Oracle9i Application Server - Potal

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Part I Enterprise Entrance Website and Oracle Portaloracle Portal are an important web development tool. Provide a friendly development environment, accelerate website construction, application development, web content establishment and management. Developers and front-end users have quickly built commercial intelligent entrance websites, including: forms, reports, charts and workflow applications. The Oracle Portal user interface provides carrier development frameworks, allowing development team members to be able to do, for example: can be divided into website content management, database management, development portal applications, and more. Oracke Portal is based on Oracle's role (Role)-based security, can be developed according to role or group. Basically, it is a set of PL / SQL programs stored in the database, very fast, and very efficient. The Oracle Portal system architecture has a very important MOD_PLSQL component. It is a group of programs to explain the request sent by the user, then perform a specific PL / SQL program in the database, and finally respond to the user. Application To: PL / SQL program executes a form or chart, the URL generated in the video will be transmitted through mod_plsql to the database, then the call Guest executes a specific program, and the form is displayed in the video after execution. (URL content is generated by Portal, and guests use the CGI parameters to be transmitted from Apache to the database. This URL CGI directive is a data access descriptor, referred to as Apache HTTP Server, referred to as DAD, and function to find the program, and then return to the client). The user can call the web page developed by Oracle Portal through the web. Portal webpages can be divided into different regions, which can utilize portlets, PL / SQL programs, search engines. Form. Reports or Java programs to display data. Another important component of the Oracle Portal architecture is the APCHE JSERV Parallel Filter Servlet mechanism. When a web page is requested, the Paraller Filter generates webpage content, and a portlers and application will call the initial test function, and then return to the client.

PART II ORACLE9IAS installation and configuration When using Portal, first we have to install Oracle9ias first, and now there is Oracle10GAS. In these two versions, the 10GAS installation is relatively simple, but it is very high in memory, it is best to reach 1G. I have appeared a problem when I installed Oracle9ias, which is the compatibility of hardware. This problem can be referred to, this problem does not know why Reason, please also ask yourself to study it. Ok, now enter the installation. 1. Pre-installation system setting (Windows version) 1.1 Confirm the service pack version to upgrade the Servive Pack version to 3 or higher version 1.2 Confirm the DNS suffix, write all 1.3 Setting the virtual memory I machine's memory is 512M, set In 2048-4095, it is of course possible to perform the corresponding settings according to the different machines. 1.4 Confirm that TCP / IP Note must have a fixed IP. After installation, you cannot modify it later. I used to say that some people say that 10GAS IP can be changed, this has not been tried yet. 2. Installing Oracle Infrastructure and Oracle Application Server Since there is already a detailed installation file in the master, there is not much to say this, please see = 188591 After the above installation is complete, we can now enter Portal. Try the address in the gathering: http://hostname: 7778 / PLS / Portal, you can enter the Portal page. Part III Oracle Portal System Overview Oracle Portal has intuitive user interfaces for collaborative websites. This development environment itself is an entrance website that can develop its own corporate website in Portal platform. 1. Log in to Oracle Portala. Enter the http: // Hostname: 7778 / PLS / Portal in the URL position. b. Click the login connection in the right corner, the login screen appears, and enter Portal in the username, enter the password set when the password is installed at the installation 9IAS. c. Press the Login button, which is already logged in. Note: After installation 9IAS, the system will automatically generate four accounts: portal, orcladmin, portal_admin, public, where Portal permissions are the largest, which is equivalent to the administrator role in the operating system, so be sure to keep the portal password. ORCLADMIN This account is the management account of the Oracle Directory Manager (OID) in 9ias, and can log in to Portal. 2. BUILDER's use At this time, you will see the builder button in the upper right corner. Click to enter, and there will be three tabs, which are: Build, Administer, Administer Database. Build: We will rely on its features to create site architecture and application components, including: Portal form, reports, charts and trouble calendars. You can also create a named descriptive container, which can be used to store Portal web pages, webpage styles, web content area, and database applications. Administer: Allow Portal managers to do the following: Establish a user account, assign the user to a specific group, edit and establish portal permissions and user setting files, etc.

