Swiss army knife

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

I have always liked a Swiss army knife, but unfortunately I haven't had one :) Today, the "Swiss Army Knife" is a lot of Dumpbin. This gadget has been installed in his own machine very early. It used to install VC as if it is just for a stand, prove that he is a computer professional self-deception. Later, I saw that the basic classic books mentioned this little thing. Let us now take a look at this sharp knife.

1 Acquisition: Many Win32 development tools contain this practical tool. For example: VC 6.0 is placed in Microsoft Visual Studio / VC98 / BIN, MASM32 8.0 is also placed under the bin directory.

2 Lightweight figure: The size is only 20k :) I will see how powerful after I see it. How much this little guy is not simple.

3 Powerful features: Dumpbin's operating environment is under DOS, (feeling that foreign cows seem to like DOS, they think that the mouse cannot be considered true Hacker, personal opinion huh) Run Dumpbin will appear command format and prompt information

C: / Documents and Settings / CC> Dumpbin

Microsoft (R) Coff Binary File Dumper Version 6.00.8168

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All Rights Reserved.



/ All

/ Arch

/ Archivemembers

/ Dependents


/ Disasm

/ Exports

/ Fpo

/ Headers

/ Imports

/ Linenumbers

/ Linkermember [: {1 | 2}]

/ LoadingConfig

/ OUT: FileName


/ Rawdata [: {none | BYTES | SHORTS | Longs} [, #]]

/ Relocations

/ Section: name

/ Summary

/ Symbols

You can see that there are many options in the options. I have just taken a few more items.

4 features simple introduction

A list of each section of the .dll, .exe file

Take a look at the structure of Windows / System32 / A3D.dll this dynamic link library

ICrosoft (R) Coff Binary File Dumper Version 6.00.81

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All Rights Re

DUMP of File A3D.dll

PE Signature Found


File header Values

14c Machine (i386)

5 Number of Sections

3AACA1D5 TIME DATE Stamp Mon Mar 12 18:15:49

0 File Pointer to Symbol Table

0 Number of Symbols

E0 Size of Optional HEADER

210e Characteristics


Line NumBers Stripped

Symbols Stripped

32 Bit Word Machine


Optional Header Values

10b Magic #

6.00 Linker Version

8000 Size Of Code

A8000 Size of Initialized Data

0 Size of Uninitialized Data

3297 RVA of Entry Point

1000 Base Of Code

9000 Base of Data10000000 Image Base

1000 Section Alignment

1000 file alignment


0.00 Image Version

4.00 Subsystem Version

0 Win32 Version

B1000 SIZE OF Image

1000 Size of Headers

0 checksum

2 Subsystem (Windows GUI)

0 DLL Characteristics

100000 Size of Stack Reserve

1000 Size of Stack Commit

100000 Size of HEAP Reserve

1000 Size of Heap Commit

0 loader flags

10 Number Of Directories

A0B0 [82] RVA [Size] of export Dire

9888 [78] RVA [Size] of import Dire

F000 [9F340] RVA [Size] of Resource Di

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Exception D

0 [0] RVA [Size] of certificate

AF000 [798] RVA [Size] of Base Reloca

0 [0] RVA [Size] of debug Direc

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Architectur

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Special Dir

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Thread Stor

0 [0] RVA [Size] of loading config

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Bound IMPOR

9000 [178] RVA [Size] of imported

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Delay IMPOR

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Reserved Di

0 [0] RVA [Size] of Reserved Di

Section Header # 1

.Text Name

75D6 Virtual Size

1000 Virtual Address

8000 Size of Raw Data

1000 File Pointer to Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

60000020 Flags


Execute Read

Section Header # 2

.rdata name

1132 Virtual Size

9000 Virtual Address

2000 Size of Raw Data

9000 File Pointer to Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

40000040 Flags

Initialized Data

Read Only

Section Header # 3


3514 Virtual Size

B000 Virtual Address

3000 Size of Raw DataB000 File Pointer To Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

C0000040 Flags

Initialized Data

Read Write

Section Header # 4

.rsrc name

9F340 Virtual Size

F000 Virtual Address

A0000 Size of Raw Data

E000 File Pointer to Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

40000040 Flags

Initialized Data

Read Only

Section Header # 5

.reloc name

1552 Virtual Size

AF000 Virtual Address

2000 Size of Raw Data

AE000 File Pointer to Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

42000040 Flags

Initialized Data


Read Only



2000 .reloc


8000 .Text

/ OUT: FileName


/ Rawdata [: {none | BYTES | SHORTS | Longs} [, #]]

/ Relocations

/ Section: name

/ Summary

/ Symbols

If you are familiar with the PE file format, you should be very familiar with the value above :)

Two disassembly function

It can disassemble the specified segment of a .exe or .dll file (mainly .TEXT segment). The command format is as follows:

> Dumpbin /section :.text (.data/.rdata "destination file> Relocation file name

The following code is part of the anti-assembly of the A3D.dll Text section.

