1. Settings when overflow content overflow
Overflow-x horizontal direction setting When the content is overflow
Overflow-Y vertical setting setting When content overflows
The above three attributes are set for Visible (default), Scroll, Hidden, AUTO.
2. Scrollbar-3D-light-color stereo scroll strip of color
Scrollbar-arrow-color upper button colors on the triangle arrow
Scrollbar-base-color scroll bar's basic colors
Scrollbar-dry-shadow-color stereo scroll stroke color shadow color
Scrollbar-face-color stereo colors
Scrollbar-highlight-color scroll bar blank part
Scrollbar-shadow-color stereo scroll strip shadow color
The values set above the seven attributes are color values, and various expressions defined by style sheets can be used.
Using the above style definition content, we can specify the browser window, the display or color style of the scroll bar of the multi-line text box, the first set of style properties is used to set whether the setting object is displayed, the second group Styles properties are used to set the color of the scroll bar. The style properties involved in this paper are IE to support, and the style attribute of the second group can only support IE5.5, so please pay attention when debugging.
We use several examples to explain the above style properties:
1. Let the browser window never have a scroll bar
No horizontal scroll bar
No vertical scroll bar
No scroll bar
or2. Set the scroll bar of multi-line text boxes
No horizontal scroll bar
No vertical scroll bar
No scroll bar
3. Set the color of the window scroll bar
Set the color of the window scroll bar to red
Scrollbar-base-color sets basic colors, in general, only need to set this property, you can change the purpose of changing the scroll bar color.
Plus a special effect:
4. When setting other elements, basically, you'd better define a class in the style sheet file so you can reuse.
Scrollbar-arrow-color: yellow;
ScrollBar-Base-Color: Lightsalmon;
Add the above statement to the style table file or in the