Microsoft interview 100 questions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  46

  Why is the well cover of the sewer? 2 How many cars in the United States? (A common similar question is: How many gas stations have there be?) How many sewer holes are there in the United States? 4 You let some people have worked for seven days for you, you have to use a gold bars as a remuneration. This gold bars are divided into seven. You must give them a piece after you have a daily life. If you can only cut this gold bars twice, how do you give these workers? 5 A train leaves Los Angeles at 15 miles per hour, in New York. Another train leaves New York at 20 miles per hour, and in Los Angeles. If a 25 mile of birds flying per hour will leave Los Angeles, go to and from two trains, how far is the bird fly when two trains meet? 6 Assume that a disc is rotated like a player. This plate is half a black, half is white. Suppose you have some color sensors that are not limited. To determine the direction of the disc rotation, how many color sensors do you need to be around it? Where should they be placed? 7 assume that the clock is 12 o'clock. Pay attention to the hour hand and the division overlapping together. How many times is it in a day? Do you know if they overlap? 8 You have two tins, twice with 50 red glass balls and 50 blue glass balls. I am free to pick up a jar and take out a glass ball from inside. How to maximize the opportunity to get yourself to the red ball? How much is the chance to get the red ball? 9 The two odd numbers of only one number are called odd pairs, such as 17 and 19. Certification odd pair between the total number of times is 6 (assuming these two odd numbers are greater than 6). It is now proved that there is no odd pair consisting of three odd numbers. 10 One room has a door (the door is closed) and 3 lights. There are 3 switches outside the house, which is connected to these 3 lights. You can manipulate these switches at will, and once you open the door, you can't change the switch. Determine which lights for each switch specific tube. 11 Suppose you have 8 balls, one of them slightly, but the only way to find this ball is to put two balls in the balance. How many times can you find this more heavy ball? 12 Suppose you stand in front of the mirror, lift your left hand, lift your right hand, look at yourself in the mirror. When you lift your left hand, you look up in your right hand. But when you look up, yourself in the mirror is on your back, not your head. Why is the image in the mirror seem to be reversed, but didn't reverse it? 13 You have 4 bottles of medicine. The weight of each pill is fixed, but a bottle of drug has been polluted, and the weight of the pill has changed, and each pill has increased weight. How do you measure which bottle drug is contaminated? 14 Let's play with a split game, the order of all letters is chaos. You have to judge what this word is. Assuming this by the watched the word consists of 5 letters: 1. How many possible combination of possible combination? 2. If we know which 5 letters, what happens? 3. Find a way to solve this problem. 15 There are 4 women to have a bridge. They all stand on the bridge, let them pass this bridge within 17 minutes. That is at night. They only have one flashlight. You can only make two people over the bridge at the same time. No matter who has passed the bridge, no matter whether it is a person or two people, you must take a flashlight. The flashlight must be transmitted, and cannot throw it. Each woman has different speeds, and the speed of two people must pass the bridge at a slower person.

