Seven habits of success mode (Pattern) writer (1) (by gof)

zhaozj2021-02-11  233

Habits 1: Let the time reflect (reflect).

The most important activity in pattern writing is reflecting. Bruce Anderson, the earliest person who has an impact on our work, once a year, emphasized this Point Holy Sea (Mantra). Let the time to reflect the stuff you do. Think about what you do, what you have encountered, and how you solve it (or not solved).

These hinders are all in the growing development era and unimaginable. However, it is reflected. There are methods that are better to enter the creative orbit than unlic brain. You may produce a lot of work code, but the amount of code is a measure of a bad workload. The logo of a good design is actually just the opposite - it is small and beautiful. Complete a lot of work with a small amount of code. It implements all Dongdong "Once and Noly Noly Noly", just like Kent Beck likes. It is also very flexible, and the large volume of code is usually not the case.

Now, I hope that people will take out a month to make a month. But what you can do is the incremental record of your experience. When you have important problems, try to write it down immediately. Quickly write down the description of the problem and why it is difficult. Then start working on it. When you try a new method at any time, quickly write it. If this method fails, quickly write it, and write why it fails. If it succeeds, do it. Almost everyone can write their experience with 5% time - this can also be used as discipline.

If you do this, you will surprise your experience you have accumulated. This is the most original material pattern. Of course, there will still be a lot need to do, but you got all important ore that can refine the golden wisdom.

Another important activity is to do everything you can see more other systems designed. The best way to learn from other system is to actually build them. If you don't have time or money, you will read them at least. Look for the problems that they represent and how to expire. Learning rules (Specifications) and documentation. Papers of the Research System. Browse OOPSLA and ECOOP Processes. Software practices and experience is another good design and implementation source.

When you test a system, do your best to search for all Dongdong. Try to find the pattern you already know. The assessment solution changes from the published patterns. Pay attention to new design, which may represent new modes. But remember that the relevant very few design is true new. More general, people use variants of known solutions. A new and unique solution may not be widely available and become a model.

If you find a new stuff, you can use it before you try to write it into a pattern. It can also be used in other contexts. We have an important rule when we develop << Design mode >>: We must find two examples of existence and its solutions before writing mode for a question. This is a particularly important rule we have, because we are exploring unfamiliar areas, and we want to determine that we have written in the reality. We don't want to be a solution without any problems. Ultimate, we abandoned many attractive and potentially useful but not seen in practical applications.


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