1) Download
JDK can download free download in the Sun website http://java.sun.com, currently the highest version is J2SDK-1_4_2_07 download installation JDK (assuming the installed directory is c: /java/j2sdk1.4.2_07) 2) Set the environment variable Take WinXP as an example: Right-click "My Computer" -> "Properties" -> "Advanced" -> Pop-up "Environment Variable" dialog box in the "System Variable" column Select Path, click Edit, " The tail of the variable value "After the end of the text box"; c: /java/j2sdk1.4.2_07/bin "(Note the semicolon before the drive letter) and then" New ": Variable Name:" ClassPath "variable:" After determining, restart your computer 3) Run the Java program in the Notepad public class hellojava {public static void main (string args []) {// will Hello Java! ! Output to System.out.println ("Hello Java !!") ("Hello Java !!") ("Hello Java !!");}} To Hellojava.java, such as c: /demo/hellojava.java enters the DOS command line (click "Run" input cmd) Javac C: /Demo/hellojava.java enters C: / Demo directory Java Hellojava if "Hellojava !!" is displayed normally
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