& nbsp Recently studied Ireport to do a report, suffering from the right information. I have explored the example of JasperReport, but just the code, I still want to see how the effect is, I share the process of my personal configuration and share it with everyone.
First, the operating environment 1, JDK1.4 or 1.5 2, Ant1.6.2
Second, environment variable configuration 1, JDK environment configuration (1) First download the SUN website to download and install JDK. (2 In My Computer -> Properties -> Environment Variables -> System Variable Bar Newly built the following variable (3) java_home-> value is a JDK installation directory, such as: E: / Program files / java / jdk1.5.0_01. (4 Class_path-> Value is a lib directory of JDK, such as: E: / Program files / java / jdk1.5.0_01 / lib. (5) Path-> value is a bin directory for JDK, such as: E: / Program Files / Java /jdk1.5.0_01/bin 2, ANT Environment Configuration (1) At http://jakarta.apache.org/ can download the latest version of Ant (2) Ant_Home -> Install Directory for Ant, such as: E: / Installsoftware / Apache-Ant-1.6.2. (3) PATH -> GBIN directory, such as: E: /Installsoftware/apache-ant-1.6.2/bin. 3, test run -> Enter cmd-> Under the DOS window output: buildfile: build.xml does not exist! Build failed, then proof configuration is successful. 4. Run Example (1) Switch the DOS directory to the Directory of the JasperReport example, such as: E: / JasperReports -0.6.2 / demo / samples / horizontal>, we switch to the directory where the Horizontal example is located. (2) In the prompt input Ant (3) prompt input Ant View (4) JasperView will be present in front of you
Third, applaud congratulations