The first woman: It takes 1 minute to pass the bridge; the second woman takes 2 minutes; the third woman takes 5 minutes; the fourth woman is 10 minutes. For example, if the first woman has passed the bridge with the fourth woman, when they passed, they have passed 10 minutes. If the 4th woman will send the flashlight back, wait for her to reach the other end of the bridge, a total of 20 minutes, the action will fail. How to make these 4 women over the bridge within 17 minutes? Is there anything else? 16 If you have a 5 quart bucket and a 3 quart bucket, how to accurate 4 quart water? 17 you have a bag of sugar, with red, blue, green. Close your eyes, take out two color the same sugar, how many times you need to make sure there are two colors? 18 If you have two buckets, a red pigment is red, and the other is blue pigment. You pick a cup from the blue pigment barrel, pour in the red pigment barrel, and then pour a cup from the red pigment bucket and pour it into the blue piglet. Which is higher than the proportion of red blue pigments in the two buckets? This is proved by arithmetic way. What is the difference between the two link tables and arrays? 20 Do a link sheet, why do you choose this way? 21 Select an algorithm to organize a link table. Why do you want to choose this method? Now use O (n) time. 22 Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of various stock classification algorithms. 23 Use an algorithm to reverse a link table. Now do it without having to be returned. 24 With an algorithm insert a node in a loop, you must not cross the link table. 25 Use an algorithm to organize an array. Why do you choose this way? 26 Match the general string with an algorithm. 27 Upside down a string. Optimization speed. Optimize space. 28 reverse the order of the words in a sentence, such as the "My name is Klis" converted to "Krila's call me", the fastest speed, the least mobile. 29 Locate a sub-string. Optimization speed. Optimize space. 30 Compare two strings, use O (n) time and constant space. 31 Suppose you have an array of 1001 intenses that are arbitrarily arranged, but you know that all integers are between 1 and 1000 (including 1000). In addition, all other numbers appear once in addition to a number. Suppose you can only handle this array, use an algorithm to find the number of repetitions. If you use auxiliary storage mode in the calculation, can you find an algorithm that doesn't have this way? 32 No multiplication or addition is 8 times. Now use the same method to increase 7 times.

Application 33 How to apply computer technology to an elevator system of a 100-storey office building? How do you optimize this application? What is the impact of traffic, floor or time, etc. during working days? 34 How do you implement protective measures to an operating system that can be copied or from the Internet to prevent illegal copying? 35 How do you redesign the ATM? 36 Suppose we want to operate a microwave over a computer, what kind of software will you develop to complete this task? 37 How do you design a coffee machine for a car? 38 If you want to add some content to Microsoft's Word system, what kind of content would you increase? 39 What kind of keyboard do you want to design only one hand? 40 What kind of alarm be designed with you will design? Brain 41 If you have a number of components that can be disassembled, you open it a piece of block, but don't remember how it is removed. Then you reinage the parts, and finally I found that there are three important parts that don't put it. How do you re-assemble this clock? 42 If you need to learn a new computer language, what do you do? 43 Suppose is responsible for designing Bill Gates to the bathroom. Of course, money is not a problem, but you can't talk to Bill. what are you going to do? 44 So far, what is the most difficult question you encountered? 45 If Microsoft said, we are willing to invest $ 5 million to develop your proposed solution. So what will you do? why? 46 If you convene all the computer manufacturers in the world telling them that you have to do something, what will you do? 47 If you get a bonus in five years, what do you think is because? Who will pay attention to your results? 48 How do you teach your grandmother to use Microsoft Excel table system? 49 Why did the hot water will come out when we open a hot tap in any hotel? 50 Why do you want to work in Microsoft? 51 Suppose you return home, enter your own room, turn on the light switch, but there is no reaction - the lamp is not bright. At this time, what kind of practice will you take in turn when it is judged? Please select the correct answer in A, B, C, and D. 52. Which describe is wrong? (A) Subjectivists may also be relatively relatively. (B) The relatively disclator may also be an objectivist. (C) Absolute arguants may also be subjectivists. (D) Objectivists may also be absolute. 53. If it is said like Sart, "people are responsible for their enthusiasm", then no matter what we do, we are all: (a) violating its own will. (B) did not think. (C) is free. (D) is out of contempt to God. 54. Sarted claims that "there is a preceding essence" for humans, in other words: (a) When people are sensible, they are in the nature of humanity.

