In Microsoft decided to postpone the release time of Windows XP SP2 to the end of August, people have a great attention to the development of SP2 development. It is understood that the current size of Windows XP SP2 is 264m, which solves a series of issues including worm propagation, network protection, memory protection, further enhanced email and browsing.
In order to prevent pirated Windows XP applications SP2 update, Microsoft has taken very tough measures. Users where SP1 installed on the pirated XP operating system will only receive such an error message: "This is a pirated copy", but Microsoft has now fully grasped a large amount of illegal cdKey to ensure that any pirated XP operating system can not install SP2 And there are rumors that Windows XP SP2 will modify the pirated operating system boot sector to cause the system to crash.
Microsoft declares that the upcoming Windows XP SP2 represents Microsoft's most comprehensive products so far! Since the release of the first beta version since December last year, a large number of people participated in the test work of SP2. Microsoft has also warned that Windows XP SP2 may cause confusion to existing applications.
Software Information "also learned that the first batch of Windows XP SP2 in the end of August will be the English version and the German version, and the SP2 of other languages will be released later after the two versions mentioned above. Microsoft spokesperson said:" Some areas It may take a few days, some may wait for a few weeks. "
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