Administer Database: Data Inventory With Edit Forms, Tools, Reports, and Charts Assist database activity and functionality. 3. Oracle9ias Portal Navigator enters Buider, select Navigator in the upper right corner, and go to Oracle9ias Portal Navigator. Portal Navigator is a user interface that developers is quite easy to get started, you can use it to explore the entire Portal website, or create Portal web pages, content area, applications and database objects. There is a page sign on this screen, named: Database Objcts, let's talk about it. Oracle Portal is a tool driven by Oracle Database, which is stored in the Oracle database, security mechanism, and other application connections and Web URLs are also stored in the database. Database Objects provides a very easy O database object access mechanism. It allows you to explore all tables, review and update data, and access database objects; these database objects will be accessed when developing application components. In this page, all Schema will be seen (assuming as Portal), because Oracle 9ias has an coming database, it is seen that it is its own schema. If you are accessing a remote database by a database Link, you will see the remote data schema. Portal users will have different database object access rights, and DBA has full access permissions for all database objects. The status of the Portal account is like DBA, with full access permissions for all databases. 4. After the establishment and compiler account enters Portal, the Portal's primary job is to build a user account. It is best to build a user group before establishing an account to divide different user permissions within the company. You should give the user some group permissions permissions, try not to set access to each user separately. Portal has built certain group permissions in the development team, including: DBA, Portal administrator, Portal developers, and portlet publishers. Log in to the portal home page, enter the Administer pagemark, press the CREATE New Users connection, then fill in the appropriate data. Give access rights is the most complex topics in Portal, which will explain how permissions are interrelated, and how to allow User to access the Portal development environment and the user environment. From the perspective of developers, it has not been given to the database to access the permissions, what can't be done! Portal is also a database application, so any action must start from the database, including giving the user group permissions and data inventory permissions. 5. Oracle Portal Shortcut Diagram Enter Portal, found that there are some icons to be connected in the upper right, and these graphs are used as follows: Community: Connect to Oracle 9IAS developers, leading to OracleTechnology NetWork website Portal Society. Navigator: Available for all Oracle Portal objects. Home: Go back to Oracle Portal to develop the environment. Help: Provide a teaching example and an online help system Refresh: Remove the portal webpage content from the database and refresh the portal webpage presentation. Edit Page: Fully control of the web page, including access control and style changes. Customize: Allows the user's custom webpage, but does not affect the portal webpage of other users.

Account_info: Allows the user to modify the Portal account and password. Logout: Logout Portal and interrupts online. 6. Potal web page analysis For general users, "Portal web page" is just a slightly special HTML page. However, in the perspective of the entrance website, "Portal web page" must contain different split areas, the purpose is to store different portlets to display different data content. These content may come from the website itself or other portlet providers. Each web page needs to define a style to set the fonts of different text regions in the web page with n color. In order to establish a Portal website, many web pages must be established in advance, it is best to design more than one web configuration and style. Each web page must be matched with a style, unless you intend to use the preset webpage style, otherwise you must create more than one style. Page Layout Defines the user's viewing webpage and how to organize portlets within the web page. How to create a page: The above has said a lot of theoretical knowledge, now started, making a page. Go to the Portal homepage and log in. a. Click on Builder to enter. B.CREATE A Page Group, of course, may not be created, you can use your own habits. c. Name TEST, this is also the name taken by this page group. d. Return to the original page, start to create the Page at this time. e. Finally, there is an empowering picture, indicating which user is to give this Page, and set the finish to complete the creation of Page. f. Create this Page again, such as adding a portlet. The above is just a simple process of creating Page, there are many details, need to be slowly comprehension. Part IV Portal Website Management 1. The entrance website can be divided into the following three forms: Internet: Intit website can be applied to the Internet search mechanism, such as, and Intranet: Usually private networks on the firewall, allowing users to share corporate internal information. EXTRANET: Let supplier, trading partner. Cooperating manufacturers and customers can safely access intranets, share specific information interiors, and improve business processes. 2. Portal Development Environment Main Group Role: Portal Manage Portal Developer Portal Internal Publisher Portal DBA Oracle Portal is determined whether to display web content based on the role or permissions given by the user. 3. Establish and compile the user group using group to simplify the permission management of the entrance website. Portal presets provide five group privileges: Portal_Administrators (Portal Administrator) Authenticated_Users DBA (Database Manager) Portal_Developers (Portal Developer) Portal_Publishers (Portal Publisher) Each group has different permissions, so Oracle Portal's control and access is also divided into different classes. Each group represents a user role, which can establish and maintain enterprise entrance websites. Managers can also use different groups to give a lot of permissions at a time to simplify the authority management. In addition, users can affiliated with multiple groups while having multiple permissions. Different levels of permissions can be set to establish or manage Portal objects in each group.


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