C # version FTP method implementation class library code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

Recently, I have to be a MP3 search, and automatically upload the program uploaded. I found a class library that found this FTP method was good, and sent them to everyone. Share. / *


Better View with Tab Space = 4

Written by jaimon mathew (jaimonmathew@rediffmail.com)

Rolander, Dan (Dan.Rolaander@marriott.com) HAS MODIFIED THE


Method to Cope with File Name with path information. He Also


The XML Comments So That The Library Provides IntelliSense


Use the folowing line to compile

CSC / Target: library /out:ftplib.dll /r:system.dll ftpFactory.cs

* /

Using system;

Using system.threading;

Using system.net;

Using system.io;

Using system.text;

Using system.net.sockets;

Using system.configuration;

Namespace Audiocollect



/// ftpFactory's summary description.


Public class ftpFactory


Static Readonly log4net.ilog log = log4net.logmanager.getlogger ("log4net");

Private string

Remotehost, RemotePath, Remoteuser, RemotePass, MES;

Private int RemotEport, Bytes;

Private socket clientsocket;

Private int RetValue;


Private boolean logined;


Private static int block_size = 512;

Byte [] buffer = new byte [block_size];


Public ftpFactory ()


String ftpRemoteip = configurationSettings.appsettings ["ftpremoteip"];

INT ftpRemotEport = Convert.Toint32 (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings ["ftpRemotEport"]);

String ftpuser = configurationSettings.appsettings ["ftpuser"];

String ftppassword = configurationSettings.appsettings ["ftppassword"];

Remotehost = ftpRemoteip;

RemotePath = "."

Remoteuser = ftpuser;

Remotepass = ftppassword;

RemotEport = ftpRemotEport;

Debug = false;

Logined = false;



/// set the name of the ftp server to connect.


/// server name

Public void setRemotehost (String Remotehost)


THIS.Remotehost = Remotehost;



/// Return the name of the capital ftp server.


/// server name

Public string getRemotehost ()


Return Remotehost;



/// set the port number to use for ftp.





Public void setRemotEport (int RemotEport)


this.RemotEport = Remoteport;



/// Return The Current Port Number.


/// Current Port Number

Public int getRemotEport ()


Return RemotEport;



/// set the remote directory path.


/// The Remote Directory Path

Public void setRemotePath (String RemotePath)


THIS.RemotePath = RemotePath;



/// Return The Current Remote Directory Path.


/// The Current Remote Directory Path.

Public string getRemotePath ()


Return RemotePath;



/// set the user name to use for logging INTO The Remote Server.


/// username

Public void setRemoteuser (String Remoteuser)


This.Remoteuser = Remoteuser;



/// set the password to user for logging Into The Remote Server.


/// Password

Public void setRemotePass (String RemotePass)


This.RemotePass = RemotePass;



/// Return A String Array Containing The Remote Directory's File List.




Public String [] getFileList (String Mask)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Socket csocket = createdataSocket ();

SendCommand ("NLST" MASK);

IF (! (RetValue == 150 || RetValue == 125)))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


MES = "";

Thread.sleep (700);

While (True)


IF (csocket.connected)


Int bytes = csocket.Receive (buffer, buffer.length, 0);

Mes = ascii.getstring (buffer, 0, bytes);

IF (Bytes







Log.info ("Socket connection is broken!");



Log.info (MES);

Char [] seperator = {'/ n'};

String [] message = mes.split (seperator);

FOREACH (String FileName In Mess)


Log.info (filename);


Csocket.close ();

ReadReply ();

IF (RetValue! = 226)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


Return Mess;


Public string [] getFileList ()


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Socket csocket = createdataSocket ();

Sendcommand ("List");

IF (! (RetValue == 150 || RetValue == 125)))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


MES = "";

While (True)


Int bytes = csocket.Receive (buffer, buffer.length, 0);

Mes = ascii.getstring (buffer, 0, bytes);

IF (Bytes





Log.info (MES);

Char [] seperator = {'/ n'};

String [] message = mes.split (seperator);

Csocket.close ();

ReadReply ();

IF (RetValue! = 226)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


Return Mess;



/// Return the size of a file.




Public long getFileSize (String filename)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Sendcommand ("Size" filename);

Long size = 0;

IF (RetValue == 213)


Size = int64.parse (reply.substring (4));




Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


Return size;



/// Login to the Remote Server.


