Computer skill

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

Disclaimer: The following skills are some common techniques, but it is not everyone clear, please select only the selection of content you are interested in. 1. How to implement the shutdown When the empty page file opens "Control Panel", click Administrative Tools → Local Security Policy → Local Policy → Security Options ", double-click" Shutdown: Cleanup Virtual Memory Page File ", click the pop-up menu The "Enabled" option is enabled, click OK. 2, how to configure Windows XP service If you use Windows XP in a single machine, many service components are not required, and additional service programs affect the speed of the system, which is completely disabled. Click Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services, pop up the service list window, some services have been started, some are not. We can view the corresponding service item description to close the unwanted service. Such as "Alerter", if you are not connected to the LAN and do not need to manage alerts, you can turn it off. 3, SMARTDRV procedure What is the action: In many introduction articles about Windows XP installation: "If Windows XP is installed in DOS, it is very slow, it is definitely not running smartdrv.exe before installation. I want to ask this smartdrv. What is the effect of EXE file? How to use? Smartdrv.exe This file is definitely clear about familiar with DOS, the main role is to add a cache for disk files. You know that the memory is much higher than that of the disk, if The cache read or written as disk can effectively improve system running efficiency. Smartdrv.exe This file is in Windows all versions of the disc or the windows / command / in the hard disk, only dozens of KB, put this file Copy it to the floppy disk, start the system directly after running this program (you can add parameters, the program automatically assigns the appropriate memory space as a cache according to the memory size), and then install Windows XP. In addition, this program is installed. Do not run after Windows, otherwise Windows can be reduced. 4, Win32k.sys is what files: I just installed Windows XP, but I found a virus in F: / Winnt / System32. Win32k.sys file, delete, no deletion, no, in Windows 98 or DOS, will cause Windows XP to be unable to start, what is the way to do it? What is the method to solve? This file is Windows XP multi-user Managed driver files. In the x: / windows / system32 / dllcache directory there is a backup of this file. Just copy this backup to the file with a virus in X: / Windows / System32. Be a Windows 98 boot disk And copy the attrib.exe file into the floppy disk, this file is in the x: / windows / command directory on the machine with Windows 98.The launch order is started from the A disk in the ADVANCED BIOS Features in the BIOS to enter DOS After entering the x: / windows / system32 directory, enter attrib- -h -r win32k.sys, then enter the same command in the x: / windows / system32 / dllcache directory, then use Copy Win32k.sys x: / windows / The system32 covers the original file and restarts.

5, Windows XP's power-on menu has any menu: Recently I installed the Windows XP operating system, I know that pressing the F8 key when starting or when the computer does not start normally, it will enter the advanced option menu of Windows XP startup, here You can choose to start Windows XP in 8 different modes outside the normal start. What does these patterns mean? (1) Safety mode: When you select Safety Mode to start Windows XP, you only use some of the most basic files and drivers to start. Entering security mode is an important step in diagnostic failure. If the problem cannot be determined after the security mode is started, or you can't start the security mode at all, you may need to use the functional repair system for emergency repair disk ERD. (2) Network security mode: similar to security model, but add support for network connection. Solve the startup failure of Windows XP in a local area network environment, this option is useful. (3) Safety mode of the command prompt: Also similar to the security mode, only the basic files and drivers start Windows XP. But the command prompt appears in the login screen instead of the Windows desktop. (4) Enable the launch log: Start Windows XP, and record all drivers and services loaded by the system to the file. The file name is NTBTLOG.TXT, located in the WINDIR directory. This log is useful for determining the accurate reason for the system startup problem. (5) Enable VGA mode: Start Windows XP using the basic VGA driver. This mode is useful when the new graphics driver that makes Windows XP cannot be started normally, or when the refresh frequency setting is faulty, this mode is very useful. When starting Windows XP in security mode, only the most basic graphics driver is used. (6) Lastest configuration: Select "Use the 'last correct configuration' Start Windows XP" is a method to solve the problem of newly added drivers and hardware does not match. Start with this way, Windows XP only restores the information under the registry key HKLMSystemCurrentControlSet. Any changes made in other registry keys remain unchanged. (7) Directory Service Recovery Mode: Not applicable to Windows XP Professional. This is for the Windows XP Server operating system and is only used to restore the sysvol directory on the domain controller and the Active Directory directory service. (8) Debug mode: Start Windows XP, and send debug information to other computers via a serial cable. If you are or have already installed Windows XP on your computer, you can see additional options related to the Remote Installation Service Recovery System. 6. How to completely delete the XP phenomenon: I installed the Windows Me and Windows XP dual systems, all of which are FAT32 format. C disk WINDOWS ME, E disk Windows XP. Yesterday, the Windows XP system lost SYSTEM32.DLL, can't start. So I got into the Windows ME system, deleted Windows XP directly on the E disk. However, there is a multi-system launch menu for each boot, option. How can I really delete XP? Start with a Windows 9X / ME startup, enter "Sys C:" under "A:", and return the system to the C drive. 7. How to deal with Windows XP can not automatically shut down phenomenon: My Windows XP sometimes can't automatically shut down the computer, what should I do? After the Windows XP is installed, some computers cannot be automatically turned off after clicking Close the computer, and it is necessary to turn off like the previous AT power supply. This is primarily that Windows XP does not enable advanced power management.

