using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap; using System. Using system.collections;
Public class simplegraph {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
Console.WriteLine ("Create Object Diagram"); Treenode Node = New Treenode (""); FillTree (Node); Node.PrinTree (console.out);
Console.Write ("is sequenced to disk .."); stream s = (stream) ("foo.xml", filemode.create, fileaccess.write; SOAPFORMATTER B = New SOAPFORMATTER () B. Serialize (s, node); s.close (); console.writeline ("Complete.");
Console.write ("is from disk-reverse sequencing object map .."); stream r = (stream) ("foo.xml",,; SOAPFormatter C = new soapformatter () ;
Treenode n = (Treenode) C. DeSerialize (R); console.writeline ("Complete."); R.close (); n.printtree (console.out);
Console.Writeline ("/ r / n is exited by RETURN button."); ();}
Public static void fixtree (TREENODE Node) {type [] type = typeof (object) .Module.assembly.gettypes (); node.addchild (new Treenode (typeof (object) .fullname);
Foreach (TYPE T. IN TYPES) {if (T.BaseType == NULL) Continue; if (! t.ispublic) Continue; Treenode n = node.find (T.BaseType.FullName); if (n! = null) n .Addchild (New Treenode (T));}}}
[Serializable] public class treenode: iSerializable {Private Object Value;
Private arraylist children;
private TreeNode (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext c) {value = info.GetValue ( "value", typeof (object)); children = new ArrayList (); Object o; for (int i = 1; i Public Treenode (Object Val) {if (val == null) throw new exception ("VAL must not be empty"); value = val; children = new arraylist ();} void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) {if (value == null) info.AddValue ( "value", "NULL"); else info.AddValue ( "value", value.ToString () "(SAVED ) ")"); Int i = 1; Foreach (Object O in Children) {if (o == null) Continue; info.addvalue (I.TOString (), O); i ;}} Public Object value {get {return value;}} Public void addChild (Treenode Child) {if (! Children.Contains (child)) Children.Add (child);} Public Treenode Find (Object Val) {if (Val == Null) throw new exception ("VAL must not be empty"); if (Value.Equals (VAL)) Return this; Foreach (Treenode Tin Children) {Treenode W = T.Find (VAL); if (w! = null) Return W;} return null;} Override public bool equals (object obj) {if (! (bj is turnode)) Return False; Treenode T = (Treenode) Obj; return (T.Value.Equals (this.value);} OVERRIDE PUBLIC STRING TOSTRING () {Return Value.toString (); public void PrintTree (TextWriter output) {PrintTree (output, 0);} private void PrintTree (TextWriter output, int offset) {StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder (); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; I