Structured Table (IExplore Only) (IExplore ONLY) (IEXPLORE ONLY) (IEXPLORE ONLY) Packet
... ... TBODY> - table's body ("header ... tbody> - table Body) ... tfoot> Footer (Footer): | | Food TH> | Drink TH> | Sweet th> thead> | | a td> | b td> | C TD> | D TD> | E TD> | F TD> TBODY> Table> 2) Packet Group # = left, right, center example: Food TH> | Drink TH> | Sweet TH> < / TD> | | a td> | B TD> | C TD> | | D TD> | E TD> | F TD> tbody> table> 3) The attribute control # = from the left, the number of columns with the specified attribute # = Left, Right, Center Example: Food TH> < TH> Drink th> | SWEET TH> TH> | | a td> | b td> | c td> < Tr> | D TD> | E TD> | F TD> tbody> table> The principle of the browser download form is to download the entire table content again Displayed, so when the table content is more, it will appear very slow. Its role is to download the table block into the browser when there is too much content in a form, so that the viewer feels very slow.
2005-12 17:29:00 | | |