Correct: Click Start → Control Panel → Performance and Maintenance → Power Options, in the pop-up power option properties settings window, click Advanced Power Management and check "Enable Advanced Power Management Support". 8. How to create a "lock computer" shortcut to leave because there is an urgent matter, but you don't want the computer to log out the system. What should I do? You can quickly lock the keyboard and monitor by double-clicking on your desktop shortcut, and you do not need to use the Ctrl Alt Del "key or screen saver. Operation method: Right click on the desktop, point to "New" on the shortcut menu that appears, and select Shortcut. Then, the system will start the creation shortcut wizard. Please enter the following information in the text box: Rundll32.exe User32.dll, LockWorkStation, click Next. Enter a shortcut name. You can name it "Lock Workstation" or select any name you like, click Finish. You can also modify the shortcut icon (my favorite one is the padlock icon provided by shell32.dll). To modify the shortcut icon, do the following steps: Right-click Shortcuts and select Properties on the shortcut menu that appears. Select Shortcuts tab, then click the "Change Icon button. In the following file, find the Icon Text box, type shell32.dll, click OK. Select the desired icon from the list and click OK. You can also specify a set of shortcuts for shortcuts, such as "Ctrl Alt L". Although this approach can only help you save a keystroke, but it can make the operation more pondered. To add a shortcut combination, do the following steps: Right-click Shortcuts and select Properties on the shortcut menu that appears. Select the Shortcuts tab, in the Shortcut Key Text box, enter any key value, and Windows XP converts it to a shortcut combination (generally in the form of any Ctrl Alt arbitrary key). To lock the keyboard and display, just double-click the relevant shortcut or use the defined shortcut. 9, how to adjust the desktop icon color quality to right click on the blank space, select the Settings tab in the Open Display Properties dialog box, with the Color Quality drop-down list You can adjust the color quality of your computer. You can also adjust the color quality of the desktop icon by editing the registry, the specific steps: Open the registry editor, enter the HKEY_CURRENT_ USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics sub-branch, double-click the shell icon bpp key value, open In the "Edit String" dialog box, the color parameters of the desktop icon are displayed in the "Numerical Data" text box, and the default icon color parameter of the system is 16. The available color parameters provided here include: 4 representing 16 colors, 8 representing 256 colors, 16 showing 65536 colors, 24 represents 16 million colors, 32 represents True Color. You can choose and set your desktop icon color parameters according to your own. Click OK to close the Edit String dialog. Log out of the current user and restarts the computer after setting up. Right-click on the desktop blank, select the "Appearance" tab in the Open Display Properties dialog box, where you can easily adjust the fonts, windows, or other items. However, in this way, the icon size has a limitations. For example, users can only select the desktop size scheme that the system has provided, and cannot set the size of the desktop icon. If you want to adjust the size of the desktop icon with your heart, you can achieve your goals by editing the registry.