(B) According to the instructions of God, people are essentially destined to exist. (C) Humans can choose freely, and even choose not to do anything in any way. (D) Human beings are free, and can become any role they are willing to become by their own behavior. 55. Sarter said, "There is no human nature of this kind of thing", he means: (a) as a self-conscious life, we can decide and independently determine what kind of life they become a kind. (B) There is no way to choose whether it is painful or desperate. (C) Humanity does not have genetic features that can be classified from a species from a bioengion. (D) Existentialism believes that God's existence is just a prerequisite for moral judgment. 56. Kant said that a behavior is in line with the obligation to make it a moral behavior, when the executor is only to do anything or because this is his obligation, his behavior is a moral behavior. This is said to show that (a) a person's consequences may be good or bad, everything depends on this behavior that is happier. (B) Behavior is always a moral behavior for free wishes. (C) The moral value of a behavior is determined by the executor's motivation, not determined by this behavior. (D) Behavior for its own interests is different from the behavior of the criteria. 57. Kant believes that the key to determining whether a behavior morality is the criterion based on this behavior, not this separate behavior itself. Because: (a) is defined, an individual behavior cannot be universalized. (B) Our behavior is always based on such or such guidelines. (C) No guidelines, we will not know how to do it. (D) Our guidelines are the objective rules of behavior, which is the basis of our act. 58. According to Kant's point of view, an act of motivation or purpose that cannot be successful is: (a) According to the difference, it can be moral or unethical. (B) whether or not the behavior is accepted by the society, it can be moral or unethical. (C) is unethical. (D) Whether or not the behavior is for free, it can be moral or unethical. 59. Kant said, "I can judge whether all other rational people are as obliged to do something as I am," judgment is: (a) whether certain behavior is generally accepted by different cultures. (B) whether other people do the same behavior as I get good results. (C) This behavior is good in everyone. (D) Motivation of my behavior can be universal, and is not conflicted or not accepted by some people. 60. Practerants say that we should have been doing things that can bring the greatest happiness, even if this means violating moral principles.

The principle of pragmatics disagree with this opinion, saying that we should comply with moral principles, even if we think that violations will have better results, because: (a) Obtaining happiness brought by the overall morality for society, usually more than a few The unhappiness brought about by exceptions. (B) We should not be a slave of any moral principles, and morality is just a personal choice problem. (C) Usually, the behavior of most people seek the greatest happiness is not always moral. (D) Even if we obey the principle of morality, it will inevitably cause the unhappiness of some people. 61. Practical practicalists pointed out that sometimes it is more happiness that violates a moral guideline to comply with criteria. They believe that in this case, violation of moral guidelines are allowed: (a) As long as the guarantee is not an example. (B) As long as the person affected by this behavior is not unpleasant. (C) As long as the motivation of the actors or intent is to do their own obligations without the consequences. (D) The practical principle itself does even ask people to do so. 62. Marshal Leading Yuan Shuai leads eight members, every eight battles, each camp, all the battles, each array, each pioneer eight flag, each flag, each team, each team Group, each group led eight soldiers. Please do you think about it, how many soldiers have the Master? 63. The calculation symbol is used in the middle of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, add the operation symbol " " or "-", make its algebra and equal to 99, press ( 1 ... 9) There may be 17 solutions, the latter (9 ... 1) can have 11 solutions. Interested readers, may wish to try. 64. The two turtles races run together with two turtles. When turtle arrived at 10 meters, the turtle ran to 9 meters. Now if you let the turtle's starting line ends 1 meter, then the two turtles start running in the game, ask A, whether the two turtles arrive at the same time? 65. The price of the TV is busy, and decides to temporarily invite Nick to assist him. It is specified in a year, and the one-year remuneration is $ 600 with a TV. But after the Nick did 7 months, the Mike must be left because of the urgents, and asked McGM to pay the money and TV. Since the TV can't be dismantled to him, Nick got $ 150 and a TV. Now please think about it: How much is this TV value? 66. This stone has more than 4 children to see a stone roll down along the hillside, and the discussion is discussion. "I see this stone has 17 kilograms," said the first child. "I said it has 26 kilograms," the second child did not agree. "I see it weighing 21 kg", the third child said. "You are not right, I see its correct weight is 20 kg," the fourth child said. They four people compete for red ear, no one is notiety. Finally, they told the stone and called the result, no one guess. One of the people guess is 2 kg from the correct weight of the stone, and the weight guess the two people is the same as the correct weight of the stone. Of course, the difference refers to here, does not consider the positive and negative, take absolute value.

