Upgrade to JDK 5.0 Update 1 or 2 custom deployment WebServices - Axis is finally normal!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Upgrade to JDK 5.0 Update 1 or 2 custom deployment WebServices - Axis is finally normal!

JDK 1.4.x is normal! But JDK 5.0 customs to deploy WebServices - Axis, execute the command line: java org.apache.axis.client.adminClient deploy.WSDD is always abnormal! Upgrade to Update 1: Java Version "1.5.0_01 "Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (Build 1.5.0_01-B08) Java Hotspot (TM) Client VM (Build 1.5.0_01-B08, Mixed Mode, Sharing) Finally! Related Download:

JDK 5.0 Update 1: http://dlc.sun.com/jdk/jdk-1_5_0_01-windows-i586-p.exe

Resin 2.1.16 (recommended, because relative to Tomcat is small) http://www.caucho.com/download/resin-2.1.16.zip

Tomcat 5.5.7http: //apache.justdn.org/jakarta/tomcat-5/v5.5.7/bin/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7.zip

Apache WebServices - Axis V1.1: (June 16, 2003) http://apache.freeelamp.com/ws/axis/1_1/AXIS-1_1.Zip After decompression, the Axis directory under the AXIS-1_1 / WebApps / directory Copy to RESIN or TOMCAT's webapps directory!

JavaMail API 1.3.2 FCS: http: // /westCoastFSEND/javamail-1_3_2-oth-JPR/javamail-1_3_2- OTH-JPR: 1 / JavaMail-1_3_2.zip

JavaBeans (TM) Activation Framework 1.0.2: http: // /westCoastFSEND/7017-jaf-1.0.2-oth -JPR / 7017-JAF-1.0.2-OTH-JPR: 1 / JAF 1_0_2-UPD.zip

XML Security Version 1.2 of the java library: http://xml.apache.org/security/dist/java-library/xml-security-bin-1_2_0.zip

Listing: activation.jaraxis-ant.jaraxis.jarcommons-discovery.jarcommons-logging-api.jarcommons-logging.jarjaxrpc.jarlog4j-1.2.8.jarmail.jarsaaj.jarstylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jarwsdl4j.jarxalan.jarxercesImpl. JARXML-APIS.JARXMLPARSERAPIS.JARXMLSEC.JARXMLSECSMPLES.JARXMLSECTESTS.JAR

Class1.java file Save to /Webapps/Axis/web-inf/classes/class1.java execution: Javac class1.java compiled into class1.class: public class class1 {public static void main () {system.out.println (" Hello world! "); //System.out.println (new jwsclass1 (). Saylloto (" world! "));} Public string sayhelloto (String who) {return" Hello: " who;} public string self Sayllotoo (String who) {return "Hello:" WHO;}} http: // localhost: 1080 / axis / services / class1service? WSDL Save As: Xx.wsdlDeploy.wsdd (undeploy.wsdd) file, deploy.wsdd ( Undeploy.wsdd) Deployment File


(a) Generate the client memory (STUB) code, the server frame (SKELETON) code, and the data type file in WSDL (generated Java code) can be generated by the command line :: java org.apache.axis .wsdl.wsdl2java --skeletondeploy true xx.wsdl

1. deploy.wsdd: MyService deployment descriptors service 2. MyService.java: MyService service interface file 3. MyServiceService.java: obtaining service interface file MyService 4. MyServiceServiceLocator.java: MyServiceService implement the interface 5. MyServiceSoapBindingImpl.java: Implement the MyService interface, you should supplement the service logic 6. MyServiceSoapBindingskeleton.java: MyService service server frame code, implement myService, org.apache.axis.wsdl.skeleton interface 7. MyServiceSoapBindingstub.java: MyService service client memory root code Implement the MyService interface 8. Undeploy.wsdd: Logout Description File for the MyService service

(b) Dynamic calls WebServices: See: Wang Wei Gang WSCaller: Web Service General Client and Test Tool http://www.contextfree.net/wangyg/c/wscaller/wscaller.html

import org.apache.axis.Constants; import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializer; import org.apache.axis.wsdl.gen.Parser; import org.apache.axis.wsdl.symbolTable *;. import javax .wsdl. *; // Import javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.soapaddress; import javax.xml.namespace.qname; import javax.xml.rpc.call; import javax.xml.rpc.encoding.deSerializer; import javax. Xml.rpc.encoding.deserializerfactory;

Import java.util. *;

// Import localhost.axis.services; // Web Service Dynamic Invoker

Public Class Dynamicinvoker {Private Parser WSDLPARSER = NULL; Private Map Services = NULL;

Public Dynamicinvoker (String WSDLURL) THROWS Exception {WsdlParser = New Parser (); WSDLPARSER.RUN (WSDLURL); Services = Enumsymtabentry (ServiceEntry.class);}

Public Map Invoke (String ServiceName, String PortName, String Operationname, Vector ParameterValues) throws Exception {Vector Inputs = New Vector (); string returnname = NULL

ServiceEntry serviceEntry = (ServiceEntry) services.get (serviceName); Service service = serviceEntry.getService (); org.apache.axis.client.Service clientService = new org.apache.axis.client.Service (wsdlParser, service.getQName ( ));

Call call = clientService.createCall (QName.Valueof (OperationName)); (org.apache.axis.client.call) .SetTimeout (New Integer (15 * 1000));