Public void login ()


Clientsocket = New

Socket (AddressFamily.internetwork, Sockettype.Stream, protocoltype.tcp);

IpendPoint EP = New

IpendPoint (DNS.Resolve (Remotehost) .addresslist [0], Remoteport); TRY


Clientsocket.connect (EP);


Catch (Exception)


Throw New IOException ("COULDN't Connect To Remote Server);


ReadReply ();

IF (RetValue! = 220)



Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


IF (debug)

Console.WriteLine ("User" Remoteuser;

SendCommand ("User" Remoteuser;

IF (! (RetValue == 331 || RetValue == 230))))


Cleanup ();

Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


IF (RetValue! = 230)


IF (debug)

Console.WriteLine ("pass xxx");

SendCommand ("Pass" RemotePass;

IF (! (RetValue == 230 || RetValue == 202)))


Cleanup ();

Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));



Logined = True;

Console.writeline ("Connected to" Remotehost;

CHDIR (RemotePath);



/// if the value of mode is true, set binary model for downloads.

/// else, set ascii mode.



Public void setBinaryMode (Boolean Mode)


IF (Mode)


SendCommand ("Type I");




SendCommand ("Type A");


IF (RetValue! = 200)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// Download a File to the assembly's local directory,

/// Keeping The Same File Name.



Public void Download (String RemfileName)


Download (REMFILENAME, "", FALSE);



/// Download a Remote File to the assembly's local directory,

/// Keeping The Same File Name, And Set The Resume Flag.




Public void Download (String RemfileName, Boolean Resume)





/// Download a Remote File to a local file name Which Can include

/// a path. The local file name will be created or overwritten, /// but the path must exist.




Public void Download (String RemfileName, String Locfilename)





/// Download a Remote File to a local file name Which Can include

/// a path, and set the resume flag. The Local File Name Will BE

/// Created or OverWritten, but the path must exist.





Public void Download (String Remfilename, String

LocFileName, Boolean ResMe


IF (! logined)


Login ();


SetBinaryMode (false);

Console.Writeline ("Downloading File" RemoteHost "//" RemotePath);

IF (LocFileName.equals ("))


LocFileName = RemfileName;


IF (! file.exists (locfilename))


Street st = file.create (locFilename);

St.close ();



FileStream (LocFileName, FileMode.create);

Socket csocket = createdataSocket ();

Long offset = 0;

IF (resume)



IF (Offset> 0)


SetBinaryMode (false);

SendCommand ("REST" offset);

IF (RetValue! = 350)


// throw new oException (reply.substring (4));

// Some Servers May Not Support Resuming.




IF (Offset> 0)


IF (debug)


Console.writeline ("Seeking to" offset;


Long npos = Output.seek (offset, seekorigin.begin);

Console.writeline ("New POS =" NPOS);



SendCommand ("Retr" RemfileName;

IF (! (RetValue == 150 || RetValue == 125)))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


While (True)


Bytes = csocket.receive (buffer, buffer.length, 0);

Output.write (buffer, 0, bytes);

IF (Bytes <= 0) {




Output.close ();

IF (csocket.connected)


Csocket.close ();


Console.writeline ("");

ReadReply ();

IF (! (RetValue == 226 || RetValue == 250))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// Upload a file.



Public void Upload (String FileName)


Upload (FileName, False);



/// Upload a file and set the resme flag.




Public void Upload (String Filename, Boolean Resume)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Socket csocket = createdataSocket ();

Long offset = 0;

IF (resume)




SetBinaryMode (TRUE);

OFFSET = getFileSize (filename);


Catch (Exception)





IF (Offset> 0)


SendCommand ("REST" offset);

IF (RetValue! = 350)


// throw new oException (reply.substring (4));

// Remote Server May Not Support Resuming.




/ * ========================== * /

Sendcommand ("stor" path.getfilename (filename));

IF (! (RetValue == 125 || RetValue == 150))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


// Open INPUT Stream to Read Source File

FileStream Input = New FileStream (FileName, FileMode.Open);

IF (Offset! = 0)


IF (debug)


Console.writeline ("Seeking to" offset;


Input.seek (offset, seekorigin.begin);


Console.WriteLine ("UPLoading File" "To" RemotePath;

While ((bytes = INPUT.READ (Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)> 0)


Csocket.send (buffer, bytes, 0);



Console.writeline ("");

IF (csocket.connected)


Csocket.close ();

ReadReply ();

IF (! (RetValue == 226 || RetValue == 250))))


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// delete a file from The Remote FTP Server.



