Install Oracle 10gas for Redhat Linux AS3

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

1. Put the RedHat AS3 first optical disk into the optical drive, restart the machine after the optical drive boot. Then install it according to the steps, I advise everyone or use English characters, because I have used Chinese, I feel some uncomfortable. If English is not good, the dictionary is served. . . . Note 1. Exchange partitions, please try to assign a big point, I will divide 4G; 2, when choosing the component (package), please choose all installation, of course, not completely installed, but a package one The troubles don't want to find me. 2, okay, redhat as3 is finished, start the system to prepare a. Modify the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, I said that everyone will join the rc.local file below. a) echo 256 32000 100 142> / proc / sys / kernel / SEM B) Echo 4096> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmni c) Echo 2097152> / proc / sys / kernel / shmall d) echo 131072> / proc / SYS / FS / FILE-MAX E) Echo 8192> / Proc / Sys / Kernel / Msgmax F) Echo 65535> / Proc / Sys / Kernel / MSGMNB G) Echo 2878> / Proc / Sys / Kernel / Msgmni H) ECHO 20000 65000> / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / ip_local_port_range i) ulimit -u 16384 b. Create a user group. Call DBA, I think if only 10GAS is installed, you can use it. Because I have to install 9i RDBMS, I have to built.

c. Establish a user, just called Apps, its main group is DBA. d. Take the apps login system, modify the .bash_profile file, add the following statement, please modify a) IF [$ user = "apps" ] ;1 b) IF [$ shell = "/ bin / ksh"]; then c) ulimit -p 16384 d) ulimit -n 16384 e) ELSE F) ULIMIT -U 16384-N 16384 G) FI H) FI i Export Path = $ PATH: $ HOME / BIN; J) EXPORT ORACLE_BASE = / DATA / Apps; E. Build files in the user's directory. LDAP, increase the line as follows: a) Export oracle_sid = asdb; b) Export Oracle_home = $ Oracle_base / ldap; c) Export path = / usr / kerberos / bin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / x11r6 / bin: / data / apps / bin: $ oracle_home / Bin; f. Create a file in the user's directory .APPS, command line as follows: a) Export oracle_home = $ oracle_base / apps; b) Export path = / usr / kerberos / bin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin: $ oracle_home / bin: $ OACLE_HOME / OPMN / BIN: $ ORACLE_HOME / DMT / BIN; G. Modify System File A) # mv / usr / BIN / GCC /USR/BIN/gcc.backup b) # MV / USR / BIN / G /usr/bin/g .backup C) # ln -s / usr / bin / gcc296 / usr / bin / gcc d) # Ln -S / usr / bin / g 296 / usr / bin / g h. Applying Oracle's Patch3006854. a) There is a * .sh file after my accessory file, and it is possible to execute it with root users. i. If you don't have a deployment DNS system, please modify your / etc / hosts file, guarantee that there is a row a) ip Hostname 3, the last check before installation. a. Whether it is established .ldap and .appus file.

b. Whether to modify the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file c. Whether the GCC and G file d. 是 修 修 .bash_profile file e. Whether it is installed when installing the operating system, if not fully installed, please Inspection must have these packages in the system, if not, it seems to be on the AS3 3 disk, please use rpm -ivh installation a) # GCC-3.2.3-20 setarch-1.3-1 b) # pdksh-5.2.14 c) # OpenMotiF21-2.1.30-8 D) # gnome-libs- e) # compat-glibc-7.x- f) # Compat-GCC-7.3-2.96 .122 g) # Compat-libstdc - 7.3-2.96.122 h) # Compat-libstdc - devel-7.3-2.96.122 i) # Compat-GCC-C - 7.3-2.96.122 j) # sysstat-4.0.7 f. Whether or not Oracle's 3006854 Patch G. Your Oracle10GAS has been applied after being decompressed in the same directory of the hard disk H. After the check is completed, restart the machine 4 and start installing the Oracle10GAS INFRA section. a. Log in to the system (please select the English environment) b. Execute: ../.ldap c. Check: echo $ oracle_home d. Check: Echo $ Path E. Enter Oracle10GAS DISK1, execute ./RunInstaller F Select the installation directory of the Oracle installation. g. There is a dialog that is required to specify the installation environment of Oracle and then require one .sh file under root run / TMP. h. next, enter the next item, ask the software to select the installed software, select the second INFRA. i. Next, language selection, you can select Chinese. j. Next appears software components, you can choose. k. next appearance requires the user to specify an instance name, I named LDAP, you need to specify the password for the LDAP. l. After all is completed, you can start installed, the installation is very smooth, the connection will not be wrong until the installation is complete. m. When you create a database in the middle, you are required to perform a SH file 5 in $ ORACLE_HOME. After installing the INFRA, return to the user home directory, and start installing the apps. a. Execution: Echo $ Oracle_home o. Check: Echo $ PATH P. Enter Oracle10GAS DISK1, execute ./RunInstaller q. Oracle's installation interface, select the installed directory. r. next, enter the next item, ask the software to select the installed software, please select the first item 10GAS. s. Next, language selection, you can choose Chinese. T. Next appears software components, you can choose. u. next appearance requires the user to specify an instance name, I named Apps. v. Request for the password of IAS_ADMIN, please don't forget, need b. When you use the manager, you need B. Require the user to enter the LDAP directory server name and port number. (The server can use, the port can be queried by PS-EF | GREP OID. After seeing the parameters in the command line, the port number is generally 3060 or 3040) W. You can start installed after everything is completed, install It's very smooth, and the connection will not be wrong until the installation is complete.

(This step is a long time, maybe my memory is too small, I spent four hours) 6. After all installation is complete, you can log in to the following page: a.http: // 7777




Normal start and closing order and command 1. Start: 1. Start INF. 2. / Oracle_Home / Bin / LSNRCTL Start 3. / Oracle_Home / Bin / Sqlplus / NOLOG 4. SQL> Connect Sys as Sysdba 5. SQL> Startup 6. SQL> EXIT 7. / Oracle_Home / OPMN / BIN / OPMNCTL STARTALL 8. / Oracle_Home / Bin / Emctl Start Iasconsole 9. Start AS. 10. / Oracle_Home / OPMN / BIN / OPMNCTL Startall 11. / Oracle_Home / BIN / Emctl Start Iasconsole II. Turning 1. First Fire AS 2. / Oracle_Home / OPMN / BIN / OPMNCTL Stopall 3. / Oracle_Home / Bin / Emctl Stop Iasconsole 4. SU - Transfer to root users 5. Shutdown -y -ness 6. Re-off INF 7. / Oracle_Home / OPMN / BIN / OPMNCTL Stopall 8. / Oracle_Home / Bin / Emctl Stop Iasconsole 9. / Oracle_Home / BIN / SQLPLUS / NOLOG 10. SQL> Connect Sys as Sysdba 11. SQL> Shutdown Immediate 12. SQL> EXIT 13. SU - to root users 14. Shutdown -y -g0


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