Common way of a project directory:
| --lib - library | --classes - Destination File Directory | --SRC - Source File Directory | --DOC --api) Directory | --BUILD.XML
In this way, you can do it if you want it. Jar file is thrown to the lib directory, then if you are lazy, you can compile it with the build.xml below. ---------- fileset> path> Target> project> ---------- Description: The first paragraph defines the path P, add all .jar files under LIB. The second paragraph calls JAVAC, specifying the classpath to compile all .java files in the SRC directory, put the .class file into the class content. Running an ANT: Open the command line window, enter the directory where you are in build.xml, enter the Ant more knowledge, please refer to Download Ant and decompress, open Ant / DOCS / INDEX.html. In the menu, select Manual-> Ant Tasks-> Core Tasks learning other core tasks Usage download Ant and decompressed, open Ant / DOCS / INDEX.HTML, select Manual-> Ant Tasks-> Core Tasks in the menu Usage of core tasks