UMP of file a3d.dll


Section Header # 1

.Text Name

75D6 Virtual Size

1000 Virtual Address

8000 Size of Raw Data

1000 File Pointer to Raw Data

0 File Pointer to Relocation Table

0 File Pointer to Line Numbers

0 Number of Relocations

0 Number of Line Numbers

60000020 Flags


Execute Read

10001000: 8B 44 24 04 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [ESP 4]

10001004: 56 Push ESI

10001005: 57 Push EDI

10001006: 6A 30 Push 30H

10001008: C7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00102c89

10001013: 8B F0 MOV ESI, EAX

100015: 83 C4 04 Add ESP, 4

100018: 85 F6 Test ESI, ESI

100011A: 75 08 JNE 10001024

1000101C: 5F POP EDI

1000101D: B8 0e 00 07 80 MOV EAX, 8007000EH

10001022: 5E POP ESI

10001023: C3 RET

10001024: B8 02 00 00 00 MOV EAX, 2

10001029: 6A 00 Push 0

1000102B: C7 46 0C 01 00 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 0CH], 1


10001032: C7 06 68 92 00 10 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI], 10009268H

10001038: C7 46 04 10 92 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 4], 10009210H


1000103F: C7 46 08 38 92 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 8], 10009238H


10001046: C7 46 14 00 00 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 14H], 0


1000104D: 89 46 18 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 18H], EAX

10001050: 89 46 1C MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 1CH], EAX

10001053: C7 46 20 01 00 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 20H], 1


1000105A: C7 46 24 00 00 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 24h], 0


10001061: C7 46 28 00 00 00 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 28H], 0


10001068: C7 46 2C 00 00 80 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI 2CH], 3F800000H


1000106F: FF 15 6C 91 00 10 Call DWORD PTR DS: [1000916CH]

100075: 8B F8 MOV EDI, EAX

100077: 85 FF Test EDI, EDI

1000199: 74 13 JE 1000108E

1000107B: 83 FF 01 CMP EDI, 1

1000107E: 74 0E JE 1000108E

100080: 56 Push ESI

10001081: E8 1A 1B 00 00 Call 10002BA010001086: 83 C4 04 Add ESP, 4

100089: 8B C7 MOV Eax, EDI

1000108B: 5F POP EDI

10008C: 5E POP ESI

1000108D: C3 RET

1000108e: 8D 4E 10 Lea ECX, [ESI 10h]

10001091: 51 PUSH ECX

100092: 68 D8 91 00 10 Push 100091D8H

100097: 6A 01 PUSH 1

100099: 6A 00 Push 0

10009B: 68 E8 91 00 10 Push 100091E8H

100010A0: FF 15 70 91 00 10 Call DWORD PTR DS: [10009170H]

100010A6: 8B F8 MOV EDI, EAX

100010A8: 85 FF TEST EDI, EDI

100010AA: 74 0E JE 100010BA

1000AC: 56 Push ESI

100010AD: E8 EE 1A 00 00 Call 10002BA0

100010B2: 83 C4 04 Add ESP, 4

100010B5: 8B C7 MOV EAX, EDI

100010B7: 5F POP EDI

100010B8: 5E POP ESI

100010B9: C3 RET

100010BA: 8B 54 24 0C MOV EDX, DWORD PTR [ESP 0CH]

100010BE: 5F POP EDI

100010BF: 33 C0 xor Eax, EAX

100010C1: 89 32 MOV DWORD PTR [EDX], ESI

100010c3: 5E POP ESI

100010C4: C3 RET

100010c5: 90 NOP

100010c6: 90 NOP

100010c7: 90 NOP

100010c8: 90 NOP

100010c9: 90 NOP

100010CA: 90 NOP

100010cb: 90 NOP

100010cc: 90 NOP

100010CD: 90 NOP

1000CE: 90 NOP100010CF: 90 NOP

100010D0: 8B 54 24 04 MOV EDX, DWORD PTR [ESP 4]

100010D4: 8B 4C 24 0C MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [ESP 0CH]

100010D8: 8B 44 24 08 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [ESP 8]

100010DC: 89 4A 1C MOV DWORD PTR [EDX 1CH], ECX

100010DF: 8B 4C 24 10 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [ESP 10h]

100010E3: 83 F9 01 CMP ECX, 1

100010E6: 89 42 18 MOV DWORD PTR [EDX 18H], EAX

100010E9: 89 4A 20 MOV DWORD PTR [EDX 20H], ECX

100010 EC: 75 39 JNE 10001127

100010ee: 48 DEC EAX

100010ef: 74 26 JE 10001117

100010F1: 48 DEC EAX

100010f2: 74 03 JE 100010f7

100010F4: 48 DEC EAX

100010F5: 74 10 JE 10001107

100010F7: 8B 4A 10 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [EDX 10h]

100010FA: B8 04 00 14 00 MOV EAX, 140004H

100010FF: 50 Push EAX

10001100: 51 Push ECX

This feature is important for encrypted decryption, and for some plaintext passwords can be broken through disassembly. Specifically, you can see the book "hacker anti-excitement".

The three / imports and / exports options can view the input and output functions of the dynamic link.

The four / dependents options can view the dependencies of the file. Occurrence as an example of A3D.DLL

DUMP of File A3D.dll


Image Has The Following Dependencies:








2000 .reloc


8000 .Text

Ha ha

This is useful for program analysis, you can see the dynamic link library called. Of course, there is also a tool that is specifically viewing dependencies Microsoft Visual Studio / Common / Tools Depends.exe in this directory allows you to clearly see every function called :)

Today, you are here, you are a little bit of your own, there are many uncomfortable places, and you will slowly accumulate :) Welcome to your mistakes in your article. Rest, take a break ~~~~~


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