Public void deletereMotefile (String filename)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


SendCommand ("dele" filename;

IF (RetValue! = 250)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// Rename A File on The Remote FTP Server.




Public void renameremotefile (String Oldfilename, String



IF (! logined)


Login ();


Sendcommand ("RNFR" OldFileName;

IF (RetValue! = 350)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


// KNown Problem

// RNTO WILL NOT Take Care of Existing File.

// I. IT Will Overwrite if newFileName EXIST

Sendcommand ("RNTO NewFileName);

IF (RetValue! = 250)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// Create A Directory on the Remote FTP Server.



Public void mkdir (String Dirname)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Sendcommand ("MKD" DIRNAME);

IF (RetValue! = 250)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// delete a Directory on the remote ftp server.



Public void RMDir (String Dirname)


IF (! logined)


Login ();


Sendcommand ("RMD" DirName;

IF (RetValue! = 250)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));




/// Change The Current Working Directory on The Remote FTP Server.



Public void chdir (String Dirname)


IF (dirname.equals (")))




IF (! logined)


Login ();


Sendcommand ("CWD" DIRNAME);

IF (RetValue! = 250)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));

THIS.RemotePath = DIRNAME;

Console.WriteLine ("Current Directory IS" RemotePath);



/// Close the FTP Connection.


Public void close ()


IF (ClientSocket! = null)


Sendcommand ("quit");


Cleanup ();

Console.WriteLine ("Closing ...");



/// set debug mode.



Public void setDebug (Boolean Debug)


this.debug = debug;


Private void readreply ()


MES = "";

Reply = readline ();

RetValue = int32.parse (reply.substring (0,3));


Private void cleanup ()


IF (ClientSocket! = null)


Clientsocket.close ();

Clientsocket = NULL;


Logined = false;


Private string readline ()


While (True)


Bytes = Clientsocket.Receive (buffer, buffer.length, 0);

Mes = ascii.getstring (buffer, 0, bytes);

IF (Bytes





Char [] seperator = {'/ n'};

String [] message = mes.split (seperator);

IF (Mes.Length> 2)


MES = Mess [Mess.Length-2];




MES = Mess [0];


IF (! MES.SUBSTRING (3, 1). Equals ("))


Return Readline ();


IF (debug)


For (int K = 0; k


Console.writeLine (Mess [k]);



Return Mes;


Private void sendcommand (String Command)


Byte [] cmdbytes =

Encoding.ascii.getbytes ((Command "/ R / N"). TOCHARARRAY ());

Clientsocket.send (cmdbytes, cmdbytes.length, 0);

ReadReply ();


Private socket createdataSocket ()


Sendcommand ("PASV");

IF (RetValue! = 227)


Throw new oException (reply.substring (4));


INDEX1 = reply.indexof (');

INT index2 = reply.indexof (')');

String ipdata =

Reply.substring (index1 1, index2-index1-1); int [] parts = new int [6];

INT LEN = ipdata.length;

INT Partcount = 0;

String buf = "";

For (int i = 0; i


Char ch = char.parse (iPdata.Substring (i, 1));



Else IF (ch! = ',')


Throw new oException ("Malformed Pasv reply:"



IF (CH == ',' || i 1 == LEN)




Parts [Partcount ] = Int32.Parse (BUF);

BUF = ""


Catch (Exception)


Throw new oException ("Malformed Pasv reply:"





String ipaddress = parts [0] "." Parts [1] "."

Parts [2] "." Parts [3];

INT port = (Parts [4] << 8) Parts [5];

Socket S = New

Socket (AddressFamily.internetwork, Sockettype.Stream, protocoltype.tcp);

S.SetSocketoption (socketoptionlevel.socket, socketoptionname.sendtimeout, 5000);

IpendPoint EP = New

IpendPoint (DNS.Resolve (ipaddress) .addresslist [0], port);



S.Connect (EP);


Catch (Exception)


Throw new oException ("Can't Connect To Remote Server);


Return S;





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