcr = Valid Values: 1,0 Default Values 0 FCR = 0 Indicates That The DCE WILL NOT Receive Message Data. This Can Be Sued WHEN The DTE HAS INSUFFICIENT Storage. The Dce Can send and can be paraly. FCR IS Sampled in CCITT T.30 Phase A and Phase D 7.5.6 fPTS =, Page Transfer status Write Syntax: fPTS = Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 DEFAULT VALUE: 0 7.5.7 FCQ, COPY Quality Checking Write Syntax: FCQ = Valid Values: 0 DEFAULT VALUE: 0 This Parameter Controls Copy Quality Checking By A Receiving Facsimile DCE. The DCE RETURNS FCQ = 0 Which Idicates The Dce Do Quality Checking. The DCE WILL Generate Copy Quality OK (MCF) Responses To Complete Pages, And Set FPTS = 1. 7.5.8 FPHCTO, DTE PHASE C RESPONSE TIME-OUT Write Syntax: fphcto = Valid Values: 0-255, 100 MilliseCond Units Default Value: 30 The FPHCTO command determines how long the DCE will wait for a command after reaching the end of data when transmitting in Phase C. When this time-out is reached, the DCE assumes there are no more pages and no documents to send. It then Sends the T.30 Eop Response to The Remote Device. 7.5.9 Faxerr, T.30 Session Error ReportRead Syntax: Faxerr =