NT World FAQ
Author: loud noise (
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NT World Related FAQ Q: My computer is a brand. Since the OS installed in WinXP, it often does not work properly! Do not know what is wrong! A: IDE Driver Windows Shutdown Patch (Windows Update has downloaded) by blueflying (from dev-club) 2002-9-9 11:57 Q: How to write "delete a main button in the notepad"? For example: I want to delete the "AA" subkey and "BB" sub-key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows "CCCCC" how to write in Notepad? This way:
Regedit4 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / AA] [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / BB] "CCCC" A: The key value method under the delete button and the deletion key is different: This is ok: by fog (from dev-club) 2002-9-9 16:43
Regedit4 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / AA] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / BB] "CCCCC" = - Q: Regarding MX Record Analysis, please help me solve! ! How to parse my Excheng mail POP and SMTP is: pop.xxx.com.cn smtp.xxx.com.cn A: New Two A record points to POP and SMTP, create a new MX record, point to SMTP. BY VFAN Yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-10 15:15 Q: My machine is a proxy server with others. Can I do my machine? ? ? ? A: Yes, many proxy servers such as ISA, ProxyServer2 support secondary agents. BY turn (from dev-club) 2002-9-10 17:31 q: I created a User in the "Active Director User and Computer" in the 2000 server, then the following prompt appears on the server: Local of this system Policy does not allow you to use interactive login! What should I change? A: Two methods: by vfan yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-11 11:14 Modify the user rights assignment in the group policy, allowing this user to add this user in the local login, or add this user to Print Operator group. Q: There is a folder on my server, no name. I still have one after you open, and there is no name. It is also possible again. I deleted it and it couldn't find the source file. Can't delete A: Use the POSIX subsystem to delete .del //? / D: / Similar. By the sea laughs (from dev-club) 2002-9-11 11:56 Q: What is the Microsoft's technical white paper website? A: http://www.microsoft.com/serviceProviders/WhitePapers/default.asp by the world (from dev-club) 2002-9-11 17:29 Q: What is the order of the command? Reboot? Where do I need to run? Windows 2000 Server, thank you.
A: Iisreset / Reboot by vfan yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-11 18:34 Q: Can I put my website with the FTP server in Windows2000 and Linux, and let them share an IP? 2: However, my Windows and Linux systems are on two different machines, can they share an IP? A: 2 answers: by the sea smile (from dev-club) 2002-9-12 18:29 1: An IP can. But you need to use the firewall like ISA to do Publish. A machine can also use VMware. In fact, ISA just opened two ports, and the two machines behind were still two IPs. However, for the outside world, there is only one IP ie ISA IP. 2: That is certainly not. The Q: What log analysis software is used to analyze the log of FTP? I need to count from the server to the number of files to be downloaded up to different IP and different time-wide connectivity. I know that Webalizer can be implemented under Linux. But I want to directly analyze the things of the log file directly below Win. What software ? A: Look here. By Hai Chun (from dev-club) 2002-9-13 07:36 http://download.asp?type= network software >> Log Analysis Q: One server, use double NIC, set a DHCP service, two scope, how to ensure that two different network segments get their own IP address? Is it necessary to use the MAC address binding? A: In the DHCP action domain properties, use your two IP addresses BY VFAN Yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-17 19:56 Q: Win2000 single system, but two when starting Win2000 let me choose, what is going on? ? A: I used to be installed on this hard disk before. "From dev-club) 2002-9-18 09:49, it is better to delete the use of the useless to Boot.ini (hidden). Q: One DC in the domain is not degraded, how do you remove its information from the domain? What are the precautions? A: Delete this computer in the DC container. BY VFAN Yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-18 10:06 Q: If you can ping a computer's IP, how to get the details of the computer. A: You can use the scanning tool or you can use NetStat NBTSTAT to get some information.
By yangbofu (from dev-club) 2002-9-18 10:56 Q: The W2KServer event log with Exchang2000 Server is Old to see the following: Source: MSExchangesa Category: Monitoring Event Identification Number: 9100 Description: The MONITORING THREAD WAS Unable to read the queue information, error '0x80004005' A: Hit SP3 is fine. BY VFAN Yan (from dev-club) 2002-9-18 16:26 Q: The unit is originally installed with an exam management software. You need to use the SQL server. Since the original installed personnel can't find, SQL server administrator password I don't know, I can't upgrade the software now. Which one tells me a quick and effective way? A: When you look at his server that day, you need to change the SA password. You can have the following error: by muttering (from dev-club) 2002-6-4 3:02 Error 21776: [SQL-DMO] the Name 'DBO' WAS NOT FOUND IN The Users Collection. if the name is a qualified name, use [] to seat, to Microsoft see such a prompt, use sp_password to change the password. Such: Use the query manager with the SQL tape to connect to SQL, execute the command exec sp_password null, 'ok', 'Sa' SA's password is OK. The SP_Password specific information is as follows: p_password Add or change the password of the Microsoft? SQL Server? Login. Grammar
Sp_password [] [@old =] ',] {[@new =]' new_password '} [,] [@Loginame =]' login '] parameter [@OLD =]' OLD_Password 'is an old password. Old_password is a sysname type, its default value is NULL. [@New =] 'new_password' is a new password. New_password is the sysname type, no default value. If you don't use a named parameter, you must set an OLD_Password. [@Loginame =] 'login' example A. Change the login password under the case where the login password will change the password of the Victoria to OK.
EXEC SP_Password Null, 'OK', 'Victoria' B. Change Password The following example will log in to Victoria's password by OK to Coffee.
EXEC SP_Password 'OK', 'Coffee' Q: Can you query AD via SQL Server2000? A: Yes, the AD is queried by SQL Server. BY turn (from dev-club) 2002-9-20 11:10 People with SQL Server probably knows that it has a "distributed query", you can query data for many differentiated data sources. For example, the file directory of the AD, 2000 (support for indexing services), Exchange, and more. Let's take a look at how to query the users in the AD through SQL Server in SQL Server. First we have to use the sp_addlinkedServer system stored procedure to establish a link server ADSI to the AD. The statement is as follows: sp_addlinkedServer's grammatical structure you can take a look at the online manual of SQLServer. EXEC SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Services 2.5', 'AdsDSOOBJECT', 'AdsDataSource' Go If SQL Server uses Windows Authorized login, simply self-mapping is sufficient to access AD by using SQL Server security delegation. However, for SQL Server Authorization Logging, you can use the sp_addlinkedsrvlogin system stored procedure to configure appropriate login / passwords for connecting to the directory service (also set in EM). The next example can query all user names in the AD:
Select [name] from OpenQuery (ADSI, 'SELECT NAME FROM' 'LDAP: // ZWcom / CN = Uses, DC = ZW, DC = COM' ') ORDER BY [NAME] Go or below is the result of returning