J2ME Application Development Guide This article does not introduce the tutorial to write Palm programs using Java - because each of our solutions have their own requirements and is worthy of attention - this is an overview of the developer Palm OS Articles for application development tools, we will look at this area, find what tool you should use when developing a Palm OS application using Java language, and what you can get
⊙ Introduction
Introduce a variety of popular PALM OS application solutions
⊙J2ME mystery
J2ME is developed for devices that use limited energy, limited network connections (often wireless connections) and limited graphical user interface capabilities. Its initial goal is 16-bit or 32-bit processor, 16 MHz clock frequency, 512K or less memory
⊙ Develop a simple kjava application example
Introduce a small application developed by J2ME, and then explore more complex applications
⊙J2ME and MIDP development
Install and configure CLDC and MIDP software, we will also write a simple MIDlet and learn to preview this MIDLET in a mobile device.
Several important functions of ⊙J2ME
MIDP provides support for storing persistent data on mobile devices, and MIDP also specifies that compatible mobile devices must provide at least 8KB non-dynamic memory for data storage purposes. In fact, most Java devices provide space than this requirement Much more
⊙ Develop PALM programs using WABA
In this article we will start learning WABA, learn using it to write applications running on Palm. WABA is an open source, very like Java language. If you know Java, you can know the syntax of WABA.