Application of Workflow SHARK + JAWE Application

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

Shark1.0 Configuration Guide

--Liu Chenghua


1 Overview

Shark1.0 is a pure process engine. He has 61 tables. The background is composed of name service, Shark service, and the name server is a CORBASERVICE service.

Resource location:

U // km / e $ / knowledge base / workflow /shark/

U // km / e $ / knowledge base / workflow /shark/

This configuration The simulation environment is Window 2000 Server, JDK

1.4.2, Orcal 9i.

2. Configuration process

1. Install JDK

1.4.2, the author installation directory is C: /J2SDK1.4.2

2. Obtain files from the resource location, copy to D: /

3. Unfolded Shark to D: /SHARK-1.0

4. Open d: /shark-1.0/ file,

i. Modify the directory where JDK is located

II. Modify the use of database types

Iii. Modify the user name and password of the database login

IV. Modify Database JDBC Driver Path

V. Modify the driver name and URL name

Vi. Save the modification, close the exit

5. Perform D: /Shark 1.0/ Configure.bat for system configuration. (Release is configured to bin and confed.)

3. Service startup

Execute D: /SHARK-1.0/bin/ Runall.bat, run the name server and Shark server, and start the Admin management interface

1. Service run interface

2. Admin Management Interface Login page (User Name: Admin, Password: ENHYDRA)

3. Admin management interface

4. How to use workflow software

See d: /shark-1.0/doc/quickstartexample/ Quick_Start_example.html

Operation process: (if running Runall.bat, 1, 2 steps can be exempted)

1. Run d: /shark-1.0/bin/runsa.bat

2. Enter username: admin, password: enhydra login in the system

3. Select the Repository Management pagemap, click [LOAD], select the XPDL process definition file, join the process engine

4. Select Package Management Terminal, click [Load],

5. Select the User Management page sign

Increase users

2. Increase the mapping of user and process roles

6. Select the Application Mappingt Tag Tap, make the application name and the engine mapping in the engine

7. Select the Process Instantiation Management pagemark, select a process, start an instance


5. Use of several files in bin directory

CHAINSAW.BAT, log management

2. Runwh.bat work task list

6. Shark1.0 Installing Notes in MSSQL7 .txt

Author: lche-mail:



1. Copy to D: / below

2. Release D: /SHARK-1.0

3. Open the d: /shark-1.0/ file, save the exit after setting the following parameters



DB_Loader_Job = MSQL




MSQL_JDBCDRIVER = com.inet.tds.tdsdriver

MSQL_CONNECTION_URL = JDBC: inetdae: 1433? Database = Shark

4. Copy the tds.jar to D: /shark-1.0/lib directory in the Masa project lib

5. Open d: /shark-1.0/conf/sql/msql/sql/createtables-instancePersistence.sql file

6. Replace Bigint into Integer, save exit

7. Create a database Shark in MSSQL7.0

7. Execute D: /SHARK-1.0/configure.bat Start compiling.

7. SHARK1.0 Administrative client Hanhua.txt

Author: lch




Method 1. Method for the JAR package (SharkcorbaclientBase.jar, SharkswingClientBase.jar)

1. Different D: /Shark-1.0/lib/client/sharkcorbaclientbase.jar (such as: d: /shark-1.0/lib/client/sharkcorbaclientbase)

2. Change the name of the SharkcorbaclientBase.jar file to SharkcorbaclientBase_old.jar, (so as not to re-package conflict ^ _ ^)

2. Open d: /shark-1.0/lib/client/sharkcorbaclientbase/org/enhydra/shark/corbaclient/resources/ file

3. Translate "=" to Chinese to Chinese (Note: The image file path cannot be turned into Chinese) and then saved as

4. Enter DOS mode,

5. Enter the resource file directory, perform Native2ASCII -Encoding UTF-8 SharkClient_ZH.Properties, localized coding.

6. Enter the original code directory d: /shark-1.0/lib/client/sharkcorbaclientBase, execute "JAR CVF SharkCorbaclientBase.jar.", Re-package.

7. Package the SharkCorbaclientBase.jar file to D: /SHARK-1.0/LIB/client/ directory.

8. Delete D: /SHARK-1.0/LIB/Client/sharkcorbaclientbase directory

9. Haha, finally completed a Chinese.

9. Take the D: /SHARK-1.0/lib/client/sharkswingclientbase.jar in a back-out method.

8. Shark1.0 Web program debugging notes .txt

Author: lch

E-mail: lch76@163.netdate:


Before making the following, confirm if you have properly configured your Shark application and service programs.

1. Published in Tomcat d: /shark-1.0/jspclient/sharkworklisthandler.war,

2. Open d: / tomcat 5.0 / bin / catalina.bat

3. Add set java_opts = -djava.library.path = d: /shark-1.0/lib/contrib/ext

4. Copy D: /Shark 1.0/conf/shark.conf to D: / Tomcat 5.0 / Webapps / SharkworkListHandler / conf / shark.conf,

Cover the profile of the published location, revised the resource directory:

External_packages_repository = d: /shark-1.0/repository/external

FileSystemRepositoryPersistenceManager.xpdl_repository = D: /SHARK-1.0/Repository/internal

FileSystemRepositoryPersistenceManager.xpdl_history_repository = d: /shark-1.0/repository/internal/history

5. Execute D: /SHARK-1.0/bin/sharkcorbaserviceInstall.bat Installing Server

6. Start Tomcata Server, (execute d: / tomcat 5.0 / bin / startup.bat)

7. Open the IE browser, enter: 8080 / monthkworklisthandler /

9.Bug List

(1) When reconstructing the database, if there is a process running data fails, a table cannot be created, because the field type error is incorrect.

(2) When starting a web application, if SharkCorBasen has begun, you need to stop, d: /shark-1.0/bin/sharkcorbaserviceStop.bat


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