The Proposed Standard of the RTSP protocol is defined in RFC 2326, which is a widely supported processing streaming. The streaming of REAL, QuickTime is currently supporting RTSP.
Personally, RTSP refers to HTTP's content when designing, and RTSP is similar to the relationship between HTTP with TCP. But there are still many differences.
RTSP is a lasting connection, that is, in the entire stream oncast and playback, the client keeps the connection, so regardless of the Client and Server can be status; HTTP is stateless, HTTP status information It is required to be implemented by other auxiliary information, such as cookie.
RTSP does not use RTP / RTCP, but manipulates them, itself still uses TCP protocols. HTTP uses TCP transmission.
It can be considered that the entire media on-demand and playback process is a session. Session reflects a state machine, the Client and Server have a state machine.
The state of the Client is as follows, and the received event originates from the user.
Event target
Init setup Ready Teardown Init Ready Playing Record Recording Teardown Init Setup Ready Playing Pause Ready Teardown Init Playing Setup Playing Recording Pauseing Setup Playing Recording PAUSE The status machine of Teardown Init Record Recording Setup Recording Serve also contains the above four states, the status conversion rules are the same, but their objects and semantics have different differences in the format of HTTP, and the RTSP protocol text format is similar to HTTP, and it should be used. RFC822. Each line is separated by CRLF.
The first row is Request / Response Line. Request Line is also composed of