XML: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" href = "cdata2obj.xslt"?> 9cbs use]]> root>
CData2obj.xslt: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> xsl: template> xsl: stylesheet>
Save the above two files in the same directory, start the XML file with the browser! Oh, analyze the 9CBS to html tag!
Let XSLT directly parse the HTML tag in XML
Yes to 9CBS a friend XML: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> Xml-stylesheet type = "text / xsl" href = "cdata2obj.xslt"?> 9cbs use]]> root>
CData2obj.xslt: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> xsl: template> xsl: stylesheet>