Successful software test management nine principles

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

Successful software test management nine principles



Three original compilation

1 Introduction

Many test managers enter management class from the technical department. Although they may have been trained and guided by many tests or software engineering, they are still difficult to learn from failure and errors. As a manager, you have two basic tasks: Find the best employees working for you and build an environment that enables employees to complete the work (make them best completed work). This article tells some experiences I have learned about these management work.

Always those people - help people to complete work

the first. Employees hiring work

I have encountered many managers, and they have to hire employees just the release of their last employment. As a test manager, you must have an assessment of what you need. Suppose now your department is full of testers for exploration. If you still have to hire another explore tester, maybe it is better than you now, but is he a role in your blank field? Maybe there may, maybe there is no.

The best candidate for work may be the type where you are now in this group. The best candidates may not be "suitable for" you usually work. As a test manager, hiring a best employee to use the development of the employment strategy to test whether he meets this strategy. This allows you to find people who best suited this job, he can complete the necessary work.

Second. Arrange each team member to talk to your members in the environment that is not bothered

The most test manager, one of the main work is the regular assessment of your organization, what is done and how to do it. You have to make a report for your employees, about how they are doing and how they are doing, and here to give their formal and informal work scores. If you don't know how everyone's dynamics, you should not be satisfied with your report.

I regularly give me a pair of conversations every week every week without disturbing. (When I manage 12 employees, I will arrange someone in another week). I am talking about their work in 30 minutes a week: I have a problem or opinion in their work; if they need help, their performance and their excitement of the goal. I usually arrange a one-day talk about a week. I arranged a specific time for everyone in advance, and then I personally met each of them. If we can't include all the details that you need to talk, we will arrange another time to continue.

Many managers say they don't have time to meet each employee in a week to talk about their work. According to my experience, if I can't arrange time and my employee to talk about weekly conversation, they will come to bother my job, because they still have to come to me anyway.

If you arrange and talk to your employees, you have to reduce your expectations (both of them have yourself), and more about what they are doing. When you know your team, you can more efficiently help them clearly prioritize the work, replay resources, replay engineering, elimination obstacles.

Third. Suppose employees know how to complete their work

Because many managers do the technology work, they know their employees to work now. They think they know now. If you have managed for two or three years, you may not have a lot of technical staff, especially how to complete your daily work.

You or your predecessor hire your group employee. Suppose you hire these people because you think they can do work, if you envisage everyone knows how to complete their work, you will get better results than how to complete it. Even some employees are working successfully, some employees will be affected by your idea.

Because I know that my employees know how to do their work, I give them a task. Ask if they need help, then leave them alone (unless they seek help). I mean is not you should not talk to them when they work, you just shouldn't bother him. Disturbing can be divided into several different forms:

· If you come to him in his body, come to his shoulders, ask him: "How is it?", Especially if they rang their brains, they still don't have to make it. You have reached their requirements. . · If you ask every day, it is worse, every hour, how do they do it. This looks like a microcomputer management of your employees, it is very annoying. After all, don't you work? In addition, they will think that you don't know how to do work.

· If they don't ask you, you say "I will use this method." This help will not be useful.

If you are not sure how you can know if your employees are competent, and each group member discusses the timing of seeking help. Everyone, including yourself, you should choose a rule to know that he or she has become an annoying guy. One of my customers has a 15-minute regulation. If someone is annoying for more than 15 minutes, he must stop and talk to others.

When you assign a job, ask your employees to understand what to do, he or she has a way. Determine the work process, if the employee encounters trouble, he should take the initiative to find you to seek help, but if you resolutely interfere, your employee will find you to seek help as the final solution.

Fourth. Treating your employees to use the way they can accept, rather than you can accept the way others want to accept the way you are willing to accept "(you don't want, don't do it to others) - this The golden law may be effective for pure social factors in many lives, but it is not always useful to work.

Efficiency managers know what kind of work needs to be treated every employee. When other people are more happy to accept more information. Some people need specific tasks and instructions. Some are more stunning because of solving new, great, complex problems, but there are some feelings that they are just how they have known how to deal with it.

In addition, we all like different agreements for different work. Money does not express the only way to agree, you can use other ways to reward your employees. Some people like to thank him, and some people are willing to recognize in front of the public, and some likes M & M methods, or reward movie tickets, and some people want team queues to celebrate. Remember what you motivate you, you don't necessarily motivate your group of every other member. And your team members understand how they prefer to reward the rewards. Create a good working environment.

fifth. Pay attention to the results rather than time

Many recognizes the establishment of employees to complete the work of work, not their final achievements. However, spending is not necessarily related to creativity at work. If you really want to improve the recognition of creativity and work efficiency, consider ensuring that your employees work only 40 hours a week. I often hear a certain objection to the employee is "You can't do anything in the whole day." If you are in a huge obstacle, consider what you can do to solve it, do you cancel a meeting? ? Can your team members arrange their work in order to maximize creativity?

When people work more than 40 hours a week, they began to care about their own things when they work. They spend money, they call people who haven't contacted a long time because they have been working.