The specific steps are: Open the Registry Editor, enter the HKEY_CURRENT_ USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics sub-branch, double-click the Shell Icon Size key value, in the Open "Edit String" dialog, "numerical data" text The size parameter of the desktop icon is displayed, the system default 29, the user can set the parameter size according to your own needs (the larger the parameter, the larger the desktop icon), and then click "OK" to close the Edit String dialog. When you log out of the current user and restart the computer after setting up. 10. How to select the system sound to select the selection and setting of the system sound to set the sound for the event in the system, and the system automatically prompts the user according to the user's settings when the event is activated. The steps of selecting system sounds are as follows: (1) Double-click the "Sound and Audio Device" icon in the Control Panel window, open the Sound and Audio Devices Properties dialog box, which provides a means of checking the system sound environment. This dialog contains 5 tabs of volume, sound, audio, voice, and hardware. (2) In the "Sound" tab, all sound events in Windows XP are displayed in the "Programs Event" list box. If there is a "small speaker" flag in front of the sound event, it indicates that the sound event has a sound prompt. To set the sound prompt of the sound event, select the sound event in the Programs Events list box, then select the required sound file as the sound prompt from the "Sound" drop-down list. (3) If the user is not satisfied with the sound file provided by the system, you can click the "Browse" button to pop up the browse the voice dialog. Select the sound file in this dialog and click the "OK" button to return to the Sound tab. (4) In Windows XP, the system presets a variety of sound regimens for users to choose. Users can select a solution from the "Sound Scheme" drop-down table to select sound to sound events. (5) If the user wants to set the dubbing scheme yourself, you can select the required sound file and configure the sound in the Programs Events list box, click Save As "button in the Sound Scheme" option to save the plan To dialog. After entering the name of the sound file in the "Delivery Scheme" text box, click the "OK" button. If the user is dissatisfied with the dubble scheme of yourself, you can select the scenario in the Sound Schemes option group, and then click the "Delete" button to delete the scheme. (6) Select the "Volume" tab to open the Volume tab. You can change the volume size of the system output by adjusting the slider to the "Device Volume" option group. If you want to display the volume control icon in the taskbar, you can enable the "Place the Volume Icon in the Tasklet" checkbox. (7) You want to adjust the volume of the audio input and output, click the Advanced button in the Device Volume area to adjust in the "Volume Control" dialog box. Here is the volume control function of single input and output from the overall volume to the CD player, PC speaker. You can also close the appropriate single volume by selecting "Mute". (8) After clicking the "Advanced" button in the "Speaker Settings" area in the Voice of Volumes, you can set the closest to your hardware configuration for your multimedia system after the "Advanced Audio Properties" dialog box pop-up. Speaker mode. (9) Select the Performance tab in the Advanced Audio Properties dialog box, which provides adjustment for audio playback and its hardware acceleration and sampling rate conversion quality. To explain, not all options are, better, you need to set according to your hardware situation, better quality usually means higher resource share. After setting, click the "OK" button to save the settings. 11. How to assign temporary administrative rights Many programs require you to have administrative permissions during the installation process. Here is a simple way to assign administrative privileges for yourself with regular users. Press and hold the "Shift" button while right-click the program installation file. In the shortcut menu that appears, click Run Mode, and enter the username and password with the corresponding management privilege.

This approach applies to applications on the start menu. 12. How do I close the automatic playback of Windows XP Once you are inserting a multimedia CD into the drive, automatic running will read data from the drive, which will cause the program's setup file and the music on the audio media begins immediately. You can use the following way to close this feature: Open "Start → Run", enter the "gpedit.msc" command in the dialog box, select "Computer Configuration → Management Templates → System" in the "Group Policy" window, Double-click "Turn off Auto Play" and select "Enable" option in the Settings tab, and finally click the "OK" button (Figure 1-32). 13. How to restore the destroyed system boot file phenomenon: I only have a Windows XP system, but display "boot.ini illegal, positive from C: / Windows / start" when booting, and then enter the startup state, and also Can still work, ask what is going on, can you restore the system to the normal boot state without reloading the system? This is because the "boot.ini" file under the C is destroyed. But because there is only one operating system in your machine, of course it is the default operating system, even if the "boot.ini" file is destroyed, it will automatically boot the system to load. The solution is to build a "boot.ini" file. Its content is: [Boot Loader] default = c: [Operating Systems] C: / = "Microsoft Windows XP" 14, how to recover input method icon: I use Windows XP Chinese version, accidentally hide the input method Icon, how to recover the input method icon. Open the Control Panel, double-click the Zone and Language Options icon, go to the Regional and Language Options dialog box, select the Language tab, click the Details button, click the language in the pop-up dialog box Bar button, check the "Display Language Bar" options on the desktop in the "Language Bar Set" dialog box appearing. At this time, the desktop will appear in the language bar, click the minimization button in the upper right corner, and the input method icon will return to the taskbar. 15. How to restore a mistake-deleted boot.ini file: I have no problems after the first time Windows XP. However, due to false operation, a file under the C drive (the file name is: boot.ini), then then the word is displayed each time: "boot.ini is illegal. Now is from C: / Windows / start ". Then you can go smoothly into Windows XP. But the speed is slow, it is much slower than I didn't delete this file, and each time I have to see the words. How to fix it? Boot.ini is a system file that needs to be queried when the system is started. It tells the startup program that the computer has several operating systems, where the location of each system is in information. The re-recovery method is as follows: Click the "Start" menu, point to "Programs → Accessories → Notepad", open "Notepad", enter: [Boot Loader] Timeout = 30 Default = Multi (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / windows [operating systems] multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / windows = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / FastDete and save it as a name Is Boot.ini file and save this file to the root of the C disk.

