LINUX debug Core file
GCC abc.c gets A.out can't run
Why is the error message saying c compiles that COUT is not defined
The include header file will be added to the USING NAMESPACE STD.
The newly compiled GCC, the standard connection library used is under / usr / local / lib, but how the default connection path used is / usr / lib added? (Sakulagi, Hutuworm) (Sakulagi, Hutuworm) (Sakulagi, Hutuworm)
Export LD_Library_Path = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / USR / LOCAL / LIB
Write ~ / .bash_profile.
Add a simple approach:
Add / usr / local / lib to /etc/ld.so.conf, then run LDConfig
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GNU / Linux Advanced Network Application Service Guide
Linuxaid website
Mechanical Industry Press
Advantages: Also complete, all are actual combat
Disadvantages: Lower version: Redhat 6.2
Linux Apache Web Server Administration Guide
Charles AULDS
Mechanical Industry Press
Advantages: I haven't found any questions about Apache yet.
Disadvantages: For 1.3.x, the latest Chinese version of 2.0. *
Linux kernel situation analysis
Zhejiang University Press
Advantages: It is too penetrating, can't understand
Disadvantages: Or version question, huh, kernel update is too fast, but still
UNIX Environment Advanced Programming
Richard Stevens
Mechanical Industry Press
Advantages: Both profound
Disadvantages: Beginners are difficult to understand, otherwise how to call "Advanced Programming"?
0005 0005
Programming essence - Microsoft preparation high quality unclear C procedure secret
Electronic Industry Press
Advantages: Do not say, the author is the team leader of the VC development group
Disadvantages: It is difficult to find, 1994
Understanding The Linux Kernel, 2nd Edition (HUTUWORM)
Author: Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati
Publication: O'Reilly
After reading this book, you will understand what is the best performance in the case, and how it faces challenges, providing process scheduling, file access, and memory management in various environments. By explaining its importance to introduce each topic and links kernel operations to UNIX programmers and user familiar system calls or utilities.
UNIX operating system tutorial (English version) (mentally)
By Syed Mansoor Sarwar ...
Mechanical Industry Press
Features: Lightly easy to understand, focusing on UNIX fundamental concepts and overall understanding, by the way.
Disadvantages: There is no Chinese version
UNIX programming environment (mentally wisdom)
By Brian W. Kenighan, Rob Pike
Chen Xiangqun and other translation
Mechanical Industry Press
Features: Shallow, deep-in-depth explanation How to use UNIX and various tools, briefly introduce Unix programming environment; compare "Unix Environment Advanced Programming", this book is suitable for newcomers. Disadvantages: there is no English version
The Art of Unix Programming (HUTUWORM)
Author: Eric Steven Raymond
Advantages: E.S. Raymond classic work is not to say
Disadvantages: I have been updated, the current version 0.73, I have given you a new version after reading it, I feel very uncomfortable.
UNIX Network Programming - Volume 1 "Set API and X / Open Transfer Interface API" (SLG1972)
W.Richard Stevens (already late)
Explain the programming of UNIX network in detail
UNIX Network Programming - Volume 2 "Process Communication" (SLG1972)
W.Richard Stevens (already late)
Detailed explanation of the process between UNIX, the relationship between threads, as well as a variety of different standard process programming.
UNIX network programming - volume three "app" (SLG1972, HUTUWORM)
I haven't bought it so far, it should be good.
Nothing to buy is because the Richard Stevens master the ear of the ear, and it is no longer possible to complete the third volume in this plan. It is said that it has not been written by Gary R. Wright, but since the master has been driving the crane.