Bindingentry bindingentry = getBindingNGentry; Operation O = getoperation (bindingentry, Operationname); parameters parameters = bindingentry.getParameters (O);

if (parameters.returnParam = null!) {// QName returnType = org.apache.axis.wsdl.toJava.Utils.getXSIType (parameters.returnParam); QName returnQName = parameters.returnParam.getQName (); returnName = returnQName.getLocalPart (); Int size = parameters.list.size (); for (int i = 0; i

Object ret = call.invoke (Inputs.toArray ()); map outputs = call.getOutputParams (); hashmap map = new hashmap (); if (ret! = Null && returnname! = Null) {map.put (ReturnName, RET);}}} (outputs! = null) {for (Iterator i = Outputs.keyset (). Iterator (); I.hasNext ();) {Object Obj = i.next (); string name; Object value; IF (Obj.getClass (). getName (). Equals ("java.lang.string")) {name = (String) Obj;} else {name = ((qname) obj) .getlocalpart ();} value = Outputs.get (obj); map.put (name, value);}}}}}}}}}}} Return Map;

Public Vector EnumServiceNames () {Vector V = New Vector (); Iterator i = Services.KeySet (). Iterator (); while (I.hasNext ()) {string s = (String) i.next (); v. Addelement (s);} Return V;

public Vector enumPortNames (String serviceName) {Vector v = new Vector (); ServiceEntry serviceEntry = (ServiceEntry) services.get (serviceName); Map ports = serviceEntry.getService () getPorts ();. Iterator i = ports.keySet () .iterator (); while (I.hasNext ()) {string s = (String) i.next (); v.addelement (s);} return v;} public vector enumopertyNames (String ServiceName) (String portname) {Vector v = new vector (); bindingentry entry = getBindINGENTRY (ServiceName, portname); set Operations = entry.getOperations (); item i = Operations.iterator (); while (I.hasNext ()) {Operation O = (Operation) I.next (); string s = o.getname (); v.addelement (s);} returnv;

public Parameters enumParameters (String serviceName, String portName, String operationName) {BindingEntry entry = getBindingEntry (serviceName, portName); Operation o = getOperation (entry, operationName); Parameters parameters = entry.getParameters (o); return parameters;}

Public String getParameterModestring (parameter p) {string ret = null; switch (p.getmode ()) {copy parameter.in: ret = "[in]"; break; case parameter.inout: ret = "[in, out] "; Break; case parameter.out: Ret =" [out] "; Break;} Return Ret;

private BindingEntry getBindingEntry (String serviceName, String portName) {ServiceEntry serviceEntry = (ServiceEntry) services.get (serviceName);. Port port = serviceEntry.getService () getPort (portName); Binding binding = port.getBinding (); SymbolTable table = WSDLPARSER.GETSYMBOLTABLE (); return table.getbindingentry (binding.getqname ());}

Private Operation Getoperation (bindingentry entry, string operationname) {set Operations = entry.getOperations (); item i = Operations.Iterator (); while (i.hasnext ()) {Operation O = (Operation) i.next (); if (operationName.equals (o.getName ())) {return o;}} return null;} // return Map of private Map enumSymTabEntry (Class cls) {HashMap ret = new HashMap () Hashmap map = wsdlparser.getsymboltable (). GetHashmap (); iterator itrator = map.Entryset (). Iterator (); while (iterator.hasnext ()) {map.entry entry = (map.entry) item.next ); QNAME key = (qname) entry.getKey (); vector v = (vector) entry.getValue (); int size = v.size (); for (int i = 0; i

private Object getParamData (org.apache.axis.client.Call c, Parameter p, String arg) throws Exception {// Get the QName representing the parameter type QName paramType = org.apache.axis.wsdl.toJava.Utils.getXSIType ( p);

TypeEntry type = p.getType (); if (type instanceof BaseType && ((BaseType) type) .isBaseType ()) {DeserializerFactory factory = c.getTypeMapping () getDeserializer (paramType);. Deserializer deserializer = factory.getDeserializerAs (Constants. AXIS_SAX); if (deserializer instanceof SimpleDeserializer) {return ((SimpleDeserializer) deserializer) .makeValue (arg);}} throw new RuntimeException ( "not know how to convert '" arg "' into" c);}}

Class Apptest {public static void main (string [] args) throws exception {system.out.println ("Hello World!"); // Dynamic call WebServics string location = "http: // localhost: 1080 / axis / service ? Class1Service wsdl "; DynamicInvoker invoker = new DynamicInvoker (location); Vector vServices = invoker.enumServiceNames (); Object [] Services = vServices.toArray (); Arrays.sort (Services); for (int i = 0; i < Services.Length; I ) {string serviceName = (string) services [i]; system.out.println; Vector v = invoker.enumportNames (service); string portname = (string) v.Elementat (0); V = invoker.enumOperationNames (serviceName, portName); Object [] OperationNames = V.toArray (); Arrays.sort (OperationNames); for (int j = 0; j

Invoker.invoke (ServiceName, PortName, Operationname); for (iTerator it = Result.keyset (). iterator (); it.hasnext ();) {string name = (string) it.next (); Object Value = Result.get (name); String line; if (value! = null) {line = name "=" result.get (name) .tostring () "/ n";} else {line = name "= (null) / n";} system.out.println (line);}}} // call proxy class call Webservices localhost.axis.Services.class1Service.class1 x = new localhost.axis.services.class1service.class1ServiceLocator () .getclass1service (); //( ((LocalHost.axis.Services.class1service.class1serviceOapbindingstub) x) .SETMAINTAINSESSION (TRUE); system.out.println (x.sayhelloto);}}


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