16. How to speed up the Windows XP window display speed We can change the window from the taskbar to change the window by modifying the registry, as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find HKEY_ CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop / The WindowMetrics sub-key branch, find the MINanImate key value in the window, the type of REG_SZ, by default is 1, indicating the animation of opening the window, change it to 0, prohibiting the display of animation, Next, select the "Logout" command from the start menu to activate the modifications you just made. 17. How to solve the Windows XP shutdown, English Tips: My Windows XP will appear a progress bar when shutdown, and prompts "to return to windows and check the status of the program clicel if you choose to end the program immediately you Will Lose Any UNSAVED DATA. TO End The Program Now Click End. "Then it is turned off, but sometimes does not appear, I want to play with my Dongfang 3 memory play, but the memory playback function is also invalid, How do I do? This is because you have the program when you turn off Windows XP, save and close all applications before turning off. If you click the "END" button, the unsaveful task is lost, then you can press CTRL Alt Del to open the task manager and close the application. If you are empty in the Task Manager list, it is turned off in the System Process. If any operation is not performed, the system will automatically turn off the unwanted program and turn off the system when the progress strip is hie. Please close all applications before shutdown, and the system resident program will not appear this prompt. This dialog box can be ignored when you have no tasks that need to be saved. 18. How to control the icon of the desktop shows that many users are still accustomed to retaining "My Documents" on the desktop and other frequently accessing folder shortcuts and frequently used programs. If you want to display "My Computer", "My Documents", "Online Neighbors", IE Browser shortcut icon on the desktop, just right click on the desktop, select it in the right mouse menu The Properties command, select the Desktop tab in the "Desktop" tab in the Open Display Properties dialog box, click the Custom Desktop button to open the Desktop Project dialog. Select the check box for the desired item in the "Desktop Icon" column of the General tab, and then click OK to return to the previous dialog box, then click the "Apply" button.

