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Author: Ji Guorui North China Electric Power University System Control Center
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We know that the server-side ASP program can accept parameters from the FORM on the HTML page.
So, can you transfer parameters to the HTML page. can.
Below is an implementation method of JavaScript, which is a division in Window.location.href to obtain each parameter.
With this function, you can pass parameters between the pages.
/ * * Function: Parameters from HREF * Shref: http://www.cscenter.com.cn/Arg.htm ?arg1=d&arg2=re * Sargname: arg1, arg2 * return: the value of arg. D, Re * / function getargsfromhref (shref, sargname) {var args = shref.split ("?"); var retval = ""; if (args [0] == shref) / * parameter is empty * / {Return RetVal; / * No need to do any handle * /} var = args [1]; args = str.split ("&"); for (var i = 0; i