Copy all files in a directory

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

Class app



/// Copy all files for the specified directory, do not include subdirectory


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, it means that the same name file is overwritten, otherwise it is not overwritten

Public Static Void CopyFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool Overwrite)


CopyFiles (Sourcedir, Targetdir, Overwrite, False);



/// Copy all files for the specified directory


/// Original directory

/// Target directory

/// If true, override the same name file, otherwise it is not overwriting

/// If true, contains the directory, otherwise it does not include

Public Static Void CopyFiles (String Sourcedir, String Targetdir, Bool Overwrite, Bool CopyDir)


String [] FileEntries = Directory.getFiles (SOURCEDIR);



FOREACH (String Filename In Filentries)


File.copy (filename, targetdir filename.substring (filename.lastindexof ("//")), true);

//Console.writeline (FileName "--> " Targetdir FileName.Substring (FileName.lastIndexOf ("//"))));





FOREACH (String Filename In Filentries)


IF (! file.exists (targetdir filename.substring (filename.lastindexof ("//")))))))))))


File.copy (FileName, Targetdir filename.substring (filename.lastindexof ("//"))));

//Console.writeline (FileName "--> " Targetdir FileName.Substring (FileName.lastIndexOf ("//"))));




IF (CopyDir)


FOREACH (String Subdir in Directory.GetDirector)


String newsubdir = targetdir subdir.substring (Subdir.lastIndexof ("//")); if (! Directory.exists (newsubdir))

Directory.createdIRectory (newsubdir);

CopyFiles (Subdir, NewSubdir, OverWrite, CopyDir);






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