File processing

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

In I / O processing, the most common is the operation of files, and the classes related to files in Java.IO packages are: File, FileInputStream, FileoutputStream, RamdomAccessFile, and FileDescriptor; interfaces are: FileNameFilter.

File Description

The class file provides an attribute that describes a file object-independent manner. Below we introduce the various methods provided in the File.

◇ File or directory generation

Public file (String path); / * If Path is the actual path, the file object

/ * Represents a directory; if Path is the file name, the file object is represented by the file. * /

Public file (string path, string name); // path is the path name, name is the file name

Public file (file dir, string name); // DIR is the path name, name is the file name

◇ Documentation

String getName (); // Get the name of a file (excluding the path)

String getPath (); // Get the path name of a file

String getabsolutePath (); // Get absolute path names for a file

String getParent (); // Get the previous directory name of a file

String RenameTo (file newname); // rename the current file name as a given file

Complete route

◇ File attribute test

Boolean exists (); // Test if the file indicated by the File object exists

Boolean canwrite (); // Test if the current file can be written

Boolean canread (); // Test if the current file is readable

Boolean isfile (); // Test if the current file is a file (not a directory)

Boolean isdirectory (); // Test if the current file is a directory

◇ ordinary document information and tools

Long lastmodified (); // Get the time of the file last revision

Long length (); // Get the length of the file, in bytes

Boolean delete (); // Delete the current file

◇ directory operation

Boolean mkdir (); // Generate a path specified by the object according to the current object

String List (); // List the files in the current directory

[Example 4-3]

Import *; // Introduce all classes in package

Public class filefiltertest {

Public static void main (string args []) {

File Dir = New file ("D: // EX"); // Represents a directory with the File object

Filter filter = new filter ("java"); // Generate a filter named Java

System.out.println ("List Java Files in Directory DIR);

String files [] = dir.list (file); // list the directory DIR, the file suffix name

All documents for Java

For (int i = 0; i

File f = new file (dir, files [i]); / / for the file or directory of the directory DIR

Create a File object

IF (f.isfile ()) // If the object is the suffix of Java files,

Print the file name

System.out.println ("file" f);


System.out.println ("Sub Directory" F); // If it is a directory

Print the directory name




Class Filter Implements FileNameFiLTER {

String extent;

Filter (String Extent) {

THIS.EXTENT = extent;


Public Boolean Accept (File Dir, String Name) {

Return name.endswith ("." extent); // Return to the file's suffix



Sequential processing of files

Class FileInputStream and FileOutputStream are used to perform file I / O processing, and the methods they provide can open the files on the local host and perform read / write in order. For example, the following statement segment is the content in the file named text, and is displayed on the console until the file ends.

FileInputstream Fis;

Try {

FIS = New FileInputStream ("Text");

System.out.print ("Content of Text IS:");


While ((b = ())! = - 1) // sequentially read the contents of the file text and assign

Give the integer variable B until the end of the file.


System.out.print (CHAR) B);


} catch (filenotfoundexception e) {

System.out.println (e);

} catch (ioexception e) {

System.out.println (e);



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