19. How to delete the "Update" option for Windows XP For most users, Windows XP's Windows Update function seems to have no big effect, we can remove it, the steps are as follows: Open the Registry Editor, find hkey_current_user / software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer sub-branch, select the "New" command under the Edit menu, create a value of the REG_DWORD, name is Nocommongroups, double-click the new Nocommon Groups subkey, "Edit string "Enter key value" 1 "in the text box, and then click the" OK "button and restart the system. 20. How to set the audio properties Open "Control Panel", double-click the "Sound and Audio Device" icon, in the Sound and Audio Device Properties dialog box, select the Audio tab, in this tab, you can see Default devices related to "Sound Play", "Recording" and "MIDI Music Play". When multiple audio devices are installed on your computer, you can choose the default device for your application here, and you can also adjust the volume and advanced settings. The steps of performing audio settings are as follows: (1) In the "Sound Play" option group, select the preferred device for sound playback from the Default Device drop-down list, generally using the system default device. (2) If the user wants to adjust the volume of the sound play, you can click the Volume Control window. In this window, you can adjust the volume size up and down the volume control slider. (3) In this window, the user can set the volume for different devices. For example, when the user is playing the CD, adjust the volume control slider in the "CD Audio" option group, you can change the volume of the playback CD; when the user plays MP3 and WAV, the user can also perform the "Volume Control" window. The balance, mute, etc. of the left and right channels. (4) If you want to select a speaker or set the playback performance of the system, you can click the Advanced button in the Sound Playback option group to open the Advanced Audio Properties dialog box, in the Speaker and Performance tab. You can set the speaker mode that is closest to your hardware configuration and adjust the hardware acceleration function and sampling rate conversion quality of audio playback. (5) In the "Recording" option group, you can select the recording default device from the Device drop-down list. Click the "Volume" button to open the "Recording Control" dialog window. The user can change the balance status of the recording left and right channels in this window and the volume size of the recording. (6) In the "MIDI Music Play" option group, select MIDI music playback default device from the Default Device drop-down list. Click the Volume button to open the Volume Control window to adjust the volume size. (7) If the user works with the default device, enable "Use only the default device" check box. After setting, click the "Apply" button to save the settings. 21. How to set up a voice effect user to set the voice attribute before the input and output of the voice sound. In the Sound and Audio Device Properties dialog box, select the "Voice" tab, in this tab, users can also select the default device for "sound play" and "recording", but also adjust the volume size and progress Voice test. (1) In the "Sound Play" option group, select the sound played device from the Default Device drop-down list, click the Volume button, open the Volume Control window to adjust the volume of sound playback. To set the advanced audio properties of the sound play, click the Advanced button to complete the settings. (2) In the "Recording" option group, select the default device captured by the voice from the Default Device drop-down list, click the "Volume" button to open the "Recording" window to adjust the volume captured by the voice. To set the advanced properties captured by the voice, click the Advanced button to complete the settings.

(3) Click the Test Hardware button to open the Sound Hardware Test Wizard dialog that tests whether the selected sound hardware can play sound and registration voice at the same time. Note: To ensure the accuracy of the test, all programs that use the microphone must be closed before the test, such as the voice or voice communication program. (4) Click the "Next" button, the wizard start testing the sound hardware and displays the detection progress by the dialog box. (5) After the detection is complete, open the "Complete Sound Hardware Test Wizard" dialog box, advertise the user test results, click the "Complete" button to close the dialog. (6) After setting, click the "OK" button to save the settings. 22. How to manually enable the computer to go into sleep state: How do I use the manual way to enter the Windows XP computer into sleep? Sleep function is a very cool feature provided by Windows XP, which "hides" in the Shut Down dialog. If your computer supports sleep, then with the following techniques, it can be manually entered to sleep. If you need to make your computer into sleep, do the following steps: Select Start → Close Computer ", in turn off the Windows dialog box, select Hibernation. When your computer enters the sleep state, the content in the memory will be saved to the hard disk. When you wake up your computer, all programs that open before going to sleep and documents will be restored to the desktop. To activate Sleep Support Features on your computer, do the following steps: You must log in as an administrator, Administrators, or Power User group member. If your computer is connected to a network, the network policy settings may cause this operation process that cannot be implemented. Click Start → Control Panel → Performance and Maintenance → Power Options, "Select" Hummage "tab, select Enable Sleep, click OK to turn off the Power Options dialog. If the sleep tab is not available, you will not be able to support this feature. 23. How to improve Windows XP start speed Use Microsoft's "Bootvis" software to effectively improve the start speed of Windows XP. This tool is provided inside Microsoft and is specifically used to enhance the Windows XP startup speed. Download Solution Under a folder and set the current path in the "Options" option. Then select the tracking mode from the "TRACE" option drop-down menu. The program boots Windows XP to restart and record the startup process, generate the associated bin file. Then call this file from the bootvis, select the "OP-TIMIZESYSTEM" command from the TRACE drop-down menu. Although Windows XP provides a very good interface, such settings have greatly affected the system's running speed. If your computer is running, it is not very fast. It is recommended to cancel all additional desktop settings, which is to restore Windows XP's desktop to Windows 2000 style. The way the setting is very simple: right-click "My Computer", select "Properties", click the "Settings" button in the "Performance" in the Advanced tab to select "Adjustment" For the best performance "checkbox. In addition, a hardware that affects Windows XP is a memory. Running Windows XP with 256MB of memory will be relatively smooth, 512MB memory can make the system run very well. If the condition allows, it is best to increase memory. 24. How to lose weight for Windows XP Wendows XP is huge than any Windows system in the past, and its hard disk space needs 1.5GB. Although relative to the mainstream computer that can run Windows XP, there are generally 10GB of hard drives, but some computer enthusiasts are sometimes happy to reduce the volume of Windows XP.

