Spring Framework 1.1.5 released

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

added overloaded "reject" and "rejectValue" methods without default message to Errors interface and BindException added "lookup (name, requiredType)" convenience method to JndiTemplate, matching the JNDI object against the given type added "homeInterface" property to AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor, for specifying the home interface to narrow to introduced MailMessage interface as common interface for SimpleMailMessage and JavaMail MIME messages Log4jConfigurer accepts a "classpath:" URL or a "file:" URL as location too, not just a plain file path Log4jConfigurer accepts config files that do not Reside in The File System, As long as there is no reference

added "int [] batchUpdate (String [] sql)" method to JdbcTemplate, for executing a group of SQL statements as a batch added C3P0NativeJdbcExtractor for C3P0 0.8.5 or later (for earlier C3P0 versions, use SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor) added "maxRows" bean property to JdbcTemplate, allowing to specify the maximum number of rows to be fetched added "fetchSize" and "maxRows" bean properties to RdbmsOperation, passing the values ​​to the internal JdbcTemplate added ClobStringTypeHandler, BlobByteArrayTypeHandler and BlobSerializableTypeHandler for iBATIS SQL Maps 2.0.9 ResourceHolderSupport throws TransactionTimedOutException if no time-to-live left (before attempting an operation) TransactionSynchronization objects can influence their execution order through implementing the Ordered interface JtaTransactionManager is able to work with a JTA TransactionManager only (ie without a UserTransaction handle)


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