Does this stone have multiple? 67. Three weights have three different weight standard weights now, 3 grams, 9 grams. How many different items can be referred to? At the time of weighing, the things you want to be called with known standard weights can be arbitrarily placed in one of the two discs of the balance. In addition, there is only one weight, and it is not allowed to copy. 68. It is called 9 kg of rice and 50 grams of weights and 200 grams. How do I only weigh three times on the balance? 69. Pizza trading in my favorite pizza shop, 10 inch pizza sells $ 4.99. The owner said that they have a 12-inch pizza transaction, priced for $ 5.39 per share. Excuse me: How many discounts have been given to buyers in this Pizza trading? 70. Yisa Bella Fashion Boutique House New York Ishatbel Fashion Boutique House, freshly purchased a woman's winter clothing. The purchase price of this dress is added to two, which is the sales price of the store. It was not sold in half a month, and the female boss minus this pricing was completed, and it was quickly bought by a beautiful lady. Female boss profits 400 yuan. Excuse me, how much is this high-end women's winter purchase price? 71. Weighing canned delivery staff a, send 10 box pineapples to a food company. Each can weight is 800 grams, 20 per box. Just after he sent the goods, when he returned to the factory, he received a call from the factory. Delivery members send this box to the factory for replacement. But how do you find it from this box? The most needed is of course a scales, but there is no hand. At this moment, he suddenly found that there was a automatic weighing body next to the road, which is to weigh a weight of 1 yuan. There is a 1 yuan coin in his pocket. Of course, you can only be able to once. So how should he make full use of this only one chance to find the box that does not meet the specifications? 72. With a reward, there is a farm master and hire two temporary workers to help the wheat. One of them is called Tom, which is a cultivated land, but he will not sow; and another name is Nick, he is not good at cultivated land, but he is a good hand of sowing. This farmer decided to speculate ten hectares of wheat, allowing them to have half, so Tom starts cultivated land from east, and Nick began cultivated land from the West. Tomo, Tom, as long as it takes for more than twenty minutes, but Nick needs more than 40 minutes, but the speed of Nick sowing is three times faster than Tom. After they were seeded, the farmer was given him a total of one hundred yuan according to their workload. Excuse me: How should they do this work is the most reasonable? 73. A four brothers have 4 brothers, and they are all taken by 4 ages. So, how old is their individual age? Of course, age should be an integer. 74. The degree of love is in a rural school, a male mathematics, who has just graduated, is very fortunate to get the favor of two female teachers A, B. S full of head numbers, in the case of choosing from both, he had to say these two female teachers, "I hope you use numbers or mathematical formulas to express your extent to me." A said, "Compared with B, I love you one hundred times." B said, "A," of course, there is no feeling of my feelings for you. Compared with A, I love you.