(1) Delete Drive Backup: The file (73MB) under Windows / Driver Cache / i386 directory. (2) Delete the HELP document (minus more than 40 MB). (3) Remove the input method (Japanese, Korean, about 80MB) in Windows / IME. (4) Turn my file and IE Temporary folder to other hard drives (partition). (5) Turn the virtual memory to other hard drives (partitions). 25. How to uninstall the Windows XP: I originally used the operating system is Windows 98, I have recently heard that Windows XP is very good, the system is installed. The first installation is installed from Windows 98. After the installation is not good, it is not very good. After formatting the partition of Windows XP, re-installed from DOS to the DOS. After installation, it is found that there are three start menus (first installed) The Windows XP is still there), how do I delete an extra one? Also, if I want to delete Windows XP, can I completely delete it? Windows 98 and Windows XP dual systems The boot menu is controlled by a file in the root directory of the C drive, and the boot menu can be changed by modifying the file. To delete an extra Windows XP project, you can open the boot.ini file under the root directory of the C drive, with two rows of repetition "Multi (0) ...", delete one of the rows. To completely delete Windows XP, in addition to formatting its partition, you must also remove multiple boot menu and excess system files as follows: (1) Make a Windows 98 boot disk and put Windows 98 The file is copied into the system disk. (2) Start with this boot disk, execute the SYS C: command under A:>. (3) Delete excess files under the root directory of the C drive, including: boot.ini, bootfont.bin, bootsect.dos,, pagefile.sys, etc. 26. How to hide the desktop icon Added the hidden desktop icon in Windows XP, you only need to click on the blank space with the mouse, select the "Arrange Icon" command in the pop-up, then the next level The Selection of the "Show Desktop Icon" command is canceled in the joint menu, and all desktop icons will be automatically hidden. If the number of icons on the desktop can be rearranged with the following methods: Right click on the desktop blank area, select "Arrange Icon" in the pop-up menu, and then click the icon to arrange the rules in the next menu. With Windows XP's Desktop Cleanup feature, you can clean up the icons that you don't use on your desktop. The method is: In the "General" tab of the "Desktop" project dialog box, if you choose the "Run Desktop Cleanup Wizard every 60 days" check box, the system will automatically run a desktop cleaning wizard every 60 days, help You clean out the icon that is not used on your desktop. If you click the "Now Clean Desktop" button, you will immediately open the Desktop Cleaning Wizard to move the shortcut icon you don't use to a desktop folder called "Unused Desktop Shortcut". The wizard does not move, change, and delete any programs, if you want to rewind an icon back to the desktop, you can restore it from the "Unused Desktop Shortcut" desktop folder. 27. How to make traditional transparent word input in Windows XP Use Microsoft Pinyin 3.0 to make a traditional word input, you can select a Microsoft Pinyin input method in the system, click Options and select the simple, multi-change, and change. There will be a simple and multi-faced button in the normal state strip, and it is necessary to use it to switch. Of course, there are more other methods, no longer detail one by one.

