Several websites about software engineering
1. Agile Modeling: a new, "alternative" modeling method. Do not look
2. Alistair Cockburn's homepage. This is the author of Writting Effective Use Case
3. Patterns HomePage: Your mode library, a website specially designed in design mode. There are many websites of some other design patterns.
4. Portland Pattern Repository: Another way of speaking mode
5. C & a's Software Engineering Web: Provides some online tutorials
6. Software Development Online: An magazine, a lot of soft work articles. The author is the famous flow of the soft plant.
7. The website of "Applying Uml and Patterns" book. This book is selected as OOAD textbook by many schools. There is an exercise and explanatory
8 Ralph Johnson's Framework HomePage. Ralph is the author of the book book book book in Frameworks. Http:// OCL (Object Contraint Language) Home Page
9 The Precise UML Group: When you look at it, you know that uml
10 Component-Based DevelopMnet Headquarter Object Management Group (OMG): Calculate the old nest of OO technology
11 Software Engineering Institute (SEI): CMM Birth Http://