Once you have created an environment, let employees completed their work, began to encourage them to encourage them to be more than 40 hours per week, then you can give them rewards based on their workloads you can complete in 40 hours. I always find this to improve creativity (because employees do not do their work in the state of too fatigue, because they can't care about themselves when they work).

When you start paying attention, it is not only time, but also more easily gives an accurate moderate evaluation of the performance of employees. Does your employees have completed their plan and test design? When they develop tests, they have to revise those who need the improvements they need? (If you just pay attention to how many tests can be used, I can repeatedly carry out the same test) Plan for 40 hours a week and pay for work to be done during this time. Sixth. Recognizing your mistakes

Everyone will make mistakes. They will entertain customers because they forget to meet. Acknowledging that you make mistakes is awkward. Many of us think that the group admits that you will lose dignity.

If you are not often mistaken, you can win respect when you admit mistakes. If you forget a meeting, you apologize for this, others will understand you and eventually forgive you.

No matter what you did, don't deny or deliberately ignoring your mistakes. Deliberate ignoring that it will not make the error disappear. This will only make the error grow into a monster. Recently, there is a principal to rebuilt his employees. After the meeting, he realized that he should not do that in the group. He just wants them to work with peace of mind, and then apologize for a few days.

I suggest that they should talk to his employees before they accumulate him. He is unwilling to start, but he later talked in two days later and each employee. Everyone said to him this: "I just feel angry after I will talk to you immediately. I will not accumulate them. But now I have passed two days, I I am still angry with you. In fact, I am more annoyed. I can't give it to you now I can believe you. I don't mind what you are screaming, but I can't determine if I will do this again.

My customer doesn't know how to handle this situation. He thinks his waiting is correct, but it makes the problem more serious. He has decided that no longer make such a mistake, and will immediately communicate with the employee.

His employees have used him for a few months, but my client has added his personal charm by admitting the mistake. Now, he and his employees can be a joke for this matter. They said this is his huge turning point for his cognitive and ability.

Seventh. Decides that you must first ask if your team members have the ability to complete when you are a sub-level employee, your boss said to you "Can we complete the project next October?" Surprisingly. However, your employee will appreciate because you answer "I want to think about it."

Even if you are already considering this problem, tell your employees you will do it in the future, you should also get enough information to consider. You should look at these aspects:

· For a while, you may feel confused about this problem because of another work.

· Maybe you are tired of problems you need to consider, because you no longer have the same time like you see it for the first time.

· If you "Training" Your boss makes your answer have a vulnerability, your boss will continue to give you an answer his pressure.

When you discuss the issue with your employees, you should talk to them:

· I want to know what makes you want to do this project.

· I am not afraid to tell me how the boss will deal with it.

It is a kind of respect for your employees before deciding to make a project. In addition, considering their ideas will also make you respect and loyal from them.

Eighth. Plan regular training

As part of management, testing is a challenge and a change in regularity of rules. Because of the frequent changes, a regular training program is necessary. If you don't train your employees based on constant changes, you will lose.

Training can be about a specific item or technology. You can train different ways:

· Provide a simple lunch to let each of your groups discuss a particular area. This is especially useful for the groups of different items. When everyone makes different projects, this will help everyone know all your works in your group.

· Do a stage for each department. Regardless of luck, each department will work with your team, but in general, other departments don't know what to do. · If you have a group of cross interests, you can make two groups show their own projects made by the company, or just for your test team.

· Invite experts outside to talk about a particular technology or a project. These experts or professional consultants, people who speech, or a blogger or colleague.

· If you buy a tool or have been trained, consider organizing an internal "user" meeting. People can share their feelings of this tool and discuss its problems, advantages and pranks. This is especially effective for defective tracking systems and construction management systems.

Ninth. Plan test

As a test manager, you can't have time to do everything you want to do. So, what you can do with your group. As a test manager, you should first determine your own task, is it a big defect before released? Or is it assessed by the status of the software? Or is it to help the development manager do risk assessment before publishing? Your task is likely to be one or several of them. Whether it is, before entering the life period, plan to test, everyone in your group must do our best, you don't need to do everything. You are not planning for everything, you will have time, then you can calculate what you can do.

The test scheme is a strategy for each product or a product to carry out products in each development phase. How much is the test? What test is not available? Do you want to use hardware and software in the test? What kind of combination cannot be thorough, it is possible to use in all tests.

Test is a dangerous assessment. You and other members in your project will make further decisions: You are happy to test the product's test part and non-test partial risk?

Once you decide what to test, issue a standard for each product development. The publishing standard is an objective standard for the importance of every item publisher. "If you will be good," is not a pace. "If you don't do customer, you will be able to plant us." It is an integral part of the release standard.

If you plan a test and work with your team, you can't always play a role of a goalkeeper. You don't have to stop granting. You and your project team or the criteria for the judgment of the project manager. When you have passed these standards, you can deliver. Joining you did not reach a consensus, honest, decide what you should do next. All of my projects have been done, we must have consensus on the publishing standard, so we have been working for this. Some customers have put forward very demanding standards, and we finally reached a consensus. They replaced the publishing standard in the file, explaining their position in the project team, and dominates management, and finally handover.


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