28. How to find two computers connected icons: My computer is Windows XP, and the small icon connected in the system tray in the Internet is invisible, so I often don't know if I have online. How should I recover it? The reason why the small icon is invisible is that the property settings of the network connection are not. After dialing the internet in Windows 98, the connected small icon will be automatically displayed on the taskbar. If the small icon is gone, right-click "My Connection", select "Properties → Settings → Options", select "Display Modem Status" to recover. In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the user can control and set the display and hidden features of the connection icon. The specific method is to open the "Properties" dialog of dial-up or network connection, then select or clear "After the Notification Area Display Icon" check box, you can implement the display or hide of the icon. 29. How to make an automatic system recovery floppy disk phenomenon: I didn't find the interface for making emergency repair disks under Windows XP. How to make? In addition, my Windows 98 is prompted to enter the username and password each time, how to eliminate it? Windows XP's emergency repair disk Accurate name should be "Automatic System Recovery (ASR) floppy disk", which can back up the system files required to start the system. Method is: Click Start → All Programs → Accessories → System Tools, and then click Backup, click the Advanced Mode button in the Backup Tool Wizard. On the Tools menu, click "ASR Wizard"; follow the on-screen prompts (Note: You should prepare the 1.44MB empty floppy disk settings set in advance). How to use is also very simple: insert the installation disc of the Windows XP system into the CD drive, restart your computer. When the installation interface appears, press F2, the system will prompt you to insert the previously created ASR floppy disk (ASR does not restore data files). Follow the the wizard on the screen to automatically recover the system. In addition, even if there is no "Automatic System Recovery (ASR) floppy disk", you can also use the "Repair" to restore the Windows XP system boot menu, but some personal special settings will be restored into default settings, using "Automatic System Recovery (ASR) The floppy disk is not. Every time Windows 98 prompts to enter the username and password each time you start, you can press the "ESC" button to enter the Windows 98 desktop. You can put the password file * of the Windows directory. PWL delete. For example, the user name is "QQ", the corresponding password file is "QQ.PWL", find it and remove it, then restart the computer, enter the original user name "QQ" when the login window appears, the password is not filled, so It can be eliminated. 30. How to automatically turn off the stop response in the Windows XP operating system, this setting allows Windows XP to seek a diagnostic to automatically turn off when an application has stopped responding, without troubleshooting. If you want to implement this function, click "Start → Run" Enter "Regedit" Open the Registry Editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop branch, set the key value of Auto End Tasks to 1. 31, why not install Windows XP Phenomenon: I launched the computer with the Windows 98 boot disk and install Windows XP, I spent 6 hours, listening to friends saying that he spent only 1 in the machine like me. When the hour time has completed the installation of Windows XP (also started with Windows 98 boot disk), what is the correct installation method of Windows XP? This is because you don't have a disk cache.

This file is named SmartDrv.exe in the installation directory of Windows 98, which is copied into the floppy disk, and it is possible before installing it. In addition, you can set the boot order to start from the CD, so that Windows XP's installation disk will automatically load disk cache. 32, why not install the software in Windows XP: I have "you do not have access to make the requied system configuration model" you do not have access ". Please return this installness from an administratology "account.". why is this happening? This software can be installed normally under Windows 98. How to solve it? Windows XP controls the user's operation in order to protect the security and stability of the system, using user accounts and password protection. That is, only the specified person can do the specified matter. The operation of installing software and other modified systems requires the user to have the power of the computer administrator to execute. This is why you can't install software, I believe that there are still many operations you can't do. When the system is installed, the default "administrator" account is the identity of the administrator. You can use the following method to make yourself an administrator: (1) First enter the computer as an administrator. Click "Logout" on the Start menu to confirm the screen waiting for the login, and press the Ctrl Alt Del button on the keyboard. (2) In the pop-up dialog box, enter "Administrator" in the Username box, enter the password set when the installation is installed in the password box. If you do not set a password during installation, the password is of course empty, then enter the computer. (3) Open the "User Account" of "Control Panel", you will see your own user account, next to "limited account." (4) Click Open your own account, and then click Change Account Type. In the pop-up window, click the radio button to select "Computer Administrator", then click the "Change Account Type" button to confirm and exit. You can do what you want to do now. In order to ensure the safety of the computer, it is recommended that the user sets the user password to avoid unnecessary losses. 33. Why change the hardware configuration, there is a crazy phenomenon: as long as one change hardware configuration is changed in Windows XP, how to solve it? This is because Windows XP uses activation product programs, activating the product program is Microsoft's latest anti-theft feature in Windows XP. Since the activation product program generates a hardware number based on your computer hardware configuration, if you change the hardware configuration, activate the product program will find that the hardware configuration does not match, and the system will stop running and require you to reactivate the product. Can be run again. 34. Why WINDOWS XP disk can be continuously reduced: I used Windows XP that it was found that as constantly increasing, delete applications, disk free space continued, why? Starting with Windows 2000, Windows creates a "System Volume Infor-mode" folder in each hard disk partition, providing a system restored backup file that the system default saved in the folder. However, Windows 2000 has not officially provided system restore features, in Windows XP, you can see the relevant options. To prevent this problem, the easiest way is to close the "System Restore" function. If you want to delete the file saved in this folder, you need to log in to the system as an Administrator.


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