ABOR abort previous command ACCT specify account (ignored) ADAT send an authentication protocol message ALLO allocate storage (vacuously) APPE append to a file AUTH specify an authentication protocol to be performed CCC set the command channel protection mode to "Clear" (no protec- tion). Only available if the -cc command-line option was given. CDUP change to parent of current working directory CWD change working directory DELE delete a file ENC send a privacy and integrity protected command (given in argu- ment) HELP give help Information List Give List Files in A Directory (`` ls -lga '"
) MIC send an integrity protected command (given in argument) MKD make a directory MDTM show last modification time of file MODE specify data transfer mode NLST give name list of files in directory NOOP do nothing PASS specify password PASV prepare for server-to-server transfer PBSZ specify a protection buffer size PORT specify data connection port PROT specify a protection level under which to protect data trans- fers PWD print the current working directory QUIT terminate session REST restart incomplete transfer RETR retrieve a file RMD remove a directory RNFR specify rename- From File Name Rnto Specify Rename-To File Name Site Non-Standard Commands (See Next Section) Size Return Size of File Store Status of Server Stor Store A File STOU store a file with a unique name STRU specify data transfer structure SYST show operating system type of server system TYPE specify data transfer type USER specify user name XCUP change to parent of current working directory (deprecated) XCWD change working directory (deprecated) XMKD make a directory (deprecated) XPWD print the current working directory (deprecated) XRMD remove a directory (deprecated) The following non-standard or UNIX specific commands are supported by the SITE request.