"Listening to their affectionate words, I don't know why mathematics teacher S said," This is not equal to saying, do you have two don't love me at all? " "What is going on? 75. A gentleman who climbed the stairs to do things at the 8th floor of the 10th floor, not ingenu, caught up, the elevator could not use, he could walk on the building. If he is from 1 The layer climbed to the 4th floor. You need to use 48 seconds. So, how many seconds need to go to the 8th floor with the same speed? 76. The flight attendant allocates the item on a plane, the middle is a road, both sides are seats, each row For the three. Two flight attendants A and B are responsible for each person to allocate travel items for each passenger. At the beginning, A. 6 of the passengers on the right. At this time, B came to her, the left should be Responsible. So A reached the left, B will then give the remaining passengers on the right, then help a 15 copies, and the last two ends at the same time. Excuse me: A and b do you have to send more? How many parts? It takes a piece of iron chain in production. Only five iron chains in the warehouse are only three iron chains. The length of this five truncated chain is just what is needed. Q: Only three iron ring In the case of how to connect these five three iron rings? 77. The Qiao Distucks Ticket Travel Agency has just reserves aircraft ticket for three passengers. These three passengers are Dutch Cor, Canadian Bero and British Dan Leather. The three people go to the Netherlands, one go to Canada, one go to the UK. According to the Joer not planning to go to the Netherlands, Dan Si is not going to go to the United Kingdom, Börto is neither Canada, nor to the UK. Q: These three Who should the plane? 78. Who is it? 78. The white hat and black hat make 6 students sit around, and let a student sit in the center and take the seven hat, four of them, three blacks. Then I blindly went to the eyes of seven students, and I wore a hat sitting in the central, and I only won the six student's eye mask sitting on the circle. At this time, due to the barrier of the students sitting in the center, each Individuals can only see five people's hats. Teacher said: "Now, you guess the hat colors wearing your head. "Everyone thinks about a big one. Finally, sitting in the center, and the students who were blindfolded and said:" I guessed. "Q: What color is the color of the people who are blindfolded by the center of the center? How did he guess? 79. An ambient life has a farmer to pick a pair of bamboo baskets, and go to buy something. When he came to a wooden bridge On the opposite side, he wanted to returned to let the child first cross the bridge, but she took a look, and she also came to a child. At the time of the advancement of two difficulties, the farmers urgently have a wisdom, and I thought of a clever approach, so that everyone passed smoothly. The wooden bridge, and there is no one in the three people. Ask: What is the method for farmers? 80. There are 12 team members in a geological exploration team, they live in 12 rooms in a building. Due to the work relationship, the information cannot be concentrated. There are information on others need to check. This day, the 12 players have to go out. Before leaving, the captain said to everyone: "During the out of operation, It is impossible to come back together. If some players come back to check the information.

Now everyone has two keys to open their own door locks. They only have to take away one of them, and the remaining one is not allowed to hang on the door, because unsafe, the doors and windows in each room must also be critical, everyone I want to think about it, can I get anyone to open 12 rooms? "Q: If you are one of the players, can you come up? 81. The father's faithful father called the daughter, I want to buy some daily necessities for yourself, and tell her that the money is put on the desk. One envelope The daughter finds the envelope, seeing the 98 above, thinking that there is 98 yuan in the envelope, and the number is not placed in the bag. In the store, she bought 90 yuan, and finally discovered She not only did not have 8 yuan, but they were 4 yuan. When she returned to her home, she told the father and suspected that her father was wrong. Father smiled, he did not have a number wrong, wrong in her daughter Q: Where is the daughter wrong? 82. Looking for a coin 3 Japanese children's clothing pockets, they take all the money in the pocket to see how much money. The result is 320 yen. There are two coins. It is 100 yen, two is 50 yen, two are 10 yen. There is no other in the coins of each child. Moreover, children who have no 100 yen coins have no 10 yen Coins, children who have no 50 yen coins have no 100 yen's coins. Can you figure out what is the hard coins that these children have brought? 83. Sleeping and waking up: From your birth At that moment, how many times you fall asleep and wake? 84. What books? 84. What books are mostly ill? 85. Why don't you eat back? 86. What is "father" will not touch, When I called "Dad", I will encounter twice? 87. Farmers raise 10 cow, only 19 angles, why? 88. What do you do not feel strong and comfortable? 89. Tony always likes the alarm clock in the family Bad, my mother always makes the father who will not repair the watch for the repair? 90. Dafu walks from the foot, this is why? 91. What should I do when I don't care? 92. Date and effective What is the same day? 93. What should I do now? 11. What should I do now? 11. In the Roman number, what should I write? 94. There is a twin brother, my brother's buttocks Black sputum, and the younger brother didn't. But even if this is the same apparel to the twins, someone can immediately know who is my brother, who is your brother.


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