Open a DOS window in Win2000, then execute
FOR / L% a in (1, 1, 254) Do Start / min / low telnet 192.168.0.% a 3389
This will expose all open 3389 ports of 192.168.0.x.
This command is executed
Will open 254 small windows in the taskbar
Then the Telnet link failed window will automatically exit after approximately 5 seconds.
The remaining window is the host that corresponds to the open port.
Look at the title of the small window, you can learn the IP address of the host.
If you think that the machine performance is good, you can go to the / low parameters.
Now scan multiple ports of a host, as follows
For / l% a in (1,1,65535) do start / low / min telnet a
This scans ports 1 to 65535 port
Scan all ports of a network segment
FOR / L% a in (1,1,254) do for / l% b in (1, 1, 65535) do start / low / min telnet 192.168.0.% a% B
This will scan all 1 to 65535 segments of 192.168.0.x paragraphs.
The above command can only be used under Win2000, because / L accumulated parameters are Win2000 to FOR extension
Of course, WinXP and Win.Net can be used, WinMe I have not tried because there is no WinMe machine