xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

1. Image Requires Device Supported Maximum Resolution: 160 * 120 Pixels - Image Basic640 * 480 Pixels - Image Rich, Video Basic And Video Rich Supported bytes (KB): 30 - Text; 30- -basic image; 100 - rich image; 100 - Basic Video; 300 - RICH Video

2. PIM (Personal Information Management) can be used as an accessory VCARD VERSION 2.0 (MIME-TYPE: TEXT / X-VCALDAR) VCALDAR VERSION 1.0 (MIME-TYPE: TEXT / X-VCALENDAR)

3. Video4. DRM supports DRM Forward Lock format, DCF format DCF MIMETYPE: Application / VND.MA.DRM.DCFFOWARDLOCK: Application / vnd.oma.drm.MESSAGE

Example 1 (Forward Lock):

From: user@example.comTo: 40123456789 / TYPE = PLMNSubject: Hi X-MMS-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart / related; boundary = ID_1234567 - ID_1234567Content-Type:! Application / smil : - ID_1234567Content-Type: application / vnd.oma.drm.message; boundary = PUTJTBYRBYTYBVContent-Location: - PUTJTBYRBYTYBVContent-Type: image / jpegContent-Transfer-Encoding: binaryXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - PUTJTBYRBYTYBV ---- ID_1234567 -

Examples 2 (DCF): From: customer@mmsprovider.comTo: anothercustomer@anothermmsprovider.comSubject: MMS message with DRM contentX-MMS-Version: 1.2 ... [More MMS headers] Content-Type: multipart / related; boundary = firststring ; start = secondstring - firststringContent-ID: secondstringContent-Type: application / smil ... [SMIL doc] - firststringContent-ID: same-reference-as-in-SMIL-docContent-Type: application / vnd.oma. DRM.DCF ... [DCF Containing Content-ID: Same-Reference-as-used-in-associated-ros] - firststring -

5. SMIL (SYNCHRONIZED Media Integration Language) When the MM content contains the performance layer of the SMIL format, the Content Type must be Application / VND.Wap.Multipart.Reled, otherwise use Application / VND.Wap.Multipart.Mixed

Example 1 (including two slide, one of which contains a VIDEO)

// this is a "portrait" Screen -> -> -> -> ->



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